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  1. HISTORY • The LEVI Group has a long history on the Turkish market. It trades pharmaceuticals, chemicals,kitchenwares, oresand paper. The group has also the honor to exclusively represent, since decades, various companies with worldwide reputation and to act as their Liaison Office on the Turkish market. • The group is active in manufacturing, mining, import and distribution as well as ISP services. • Mr. Henri LEVI, the President of the group, who developed the various activities of the group along with his associates is the grandson of Mr. Moise LEVI, who established LEVI’sinitialcompany in 1880.


  3. COMPANIES OF THE GROUP • ATLAS ON-LINE INTERNET SERVICES • Atlas On-Line, founded in 1994, being one of the first Internet Service Providers (ISP) in Turkey is a long-established company in its field. • In Turkey, Atlas On-Line was: • First provider of leased line.• First to make a radio broadcast via Internet.• First to provide a dial-up service with static IP.• First to provide the auto dial back up service on 822 lines for leased linecustomers.• First to provide its web hosting customers the possibility of remote controlling their mail servers. http://www.atlas.net.tr/

  4. COMPANIES OF THE GROUP • ATLASTEK SOFTWARE • ATLASTEK is the result of an international jointventure between two corporations both specialized in providing web based technologies and software solutions to their clients. • ATLASTEK’s experience combined with its thorough understanding of the software market and licensing solutions enables us to provide you the best services. • ATLASTEK’s goal is to provide the finest software licensing and services solutions at the best price to its customers. http://www.atlastek.com.tr/

  5. COMPANIES OF THE GROUP • ATLAS ABRASIVES We are the leading manufacturer of abrasive belts in Turkey, the Balkans and the Middle East since 1980. We use the highest qualities of abrasive cloths and machinepapers produced by the leading European abrasive belt producers in Europe such as Saint Gobenand manufacture our belts on the most modern and fully automatic machines. http://www.atlas-zimpara.com.tr/

  6. COMPANIES OF THE GROUP • INTERMUTFAK KITCHENWARE • InterMutfakEşyaları Tic. A.Ş. is a company specialized in kitchenware founded in 1993. Its innovative approach, the young staff and the passion felt for kitchen made it today’s one of the market leaders. • Supplies leading manufacturer companies’ products around the world to Turkish chains and department stores. Distributor of Brabantia,Pedrini,Tescoma, Lock&Lock, TVS, Staub, Piral, Walther Glas. • It has 37 retainstoreswiththe name of ‘Tantitoni’ allaroundTurkey.  http://www.tantitoni.com.tr/

  7. COMPANIES OF THE GROUP • KASTAMONU CHROME ORE • KastamonuMadencilikSanayiveTicaret A.Ş, is a mining company located in Kastamonu, the northern part of Turkey. • The company also has mines in different regions of Turkey and mainly invests in production & exportation of chrome ore lumpy and concentrate since its foundation. • As of moment there is exportation of 100.000 tons/yeartoChina. Withheavyinvestments, in thenext 5 years, thecompanytargetssales of 300.000 tons/year. http://www.kastamonumaden.com.tr/

  8. COMPANIES OF THE GROUP • KİMYA DENİZ DIŞ TİCARET A. Ş. • Itspecializes in representing exclusively for Turkey leading producers of chemical products and solvents and to provide them its professional services. • The company also trades various chemical products, solvents and its derivatives which are purchased from Ukraine, Russia, China, India and sold toTurkey and various Mediterranean countries. http://www.kimsentez.com.tr/

  9. COMPANIES OF THE GROUP • KROMAS MINING • KROMAS Mining Industry and Trade Co.,has been established in Istanbul with the purpose of investing in mines and minerals within Turkey. • Itis active mainly in Chrome ore, Manganese ore and Iron ore mining and exports from Turkey through its offices in Russia, China and Hong Kong. • KROMAS Co., has its operational center in Istanbul, warehouse and logistic operations in Gemlik, Mersin, Izmir, Iskenderun and Antalya. • KromaşMadencilikis an ordinary member of ICDA. http://www.kromasmaden.com.tr/

  10. COMPANIES OF THE GROUP • POLYFILM Established in 1991, Poliset İç ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş. is sellingvariousphotocopypapers, inkjetfilmsused in textile, adhesive, semi-adhesiveglossandmattelayerfilms , whitepaperfoamboards, coldlaminationfilms, backlitfilmsand pet filmsforlaserprinting. http://www.poliset.com.tr/

  11. COMPANIES OF THE GROUP • LEVI DIŞ TİCARET The company has the honor to represent, since decades, various companies with worldwide reputation and to provide them its professional services.  The company’s shareholders and managers manage its various divisions.Divisions are separatefromoneanotherandexperienced in their fields: • Pharmaceutical Division • Paper Division • Abrasive raw materials • Production lines and machines http://www.levidisticaret.com.tr

  12. LEVI DIŞ TİCARET • Pharmaceutical Division: • Levi Dıs Ticaret A.S. – Pharmaceutical Division, founded in 1985, is a very dynamic and efficient department of the company leaded by experienced consultants specialized in the business of supplyingAPIs, intermediates, finisheddosageformsandmachineryfor pharmaceutical andveterinaryusefrom China and Korea. • We have also invested in China in partnership with WUXI HEXIA CHEMICAL COMPANY, and thus are able to investigate for the right source and offer a wide range of high quality raw materials from China at the most competitive prices. continued…

  13. LEVI DIŞ TİCARET • Pharmaceutical Division: Levi Dıs Ticaret A.S. has also the honor to represent exclusively on the Turkish market SUHEUNG CAPSULE CO. LTD, world's leading manufacturer and exporter of empty hard and soft gelatin capsules.

  14. LEVI DIŞ TİCARET • ChemicalsandMineralsDivision: LDT has the honor to exclusively represent for Turkey, since four decades, the world’s leading AluminumOxide producer TreibacherSchelifmittel GmbH andZincoxideproducerUmicoreZincChemicals.

  15. LEVI DIŞ TİCARET • Paper Division: The paper division is active in various papers, including specialty papers and exclusively represents various leading producers of papers for the Turkish market, located in various countries all over the world.

  16. LEVI DIŞ TİCARET • Production lines and machines:  LDT has the honor to represent in Turkey various leading Chinese machineswhich produce complete production lines for the pharmaceutical, beverages, food processing, comestible and industrial oils and many other lines.

  17. LEVI DIŞ TİCARET • Professional services are provided by LDT to its customers due to its close contacts with its business partners located in Wuxi and Guangdong (China) andin Moscow (Russia). • The group is well known since long years by all Turkish banks, by the commercial delegations of foreign countries in Turkey, as well as by leading commercial and financial institutions.

  18. LEVI DIŞ TİCARET • VISION AND MISSION • Ourvisionis to be opentoinnovationandchange, providingourcustomersbestproductsandservicessatisfyingtheirneedsbymostsuitablesolutionsandtoassureandimproveourstanding in International markets. • Ourmissionis toreach a high standardproductand service network bymeetingthedemands of ourmanufacturers, employers andcustomers in ordertoassure thesustainability in ourbusiness.

  19. LEVI DIŞ TİCARET • QUALITY CONTROL • Since thefoundation of ourcompany, providinghighqualityproductsandservices is our main objective. • QualityControlDepartment • LEVI Group has a qualitycontrol department in itsorganizationto evaluatethequality of theproducts andgiveitsclientsimmediate repliesabouttheirproblemsrelated withtheproductsandservices providedtothem.

  20. COOPERATION • WithregardtoLEVI GROUP’sinnovativecharacterwewould be extremelypleasantto cooperatewithyou. • ThankYou. http://www.levi.com.tr/

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