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Improving Grant Funding AASIG - NYC October 5 ,2002 The NIH

Improving Grant Funding AASIG - NYC October 5 ,2002 The NIH Stuart A. Binder-Macleod, PT, PhD University of Delaware Dept. of Physical Therapy The NIH Overview of the Review and Funding Process Funding Mechanisms for Research and Training Overview of the NIH

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Improving Grant Funding AASIG - NYC October 5 ,2002 The NIH

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  1. Improving Grant FundingAASIG - NYCOctober 5 ,2002The NIH Stuart A. Binder-Macleod, PT, PhD University of Delaware Dept. of Physical Therapy

  2. The NIH • Overview of the Review and Funding Process • Funding Mechanisms for Research and Training

  3. Overview of the NIH The NIH mission is to uncover new knowledge that will lead to better health for everyone. NIH works toward that mission by: • conducting research in its own laboratories; • supporting the research of non-Federal scientists in universities, medical schools, hospitals, and research institutions throughout the country and abroad; • helping in the training of research investigators; and • fostering communication of medical information.

  4. Overview of the Grants Process

  5. Funding Opportunities • Over $27,000,000,000 in funding for FY2003 • 85% for extramural funding

  6. Funding Opportunities Training, Fellowships and Career Development Programs • Institutional Training Grants • Fellowships (F series) • Career Development Programs (K series)

  7. Funding Opportunities Fellowships Programs • Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Awards For M.D./PH.D. Fellowships • Individual Predoctoral Fellowships for Minority Students (F31) • Individual Predoctoral Fellowships for Students with Disabilities (F31) • Individual Fellowships for Graduate Students in Neuro-, Behavioral, Addiction, and Communication Sciences (F31) • Individual Postdoctoral Fellowships (F32) • Senior Fellowships (F33)

  8. Funding Opportunities Career Development Programs • K01 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award.Career development in a new area of research. • K02 Independent Scientist Award. Develop the career of the funded scientist. . . • K08 Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Award. Development of the independent clinical research scientist. • K22 Career Transition Award.Support to an individual postdoctoral fellow in transition to a faculty position. • K23 Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award. Development of the independent research scientist in the clinical arena. • K24 Midcareer Investigator Award In Patient-Oriented Research. Development of clinical mentors conducting funded research.

  9. Funding Opportunities Research Grants • Small Grants (R03) - provides limited financial support for new biomedical and behavioral research projects. 2 years max. - $50K/year – non-renewable • Academic Research Enhancement Award (R15) - support individual research projects in the biomedical and behavioral sciences conducted by faculty, and involving their undergraduate students, who are located in health professional schools and other academic components that have not been major recipients of NIH research grant funds. 3 years max. - $100K/year - non-renewable http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/area.htm

  10. Funding Opportunities Research Grants (continued) • Exploratory/developmental grants (R21) - used to encourage the development of new research activities in categorical program areas. Most institutes do not accept unsolicited R21 applications. Complete descriptions of eligibility requirements, scope, and application procedures would be presented in a Request for Applications (RFA) utilizing this mechanism. 3 years max. - $150 K/year - non-renewable • Research Project Grant (R01) - grants are awarded to institutions on behalf of a principal investigator to facilitate pursuit of a scientific focus or objective in the area of the investigator's interest and competence. 5 years max. - > $500K/year must contact institute staff - renewable

  11. Overview of NIH funding Comprised of 27 separate components, mainly Institutes and Centers. From a total budget of $300 in 1887, the NIH budget has grown to more than $27 billion in FY2003.

  12. Overview of NIH funding:Institutes and Centers NHGRI - National Human Genome Research Institute NHLBI - National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute NIA - National Institute on Aging NIAAA - National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIAID - National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases NIAMS - National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases NICHD -National Institute of Child Health and Human Development NIDA - National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDCD - National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders NIDDK - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases NIDCR - National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research NIEHS - National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences NIGMS - National Institute of General Medical Sciences NIMH - National Institute of Mental Health NINDS - National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke NINR - National Institute for Nursing Research

  13. Overview of the Grants Process

  14. Overview of the Review Process • Research Grant • Individual National Research Service (Fellowship) Award* • Research Career Development Award CSR Study Section CSR • Program Project • Institutional National Research Service (Training) Award • RFAs (R01, R21) Institute SRG * Does not require Council review.

  15. Overview of the Review ProcessIRGs Within CSR IFCN Integrative, Functional, and Cognitive Neuroscience MDCN Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Neuroscience MSD Musculoskeletal and Dental Sciences NMS Nutritional and Metabolic Sciences ONC Oncological Sciences PPS Pathophysiological Sciences RPHB Risk, Prevention and Health Behavior SNEM Social Sciences, Nursing, Epidemiology, and Methods SRB Surgery, Radiology and Bioengineering AARR  Behavioral and Biobehavioral Processes BCS Biochemical Sciences BPC Biophysical and Chemical Sciences BDCN Brain Disorders and Clinical Neuroscience CVS Cardiovascular Sciences CDF Cell Development and Function ENR Endocrinology and Reproductive Sciences GNS Genetic Sciences IMM Immunological Sciences IDM Infectious Diseases and Microbiology

  16. Overview of the Review ProcessStudy Sections within the MSD IRG: General Medicine A-1 Study Section [GMA-1]General Medicine B Study Section [GMB]Geriatrics & Rehabilitation Medicine Study Section [GRM]Oral Biology & Medicine-1 Study Section [OBM-1]Oral Biology & Medicine-2 Study Section [OBM-2] Orthopedics & Musculoskeletal Study Section [ORTH]Urology Special Emphasis Panel [UROL SEP] Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Fibromyalgia Syndrome Special Emphasis Panel[CFS SEP]Bioengineering Research Partnerships/Grants SEP Special Emphasis Panel[SSS-M]

  17. Overview of Review Process • Critique • Significance • Approach • Innovation • Investigator • Environment • Does the scientific environment in which the work will be done contribute to the probability of success? • Do the proposed experiments take advantage of unique features of the scientific environment or employ useful collaborative arrangements? • Is there evidence of institutional support?

  18. Overview of the Grants Process

  19. The NIH Questions / Comments / Ideas?

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