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Foldable Instructions

Foldable Instructions. Get 6 pieces of paper. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Fan the 6 pieces of paper! Make sure to make the fans small, but not so small that you can’t write on them. Fold the paper to create 12 flaps. Number the 12 flaps!. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.

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Foldable Instructions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Foldable Instructions

  2. Get 6 pieces of paper. 1 2 3 4 5 6

  3. Fan the 6 pieces of paper! Make sure to make the fans small, but not so small that you can’t write on them.

  4. Fold the paper to create 12 flaps.

  5. Number the 12 flaps! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

  6. Jane Doe 1st Period Label the 12 flaps!Stamen=Anther and filamentCarpel= Stigma, Style and Ovary 1 Flower Parts and Pollination 2 Petal 3 Sepal 4 Receptacle 5 Anther 6 Filament 7 Stigma 8 Style 9 Ovary and Ovule 10 Stamen vs. Carpel 11 What is Pollination? 12 Types of Pollination Stamen Carpel

  7. 1) Flower Parts and Pollination

  8. Stick a petal here! Petals are brightly colored parts of the flower used to attract insects into the flower, they may be scented. Found just inside the sepal. 2) Petal

  9. Stick a sepal here! Sepals are the green leaf-like parts at the base of the flower. Encloses the bud before it opens Protects the flower while it is developing 3) Sepal

  10. This is the flower's attachment to the stalk and in some cases becomes part of the fruit after fertilization. Example: strawberries. 4) Receptacle

  11. Stick an anther here! The anther contains pollen sacs that release pollen on the outside of the anthers that brush against the insects that enter the flower. The pollen is then transported by the insect to the stigma of another flower or the same flower. This fertilizes the ovule. Pollen is the male gametophyte. 5) Anther

  12. Stick a filament here! This is the stalk that supports the Anther. 6) Filament

  13. Stick a stigma here! Stigma is at the top of the style and is covered in a sticky substance that the pollen grains will adhere to. 7) Stigma

  14. Stick a style here! The style is the stalk that raises the stigma away from the Ovary to decrease the likelihood of pollen contamination. It may vary in length. 8) Style

  15. Stick an ovary and an ovule here! Ovary:protects the ovule and once fertilization has taken place it will become the fruit. Animals eat the fruit and disperse seeds in through their feces. Ovule:The Ovule is like the egg in animals and once fertilization has taken place will become the seed. 9) Ovary and Ovule

  16. Stamen: The male parts of a flower, composed of the filament and the anthers. Carpel (or Pistil): The female parts of a flower, composed of the stigma, style, ovary and ovule. 10) Stamen vs. Carpel

  17. Plants produce two different kinds of cells, female ovules (eggs), and male pollen (sperm). Pollen is produced in the anther and must land on the stigma. Once on the stigma, the pollen opens up and the sperm travels down the style to the ovary where it joins with the ovule (egg) and develops into a seed. The ovary then develops into a fruit, which surrounds the seed. 11) What is Pollination?

  18. Animal Pollination: On animals, the pollen is picked up on a part of the body and then when the animal visits another flower, it brushes against the sticky female flower part, the stigma. The pollen gets left behind. Bright flowers and sweet nectar attract animals. This symbiotic relationship is a mutualistic: the insect benefits because it has a dependable source of food (pollen and nectar) and the flower benefits because insects carry pollen from flower to flower for pollination. Wind pollination:the pollen is carried away and moves through the environment. Much of the pollen gets lost, deposited on leaf surfaces, sidewalks, or grass. But a small fraction actually does reach another flower of that species and so it is able to produce a seed. 12) Types of Pollination

  19. On the back of your foldable glue flower diagram. • Label the flower parts.

  20. Back of Flip Book- Diagram of a Flower Sketches: 1) Ovule 2) Pollen

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