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Advatages of having a good UI/UX

#PixelCrayons is an award winning #webdeveloper in India. #UI & #UX are used to create beautiful & user-friendly websites which helps in acquiring and retaining customers. If you need a website or app feel free to contact us. Your satisfaction is OUR pride.<br><br>Visit our website @ https://www.pixelcrayons.com/web-design<br><br>Our Social Media Profile<br>https://www.facebook.com/PixelCrayons<br>https://twitter.com/pixelcrayons<br>https://www.linkedin.com/company/pixelcrayons<br>https://www.instagram.com/pixelcrayons<br>https://in.pinterest.com/pixelcrayons<br><br>https://www.slideshare.net/markwilston1/advatages-of-having-a-good-uiux

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Advatages of having a good UI/UX

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  1. USER INTERFACE (UI) & USER EXPERIENCE (UX) www.pixelcrayons.com

  2. IMPORTANCE OF UI/UX For every business, the client or the user is of utmost importance. If the users are not happy, the business cannot grow and will fail. Today, everything is online & users are happy to buy/deal with businesses online only. Thus, it becomes imperative for businesses to keep their users/clients happy while surfing their website/app & this can be achieved through a great UI & UX. www.pixelcrayons.com

  3. User Interface (UI) Its often said “First impression is the last impression” which holds true specially for online businesses. When a prospective client opens a website/app, the first thing he notices is the ‘Design’. If the homepage design is not attractive, the user will leave without even looking at the products/services. The right theme, color combination, responsiveness helps the user decide if wants to explore the website/app further. If he does, a major hurdle is crossed. www.pixelcrayons.com

  4. User Experience (UX) The user likes your UI and decides to stay on your website/app. The first task is done. Now the second one starts that is the role of UX. UX becomes very important as it directly relates to a customers’ journey on your website from homepage to other pages & if he is satisfied with the experience, the probability of him availing your goods n services increases a lot. A lot of purposes are solved by you have a great UX. www.pixelcrayons.com

  5. We now know broadly what are UI/UX why is it important to have a good UI/UX for your website. Lets have a look in detail some of the main benefits of UI/UX: www.pixelcrayons.com

  6. BENEFITS OF HIRING A GOOD UI/UX DEVELOPER 1. Acquiring customers: The purpose of every business is to acquire as many customers as possible to grow their business. This is possible if you have a good UI/UI. 2. Customer retention: Customer retention is as important as customer acquisition. A loyal user will come back on your website and suggest others too to check it out. Having a good UI/UX which enhances the experience of what the customer is exactly looking for and getting it in a seamless manner will ensure profits. www.pixelcrayons.com

  7. BENEFITS OF HAVING A GREAT UI/UX 3. UX reduces development costs: Prototyping and Usability testing helps in reducing the development costs as a lot of trial n error tests, accurate estimates, usability test are done prior of launching the app/website 4. Avoids wasting of resources: Lesser human resources on marketing, sales are wasted as a good UI/UX will make the customers happy and they will spread word of mouth. This helps in reduction of costs of business. www.pixelcrayons.com

  8. Conclusion After looking at the advantages of having a great UI/UX, it is easy to conclude that having a good UI/UX website is a must for each & every company which is looking to make gains through the power of internet. UI attracts a customer while UX enhances his experience which in-turn makes for a happy client. A happy client is a means of profit for the business. www.pixelcrayons.com

  9. Why wait for others to zoom ahead? PixelCrayons is a leading software developer. We develop websites/apps through a great UI/UX which helps in the growth of businesses directly. Your satisfaction is OUR pride. For any queries feel free to check our services @ https://www.pixelcrayons.com/ Our Social Media Profile https://www.facebook.com/PixelCrayons https://twitter.com/pixelcrayons https://www.linkedin.com/company/pixelcrayons

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