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Japan’s Pacific Campaign

Japan’s Pacific Campaign. VS. Bellringer. On your own paper--- What was the name of the pact between Russia and Germany? (It was secret) Name the type of warfare that the Germans were now using. Name the famous French general. (There is an airport named after him.

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Japan’s Pacific Campaign

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  1. Japan’s Pacific Campaign VS.

  2. Bellringer • On your own paper--- • What was the name of the pact between Russia and Germany? (It was secret) • Name the type of warfare that the Germans were now using. • Name the famous French general. (There is an airport named after him. • Name the man who would replace Neville Chamberlain as the Prime Minister of Great Britain. • FDR signed this ______________ allowing the US to loan weapons and money to other countries to fight Germany, in return we could lease air/military space.

  3. SURPRISE!! • American forces were cracking Japanese codes with the Enigma Machine. This machine allowed the Americans to crack any secret messages that were being sent. • Aware of the Japanese plans for Southeast Asia • The U.S. government sent aid to strengthen Chinese resistance. • 1941- Roosevelt cut off oil shipments to Japan when they conquered French Indochina – Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. • Didn’t stop them. • Japan’s Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto had a plan to attack the “dagger pointed at Japan’s throat.” • Which was what?

  4. Pearl HarborDecember 7 1941

  5. The Attack

  6. December 7th- The Day of Infamy WAR • The battleship Arizona was hit with an armor piercing bomb which penetrated the forward ammunition compartment, blowing the ship apart and sinking it within seconds. Of the military personnel lost at Pearl Harbor, 1,177 were from the Arizona. The first shots fired were from the USS Ward (DD-139) on a midget submarine that had surfaced outside of Pearl Harbor; the Ward did successfully sink the midget sub at approximately 6:55, about an hour before the assault on Pearl Harbor. • Within 2 hours of the attack- Japan had sunk or damaged 19 ships- 8 battleships and the overall death toll reached 2,350, including 68 civilians, and 1,178 injured. • The next day Roosevelt addressed congress and asked for war!

  7. Japanese Victories • Japan quickly conquered Guam and Wake Island. • They then turned their attention to the Philippines. • And Philippines fall in 1942 under the command of Admiral Yamamoto when they marched into Filipino capital of Manila. • American and Filipino forces set up on the Bataan Peninsula. In April, the Japanese took Bataan. • Japan begins capturing British holdings including Hong Kong, Singapore and Dutch East Indies • Japanese treated captured people brutally

  8. Victories cont’d Seized Hong Kong Invaded Malaya from the sea By 1942 they had reached Singapore which was at the southern tip of Malay Peninsula. Within a month, Japan had conquered the Dutch East Indies. (RESOURCES) Took Burma, where they wanted to launch a strike against India. Now had control of 1 million square miles of Asian land. They were absolutely BRUTAL to the 150 million people living in these conquered lands.

  9. Bataan Death March 70,00 Allied prisoners were marched 50 miles up the Bataan Peninsula of the Philippines. Many were beaten and killed during the march- only 54,000 survived the march Prisoners were attacked for assisting someone failing due to weakness, or for no apparent reason whatsoever. Strings of Japanese trucks were known to drive over anyone who fell. Riders in vehicles would casually stick out a rifle bayonet and cut a string of throats in the lines of men marching alongside the road. Accounts of being forcibly marched for five to six days with no food and a single sip of water are in postwar archives including filmed reports.

  10. Primary Source: • “I was questioned by a Japanese officer, who found out that I had been in a Philippine Scout Battalion. The Japanese hated the Scouts…Anyway, they took me outside and I was forced to watch as they buried six of my Scouts alive. They made the men dig their own graves, and then had them kneel down in a pit. The guards hit them over the head with shovels to stun them and piled the earth on top. • Lieutenant John Spainhower

  11. The Allies Strike Back • Japanese seemed unbeatable after all of these victories. • US wanted revenge for Pearl Harbor. • US bomber attack Tokyo and other Japanese cities • raid is not very successful, but made a point. • Battle of Coral Sea- Americans stop the Japanese advance beginning may 1942 • New kind of fighting- done by air planes- not ships • Allies suffered the most losses but considered it a vicoty

  12. Battle of Coral Sea

  13. The Battle of Midway • Japanese sends powerful fleet to capture Midway Island • Midway Island- 1500 miles west of Hawaii • -US destroys Japan’s navel fleet and Japan retreats • This was a key American air field • The Battle of Midway- turned the tide of the war • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKXVTZo6gIg

  14. MacArthur’s Plan- An Allied Offensive • Douglas MacArthur- American army commander in the Pacific • Plan- Island hopping past enemy strong holds an attack weaker Japanese bases • He thought that storming each island would be a waste of valuable time. • Battle of Guadalcanal- terrible battle that ends in an Allied victory • Lasted 6 months – Japan lost 24,000 out of 36,000 men

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