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AREALIS The Norwegian environmental NSDI Presentation at 6. GSDI, Budapest 16-19 Sept 2002 Arvid Lillethun Norwegian Ministry of Environment arvid.lillethun@eea.eu.int. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution. content.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AREALIS The Norwegian environmental NSDI Presentation at 6. GSDI, Budapest 16-19 Sept 2002Arvid LillethunNorwegian Ministry of Environmentarvid.lillethun@eea.eu.int

  2. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution content • the context/ problem • the arealis idea • the users • the organisation and partners • standardisation • the data • data financiation • technological solution/ distribution

  3. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution Local level needs are not met Shift towards local managementSector responsebility in sustainable land use and environmental soundnessIncreased need for info about national interests/ regulations, values etc NATIONAL REGIONAL LOCAL

  4. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution Information exists - in internal databases - in drawers and shelves For internal use?

  5. The use of verbal geographical regulations • ”There should not be built nearer than 100 meters from the coastline” Which coastline? • No installation should restrict marine transport routes – where are the routes located?

  6. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution Difficult access - no focal point National data suppliers and users Municipalities Counties Regional fishing authorities State county representative Norwegian Mapping Authority

  7. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution AREALIS - objective establishing a nation-wide system making relevant quality environmental spatial data and land use information available to politicians, planners and the public

  8. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution Geographic data Environmental data Topographic data Biodiversity Air photo sat images Digital map data Roads data Protected sitei Hydrology Cadastral Landscape land use planning Cultural site G A B Flooded areas D E K Landslide E G Forests Polluted sites Positioning data Land use plans AREALIS Data flow of environmental data / plan data

  9. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution AREALIS users needs • Planners and administrative personnel • Politics - decision makers • Organizations • NGO’s • Educational institutions • Public • Industry/ companies bring together main users to discuss needs

  10. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution AREALISfacilitates flow of data from different owners- here some national institutions • Ministry of environment • Directorate for nature management • Directorate for Cultural heritage • State pollution control • Norwegian Mapping Authority • Norwegian Institute for soil and forest inventory • Norwegian geological surveys • Norwegian geotechnical institute • Norwegian energy directorate • Ministry of cultural affairs • Fisheries directorate • Coastal authorities • National Statistical services • Rein deer administration • State health authorities • Road directorate • NILU, NIVA, etc.

  11. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution Collaboration partners in the counties National data suppliers and users Counties Municipalities CENTRAL ACCESS - DISTRIBUTED DATA BASES Regional Coast authorities Regional fishing authorities Norwegian Mapping Authority

  12. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution Cooperation networks in each county- common understanding- regional plans- support local initiatives- courses

  13. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution Municipalities Norway: 435 in all Challenge - get many units within a municipality to work together on GIS All are to - understand standard - Establish data - Carry out quality control - Distribute data - many kinds of data 100 municipalities Participants

  14. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution AREALIS Municipality Focus Get a GIS operate Skills/ knowledge Structured data Organi-zation Hard/soft ware AREALIS Guided work on geodata plan/activity in each municipality

  15. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution Norwegian standardisation SOSI • agreed standard neutral exchange format – for more than 10 years • standard definitions of features and attributes – common catalogue for many sectors developed through 10 years • thematic standardisation committees – broad participation from governmental agencies and industry - since 1993

  16. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution SOSI STANDARD STATENS KARTVERK Norwegian feature catalogue – SOSI Geodetic points Elevations data Coast line Sea chart information Inland watersystem Property information Administrative boundaries Buildings Road network Road, other info Railway Utility networks Airport Historic remarks Vegetation Agriculture Planning information Geographic names Misc. other last 5 years heavy focus on environmental issues

  17. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution Participation in WG’s thematic standardisation committees – broad participation from government and industry - since 1993

  18. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution ACCESS -base Norwegian feature catalogue – ISO compliant ISO/TC 211 Feature Catalogue Methodology ISO 19110 compliant Parameter -files Theme- codes Agreed attributes SOSI controle

  19. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution • Topics • ”for land use • planning” • environmental • values • sector • interests • - resources • formal • restrictions

  20. How to use in the planning process

  21. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution Data structureAREALIS environmental database 150 data sets grouped in main topics

  22. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution Sources of data - Work towards delivery institutions - a long process • Identify their data • Make them interested in sharing the data with others • Agreements/ Contracts/ User rights • Develop a data model and specify data sets • Export and get data sets to AREALIS • Follow-up - updating etc

  23. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution The AREALIS conditions data shared among the parties most environmental data – free of charge – distribution cost only reference data – ordinary cost special agreements in data construction periods

  24. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution Mapping Agency 24 % Municipalities 34 % Agriculture 8 % Road Admin. Energy companies 14 % 9 % GEOVEKST – cost-sharing for establishment and updating of GI Telecom 8 % Others 3 % (adm. units, transport network, land use/ resources, transmission lines, height, conservation areas, cultural heritage sites)

  25. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution High speed (2 Megabits) FYLKESMANNEN I HEDMARK Municipalities Other users Internet High speed communi-cation Highcom project National users/ agencies: environment, roads, maps, geology, agriculture and forestry

  26. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution Working towards AREALIS distributionusinghigh speed networklinking internetservers, but .....

  27. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution The Norwegian NSDI- summary – environmental part Central and regional coordinating bodies are neededLong term work at all administrative levels - politicians acceptance - introducing GIS to organisations - bring sectors together - identify data among owners, - work on attitue; willingness to share - will and ability to make data into information - standardisation 10 years - environm. data set specification 4 years

  28. context the idea organ. & partners standards topic data financing data technical solution The Norwegian NSDI - summary AREALIS: Facilitating flow of environmental data through standard contracts, definition of user rights, coordination definition of data components, follow up agreements on delivery GEOVEKST: Organised cost-sharing at municipal and national levels on reference data and selected environmental data SOSI: Standard format and Norwegian feature catalogue – most sectors use it NGIS/Highcom: Technical development and solutions, networks, metadata catalogue Authorities: Norwegian Mapping Agency, data producers being positive to cooperation Ministry of Environment:high level coordinator- bridging to other ministries

  29. Questions ?

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