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Navigating the Consolidated Application to Leverage Resources Across Programs

Navigating the Consolidated Application to Leverage Resources Across Programs. Robyn S. Planchard, Georgia Department of Education Title I Education Program Specialist Jennifer Davenport, Georgia Department of Education Title I, Part A Program Manager 2014 GCEL Conference

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Navigating the Consolidated Application to Leverage Resources Across Programs

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  1. Navigating the Consolidated Application to Leverage Resources Across Programs Robyn S. Planchard, Georgia Department of Education Title I Education Program Specialist Jennifer Davenport, Georgia Department of Education Title I, Part A Program Manager 2014 GCEL Conference February 24-26, 2014

  2. Purpose • The purpose of the LEA consolidated application overall is to leverage resources across programs to ensure that all children have an opportunity to meet state academic achievement standards. • By consolidating the planning and program requirements across all programs participating in the LEA consolidated application (ConApp) process, the need for LEAs to submit multiple plans is eliminated. • This makes the application process more efficient for applicants.

  3. LEA Consolidated Application In 1999, Georgia began participating in the federal consolidated application. • The signing of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) in 2001 led to some modifications in the application process for FY02. • NCLB reverted back to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) in FY10 which led to additional modifications with the inception of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA).

  4. LEA Con App The current programs that utilize the local educational agency (LEA) consolidated application Web site, as well as several additional programs that have come online in the last few years, single-handedly dispense over $1 billion dollars to school systems in Georgia.

  5. Agenda • In the LEA consolidated application, we will: • Identify the roles within the LEA consolidated application • Review the LEA consolidated application Web site • Log into the MyGADOE Portal • Explore the general parts of the consolidated application • Perform Queries • Run Reports • Investigate the Transferability of Funds Function • Examine how to use the Manage Schools Function

  6. Reviewing Roles within the Consolidated Application • Five distinct roles are available within the LEA consolidated application. • LEA Consolidated Application Coordinator, • Superintendent, • State Consolidated Application Coordinator, • State Program Manager, • State Plan Approver, and • State Grants Accounting.

  7. Roles within the Consolidated Application

  8. Logging into the LEA Consolidated Application Web site Within a Web browser, logon to the following site: http://www.gadoe.org

  9. Within the LEA Consolidated Application Web site, enter your username and password to log into the MyGaDOE portal. Logging into the MyGaDOE Portal

  10. Once you are logged into the MyGaDOE portal, select Consolidated Application in the left-hand organization bar.

  11. Then select Application.

  12. Then select Title Programs.

  13. CLIP Enhancements • With each new fiscal year, the consolidated application opens and the prior Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan (CLIP) entries are auto-populated into the new FY’s CLIP (i.e., FY13 CLIP text will be displayed within FY14’s CLIP) • All formats from the prior fiscal year will be displayed • The LEA will remove all highlights from text and will delete text containing a strikethrough from each CLIP Descriptor. • The text clean-up process is performed by selecting the icon.

  14. CLIP Process per Descriptor • Select applicable Descriptor Edit Icon to make edits • Select Clean-Up Icon ( ) • Select Update button • Select revised Descriptor • (Same Descriptor from Step 1)

  15. Clean-Up Icon Clean-Up Icon

  16. CLIP Process per Descriptor • Add new text entries and edit prior FY text entries • Highlight new text entries using the advised Highlight color GREEN was the color for last (FY13) year’s Descriptors • Strike-through text that will not apply for the new year’s Descriptors • Do not select the Clean-Up Icon because this will remove text that was recently formatted with a strike-through and will remove highlights from text.

  17. Deadlines in FY13 • June • June 22, 2012—CLIP Plan opened. • July • July 2, 2012—LEAs could submit their CLIP Plan • July 31, 2012—CLIP Plan was due to GaDOE • October • October 1, 2012—Deadline for sign-off on original Title I, Part A and Title II, Part A budgets • October 30—LEA Monitoring Training in Ashburn • October 31—LEA Monitoring Training in Cumming • February • February 11-13—GCEL – Savannah Riverfront Marriott • June • 18, 19, 20, and 21, 2013—FY13 Federal Programs Conference • Deadlines for FY14 will be Available at the June Federal Programs Conference

  18. Yearly Changes • Title I, Part A has required some minor changes to Descriptors 1, 6, 16, 17, 22, and 31. • Title V, Part A has been removed from the language of Descriptors 1, 6, 22, and 31 • Title I, Part C , Title II, Part A, and Title III and Special Education have also required changes. • Homeless also has specific requirements.

  19. Title I, Part A • Descriptor 16 has been revised to reflect the language of Georgia’s approved ESEA Flexibility waiver • Original Descriptor 16 (Title I, Part A) under ESEA: A description of the actions the LEA will take to assist its schools identified as needs improvement schools. • Revised Descriptor 16 (Title I, Part A) under Georgia’s approved ESEA Flexibility waiver: A description of the actions the LEA will take to assist its schools identified as Priority Schools, Focus Schools, and (where applicable) Title I, Part A Alert Schools.

  20. Title I, Part A • Descriptor 17 has been revised to reflect the language of Georgia’s approved ESEA Flexibility waiver • Original Descriptor 17 (Title I, Part A) under ESEA: A description of the actions the LEA will take to implement public school choice and supplemental educational services for schools identified as needs improvement. • Revised Descriptor 17 (Title I, Part A) under Georgia’s approved ESEA Flexibility waiver: A description of the actions the LEA will take to implement Flexible Learning Program (FLP) for schools identified as Priority Schools, Focus Schools, and (where applicable) Title I, Part A Alert Schools.

  21. LEA Implementation Plans • Performance Goals from the previous year’s application will be displayed. • Uploaded files to the Attachment Tab are allowed and do not have to be added within the online application.

  22. Implementation Plans Click the Implementation Plans tab.

  23. Implementation Plans • Select the goal from the drop-down menu to update individual goals. • Select the checkbox for “Are Implementation Plan Descriptions Revised?” and the Update button to save changes.

  24. Prayer Certification • In order to receive funds under the ESEA, a local educational agency (LEA) must certify in writing to the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) that no policy of the LEA prevents, or otherwise denies participation in constitutionally protected prayer in public elementary and secondary schools as set forth in this guidance. • An LEA must provide this certification to the GaDOE by October 1 of each subsequent year during which the LEA participates in an ESEA program. • LEAs must provide certification on Constitutionally Protected Prayer through the LEA consolidated application.

  25. Prayer Certification Tab • Click the Prayer Certification tab. • The Superintendent is the only user that can select both checkboxes. Once this has been accomplished (by the Superintendent), select Save.

  26. Flexible Learning Program (FLP) Plan The Flexible Learning Program (FLP) Plan tab is located in the consolidated application on the Planning tab.

  27. FLP 1: Set Aside Tab: List all Priority, Focus, and Title I Alert schools being served.

  28. FLP 2: Budget Projection Tab: List all Priority, Focus, and Title I Alert Schools being served with their projected budgets.

  29. FLP 3: Priority Schools: List only priority schools and required professional learning on this page. Describe Professional Learning in the text box.

  30. FLP 4: FLP Components: Complete plan for each Priority, Focus, and Title I Alert School being served.

  31. Performing Queries • Three queries are available within the consolidated application • Consolidated Application Status Queries, • Title I-A School Allocation Queries, and • Budget Comparison Queries.

  32. Application Status Query • Click Reports >Queries on the far left-hand of the screen. • Select the Application Status Queries. • Select the appropriate options from the drop-down menus and select the Query button.

  33. Title I-A School Allocation Query • Click Queries on the far right-hand of the screen. • Select Title I-A School Allocation Queries. • Select the appropriate options from the drop-down menus and select the Run Query button.

  34. Budget Comparison Query • Click Queries on the far right-hand of the screen. • Select Budget Comparison Queries. • Select the appropriate options from the drop-down menus and select the Compare button.

  35. Running Reports • Five reports are available within the LEA consolidated application • Application Summary, • Program Summary, • Budget Summary, • Budget Transferability, and • Unbudgeted Funds.

  36. Application Summary Report • Click Reports on the far left-hand of the screen. • A list of the reports appears inside the Reports screen.

  37. Application Summary Report con’t. • Select Application Summary. • Click the Run Report link.

  38. Program Summary Report • Select Program Summary from the list on the Reports screen. • Select the appropriate options from the drop-down menus and click the Run Report link.

  39. Budget Summary Report • Select Budget Summary from the list on the Reports screen. • Select the appropriate options from the drop-down menus and select the Run Report button.

  40. Budget Transferability Report • Select Budget Transferability from the list on the Reports screen. • Select the appropriate options from the drop-down menus and select the Run Report button.

  41. Unbudgeted Funds Report • Select Unbudgeted Funds from the list on the Reports screen. • Select the appropriate options from the drop-down menus and select the Run Report button.

  42. Technical Questions • If you experience problems within the application, please contact Robyn Planchard at rplanchard@doe.k12.ga.us or 404-463-3467. • For problems within the application, you may also contact the helpdesk at dticket@doe.k12.ga.us.

  43. Program-Specific Questions • Program-Specific names, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses can also be found at the following link: http://www.gadoe.org/School-Improvement/Federal-Programs/Pages/LEA-Consolidated-Application.aspx by selecting Guidance & Contact List.

  44. Transferability of Funds • The funds you transfer into Title I become Title I funds subject to all rules and regulations for Title I. • Districts should think about how the transfer of funds will impact any of their required set-asides. The transferred funds may impact the required set-asides including those for parental involvement and private schools.  • The Title II, Part A consultant/specialist who works with the district must be notified in writing (email) about the district’s intent to transfer Title II, Part A funds to Title I prior to submitting the Title II, Part A budget for approval.

  45. Transferability of Funds • The district must notify in writing (email) GaDOE’s Grants Accounting Department about the district’s intent to transfer Title II, Part A funds to Title I, Part A prior to the transfer.  The emails should be directed to Regina Hailey (RHailey@doe.k12.ga.us) and Darlene Leslie (DLeslie@doe.k12.ga.us) in Grants Accounting. • The district superintendent must write a letter to Margo DeLaune, Title Programs Director at GaDOE, stating the district’s intent to transfer Title II, Part A funds into Title I, Part A, sign the letter, scan the letter to a pdf file, and • Attach the letter to the Attachment Tab in the consolidated application prior to signing off on the Title I, Part A budget. (The letter is not mailed…just attached.)

  46. Transferability of Funds • In the Title II, Part A Budget: • From Program Title II, Part A • To Program Title I, Part A • Function 5000 • Object 930 • Amount

  47. Manage Public Schools Function

  48. Manage Public Schools • Go to consolidated application and then go to Manage Public Schools • Select Your System and then choose Program Category is Title Programs • Click Load and now you can Add/Remove Schools by selecting from the Add/Remove Drop Down box, choosing the school and giving a reason • You cannot add a school that is not in the GaDOE facility database

  49. Manage Public Schools • Once you remove a school, it removes the school from the list populated in the consolidated application budget pages and the embedded School Allocations and Eligible Attendance Area Tabs. • Title I Directors can do this before doing their budget. • Very helpful if a school in the district has closed; if there are two facility codes for a school, or if school has a new number.

  50. Manage Public Schools

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