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    3. Intervention axes (3) The programme will emphasize the promotion of interdisciplinary approaches to sustainable development along three main axes: Co-ordination and networking in applied research Instruments for collaborative research Management of research activities and reinforcement of research quality

    4. Focus Areas (6) In accordance with the 2002 Cape Town declaration and the ACP vision on S&T for sustainable development the programme’s primary focus will be on: Quality health care Environment research activities Energy with special attention to renewable sources of energy Transport Agriculture and agro-industry Sustainable trade

    5. Expected results The programme aims to achieve the following 5 results: Axis 1 Co-ordination and networking in applied research Networks established or consolidated at intra ACP-level with linkages to international networks; Increased capacity to assess research needs to facilitate the formulation and implementation of research policies; Axis 2 Instruments for collaborative research Increased capacity and incentives to research network partners to prepare and submit project proposals to funding. Axis 3 Management of research activities and reinforcement of research quality Research results better capitalized and disseminated; Quality of research results improved;

    6. Activities Related to results 1) networks established / consolidated and 2) capacity to assess needs and formulate policies research and innovation Promotion and strengthening of networks inter-linking research institutes, researchers, civil society, business sectors and policy-makers, S&T consortia; Establishment of research frameworks with the aim of achieving a more market-oriented use of ACP research resources; Multi-stakeholder in-depth assessments of research and innovation needs in S&T at regional and sub-regional levels and creation of databases with available expertise;

    7. Activities Related to result 3) increased capacity & incentives to prepare proposals Establishment or consolidation of intra ACP advisory or observatory bodies on research and innovation in order to collect, share and analyze information on the latest developments in S&T and their potential applications and provide advice to policy makers and other relevant S&T stakeholders; Definition and implementation of technical instruments: designing tax incentives for firms engaged with universities and research institutions, review and strengthening of legislation relating to property rights, etc; Benchmarking good practices and designing ‘models of research instruments’ in order to promote the best modalities of industry-academia links and co-operation.

    8. Activities Related to results 4) research results better capitalized and disseminated 5) quality of research results improved Definition and promotion of peer review and evaluation procedures and indicators in order to increase quality and efficiency in regional and national S & T programmes; Implementation of multi-stakeholder activities (publications, databases, ICT development, information management, consulting, seminars, short-term training, etc.) in order to capitalize, disseminate and implement knowledge and innovations; Organisation of training sessions in order to strengthen and upgrade the competences of the scientific community in the following areas: research methods, research fund management, research managerial capacity, etc.

    9. Overview of the programme Amount: € 35.350.000 Duration of actions: 12 to 36 months Size of grants: between € 350.000 and € 1million Implementation method: Call for Proposals (2nd semester of 2008) Contracting Authority: ACP Secretariat Geographical coverage: ACP countries including South Africa

    10. Thank You! For any questions regarding the PSTICB Programme or the forthcoming Call for Proposals, please contact: At the ACP Secretariat Dr. John F. Kakule kakule@acp.int At EuropeAid M. Jérôme LEBOUC Jerome.lebouc@ec.europa.eu

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