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Preference for Intuition and Deliberation and its relationship with learning outcomes

Institute of Experimental Psychology Slovak Academy of Sciences. Preference for Intuition and Deliberation and its relationship with learning outcomes. Čavojová Vladimíra Institute of Experimental Psychology Slovak Academy of Sciences (SLOVAKIA). Background.

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Preference for Intuition and Deliberation and its relationship with learning outcomes

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  1. InstituteofExperimentalPsychology • Slovak AcademyofSciences Preference for Intuition and Deliberation and its relationship with learning outcomes ČavojováVladimíra Institute of Experimental Psychology Slovak Academy of Sciences (SLOVAKIA)

  2. Background • InstituteofExperimentalPsychology • Slovak AcademyofSciences • IT technologies and their effective management are crucial for today success of private companies. Therefore, it is very important to prepare students for the proper usage and mast • Learning how to use new complex software, compare different software packages, or analyse specific Corporation IT status are complex cognitive activities – requiring to work systematically, be attentive, thoughtful, and systematic, plan and have main goal in mind. • It could be expected that they are closely connected with deliberative thinking and those who prefer this type of thinking should have advantage against those who rely on intuitive thinking or emotions. EDULEARN14 7th-8th July 2014, Barcelona

  3. Aimofthepaper • InstituteofExperimentalPsychology • Slovak AcademyofSciences • to investigate relationship between cognitive style (measured by PID inventory) and different learning outcomes (measured by study results in five different tasks). EDULEARN14 7th-8th July 2014, Barcelona

  4. Participants • InstituteofExperimentalPsychology • Slovak AcademyofSciences • 75 students (53 women) of University of Economics in Slovakia • course Managerial Informatics • Meanage = 21 years • Data were collected in ten sessions in 2012 from respondents from Slovakia. • No exclusion criteria or any restriction for participants were implemented EDULEARN14 7th-8th July 2014, Barcelona

  5. Materials • InstituteofExperimentalPsychology • Slovak AcademyofSciences • Measuring learning outcomes • 4 tasks (30% points from total evaluation): • accounting software Alpha (5 points) and Omega (7 points) from KrosCorporation • ability to search in internet, compare data and answer 30 questions about ERP software (8 points) • case study of real specific company (10 points) • 1 final exam (70% points from total evaluation):based on memorizing • Measuring cognitive style • Preference for Intuition and Deliberation (PID) inventory -- deliberative thinking (9 questions) and intuitivethinking (9 questions) EDULEARN14 7th-8th July 2014, Barcelona

  6. Results: Correlations between PID subscales and specific study results for all respondents EDULEARN14 7th-8th July 2014, Barcelona

  7. Results: Correlations between PID subscales and specific study results for men EDULEARN14 7th-8th July 2014, Barcelona

  8. Results: Correlations between PID subscales and specific study results for women EDULEARN14 7th-8th July 2014, Barcelona

  9. Discussion • InstituteofExperimentalPsychology • Slovak AcademyofSciences • Deliberativeand intuitivetypesof participants differed significantly only in two tasks that were based on the same principle (i.e. Alpha and Omega tasks), where deliberative students showed significantly better results than intuitive students. • Gender differences were observable in Omega software learning, where more deliberative men had higher points in Omega software study results. Deliberative men also had higher points in the Exam memorizing and regression analysis showed with very strong effect. On the other hand, more intuitive women tended to receive lower scores in memorizing for exam. EDULEARN14 7th-8th July 2014, Barcelona

  10. Conclusion • InstituteofExperimentalPsychology • Slovak AcademyofSciences • Cognitive style inventory PID, designed for measuring deliberation and affective intuition, is measuring preferred cognitive style, but is not very useful for measuring or predicting students´ performance in learning. • It seems that being deliberative or intuitive has no relationship to learning outcomes and receiving better grades in university. EDULEARN14 7th-8th July 2014, Barcelona

  11. InstituteofExperimentalPsychology • Slovak AcademyofSciences Thankyouforattention. Vladimira.cavojova@savba.sk EDULEARN14 7th-8th July 2014, Barcelona

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