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Development of Competence Profile

Development of Competence Profile. Quality managers in VET-institutions. Project no: 2012-1-PL1-LEO05-27444 This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Development of Competence Profile

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  1. DevelopmentofCompetenceProfile Quality managers in VET-institutions Project no: 2012-1-PL1-LEO05-27444 This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

  2. Whatis a management system? • Quality management is a system for defining the principles formanagement of a business. • A management system is thus the formalizedand decidedthat the system should be usedto make a business efficientin terms ofachievingitsobjectives.

  3. Develop and ensure the quality • A prerequisitefor systematic improvement is a formalizedstructureof the work.

  4. Internalcontrol • The resultsofmanagement'sself-monitoringis placed in relation todefinedqualityand definedgoals and translatedintodecisions.

  5. Management'sreview and developmentof management • Management review is the management process for data analysis, decision makingand actions.

  6. To guide the learning • Knowledgemanagement involvesdeveloping, disseminating and applying best availableknowledgeto make the best possible benefit for users and society

  7. To make the system known • It is requiredthatthere is a decision at management introducingquality management system togainlegitimacy in the business.

  8. Management System structure • Management system structuremust be relevant to the goals, and availableto the whole business in a logicalway.

  9. FourSteps

  10. European report based on the national reports and gathered material

  11. The followingquestionswill try to assist in the analysis and planning phase. BaselineHow has qualityworkpreviouslybeenreported?What has worked?What has not worked?Howhave the final resultsbeencompiled?Haveyoubeenabletouse the result in the developmentofquality?Are the resultsavailableto all? Existing resourcesWho the resource persons are?Canwehandle the data - on the Internet, ournetwork or on CDs?Thereare teams thatcanhandle the model? Is thereany existing model or structurethatcouldhelp in the effort?

  12. Planning and implementationWhat is the timetable for the introductionof new quality approach? In what rate will the qualitywork be introduced?Whatshall be included in: Step 1 Basic model? Step 2 Extendedmodel? Step 3 Completemodel? Gathering ofresults:Howwill the plan for data collection look like? Howwill data be handled? Digital, on paper?Howwill data be reported?Whowillmanage the data in the different stages?Howshould the compilation be done?

  13. OfresultsplacementWherewill the results be stored?Whoshouldhave access to the results? Information for staffHow do wemotivate a new model? (Labour saving, schematic)Howwill the information be made for staff? EducationNeedstaff and managers deeperinsightsinto the model?Canleadersevaluate and analyze the model?Can teams evaluatealreadyor is there a need for knowledge on this?

  14. QualitydevelopmentHowwill the results be used in the developmentofquality? Howwill the conversationmodel and the analysismodel look like? Howwill principals and managers tobecome a full dialogue partner for the teams with the knowledgeofeach team?QualityAnchoringHow do the organizationanchorthe qualityresults?

  15. Areas ofcompetence • Laws and requirements • Objectives, policies, business plans and action plans • Empowerment • Process for management review, decision-making and action • Procedures for self-assessment • Procedures for receiving and investigatingcomplaints and comments • Procedures for collating and analyzingincomingreports,complaints and viewpoints

  16. Routine for the productionof gender statistics and impactwith a gender perspectivebased on this • Main processes, sub-processes, procedures and checklists • Routine Risk Analysis • Routine for document management • Document Templates • Modeltodevelop process descriptions • Quality Manual

  17. Competencesneeded The quality assurance and development is a continuous running through four phases: • Plan • Do • Check • Act

  18. Quality management: the following list of qualifications or competences is required: • The high awareness of the role as management leader to assurance the quality • Knowledge of the quality circle structure • Competence to identify success critetria, methods of evaluation in order to assure the quality. • The evaluators should possess appropriate competences and knowledge: -Knowledge of the current issues of school and education policy -Knowledge of Evaluation as methodology -Knowledge about characteristic of a good school and its indicators -Knowledge about the characteristic of good lessons and current methods of learning and teaching • Communication competences • Team work competences • Education and further education • Ability to discretion

  19. Thankyou for your attention!

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