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  1. BRGM, Orléans meeting, 17-19 June 2002PEGASE – Pesticides in European Groundwaters : detailled study of representative Aquifers and Simulations of possible Evolution scenarios (European project 2000-2003)Martigny Site (Switzerland) : Hydrogeological ContributionDr Mahmoud BOUZELBOUDJEN, Ing. Dipl. University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland mahmoud.bouzelboudjen@unine.chIn collaboration with Kirsten Meiwirth & Marc Soutter Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and Pascal Ornstein & Jean-Daniel RouillerCentre de Recherche Alpin, Sion, Switzerland Prof. André Mermoud, PEGASE Swiss Team Leader, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne

  2. Konstanz Lake SWITZERLAND Rhine river Léman Lake Porous aquifer Rhône river Valais canton STUDY AREA

  3. 1. STUDY PURPOSE (Suite)


  5. SWITZERLAND K B = Brig C = Crêtelongue F = Feldsberg K = Konstanz Lake L = Léman Lake V = Vétroz S = Sierre Rhine river F S B L V C Geneva Rhône river Porous aquifer Valais canton study area Piezometer National Database THE POROUS AQUIFER OF THE VALAIS CANTONIN THE CONTEXT OF POROUS SWISS AQUIFERS

  6. Experimental variogram (Fig. 3) H Brig-Léman

  7. 3-D Groundwater Pegase Model Area (~14 km2)

  8. PIEZOMETRY 1994 - 2001 : 832 measurements stations location Piezometric measurements were taken twice every year, in July (high water) and in February (low water).

  9. Apports latéraux Groundwater maximal fluctuation (in meters) resulting ofRhône rising from 10 to 13 october 2000

  10. Zone réellement inondée Rupture de la digue Groundwater detph (in meters) the 16th octobre 2000 Flooded Area

  11. FullyD FullyG MAR Rhône river and aquifer relations : examples

  12. Rhône river and aquifer relations Legend : Precipitations (in black) Rhône river (in blue) Piezometers (in red)

  13. Rhône river and aquifer relations Legend : Precipitations (in black) Rhône river (in blue) Piezometers (in red)

  14. 4.1 Aquifer system structure

  15. Results of piezometric campaigns 1994 -200 used for 3-D groundwater modelling (Feflow and FEN codes)

  16. Detail in Feflow of Time-varying function of MAR3 limnimeter (1994-2001)

  17. Pesticides Study Area (~4 km2)

  18. Pesticides Study Area (~4 km2)

  19. References : Fagerlund G. (dec. 2001) Chroniques piézométriques 2000 de la nappe alluviale du Rhône de Viège au Léman - Interprétations des réponses de l’aquifère face à la crue d’octobre 2000. Travail de diplôme postgrade en hydrogéologie, cycle 2000-2001, Université Neuchâtel, inédit Fagerlund G.(février/mars 2002) Potentiels hydrauliques de la nappe alluviale du Rhône, de Sierre au lac Léman et plus particulièrement dans la région de Martigny. Stage à l’Université de Neuchâtel (du 11 février au 15 mars 2002), responsable M. Bouzelboudjen, Rapport inédit Jaquet O., Ornstein P., Rey J.-M., Rouiller J.-D. & Bouzelboudjen M. (2000) Optimisation Géostatistique de Réseaux de Mesures Piézométriques: le Cas de la Nappe Alluviale dans la Vallée Alpine du Rhône, Suisse, Bulletin d'Hydrogéologie No 18, Centre d'Hydrogéologie, Université de Neuchâtel, Editions Peter Lang, pp.77-98 Kimmeier F., Bouzelboudjen M., Ornstein P., Weber I., Rouiller J.-D. (2001) Geohydrological parameter identification and groundwater vulnerability to pollution: A Swiss case study. 3rd International Conference on Future Groundwater Resources At Risk, Lisbon, Portugal, 16 p., 12 fig., 1 tab., 1 ann. Kimmeier F., Bouzelboudjen M., Ababou R., Ribeiro L. (2001)Travel path uncertainty : a case study combining stochastic and deterministic hydraulic models in the Rhône valley, Switzerland. 3rd International Conference on Future Groundwater Resources At Risk, Lisbon, Portugal, 15 p., 9 fig., 1 ann. Lambelet C. (dec. 2000) Synthèse hydrogéologique de la région de Fully. Travail de diplôme postgrade en hydrogéologie, cycle 1999-2000, Université Neuchâtel, inédit

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