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Structured Cabling is Critical to IoT | Rahi Systems

IoT integration simplifies infrastructure management, reduces expenses and improves safety. System integration on IoT requires approach to structured cabling.

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Structured Cabling is Critical to IoT | Rahi Systems

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  1. Why Businesses Stay Loyal to Their Data Center Provider Do you have a favorite restaurant? What makes you want to always go there? What makes you loyal to them even though you have to wait an hour or have several other options around you? It’s simple. You’ve always had a good experience there. And even if once in awhile your order was messed up, they said and did the right things to fix it for you. Consistency is the secret sauce. Businesses are the same. They strive for brand loyalty and their secret sauce is also the same. They want their customers to consistently have a good experience with their company, online and in store. Now that there are more online and fewer facetime interactions, the personal touch needs to morph into customer experiences and services online. For that, your business needs a strong and dedicated crew to take care of the backend data management. A survey by Microsoft and 451 Research, found 95 percent of companies using cloud services will stay with their current primary cloud services provider. Plus, another 38 percent said they may increase spending with their provider while renewing their contract. Data center services have expanded well beyond colocation services, simple applications and storage. Businesses now want a whole bouquet of products and services to ensure their data center runs smoothly.Here’s why companies choose to stay loyal to their data center providers: Managed services– Businesses want data center service providers who are a single point of contact for a variety of IT service like managed support, cloud support, virtualization, mobile device management and data backups to name a few. Rahi Systems has a sophisticated suite of managed services to ensure consistency in your data center operations and thereby your business. Data center providers can provide security– Some data center service providers offer consistent and methodical monitoring of critical business data. This eliminates the stress of having to manage data security for a business. Great customer service– Businesses stay with data center service providers who are accessible anywhere, anytime. Given how most businesses have some level of international operations and work through various time zones, having a 24/7 help desk gives customers the convenience, speed and the ability to work anytime, anywhere. Consultation services – Customers are more likely to stay with a data center provider who has the business’ best interest in mind, who will come in and assess their business needs and offer an optimal cost-effective solution. There

  2. is no dearth of competition. A growing number of data center service providers are offering a range of services and products. They are more capable of consulting on a holistic business process rather than on a single tool or a piece of software. Easier upgrades– The advantage of cloud computing is that the servers are off-premise, out of sight. Data center service providers can take care of upgrades for your business, so companies can focus on their core competencies. Data center providers add to business agility–If a company’s needs changes/increase, it’s easier for your data center provider to accordingly add or deduct the storage size. Rahi Systems has the technical know-how and a team of industry veterans to future-proof your data center. Reliability –Uptime is the amount of time business tools are up and running. It is a crucial component of a successful business. Cloud services are just as reliable or even more reliable than an on-premise IT solution. That’s because cloud services have the benefit of a data center for a backbone rather than a server in a closet onsite. It’s all about building a stellar relationship between a business and a data center services provider. There is a mutual dependency, respect and trust. Loyalty is not very hard to come by if you are building your relationship on honesty, reliability and consistency. This makes up the core of Rahi Systems. We value our customers' success above all.

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