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Habit #6 - Synergize!

The 6th of the 7 Highly Effectively Habits, it deals primarily with "valuing & celebrating differences, as well as creative cooperation". Dr Steven .R Covey mentioned that there is a reason why the 7 Habits are sequenced in the way that he did. Every one of the Habit builds upon the previous one in a progressive manner. In his own words, "The relationship & the sequence among the Habits are the key to the overall power." It is most recommended that one learns all the 7 Habits in order. So, if you have not yet gone through the 1st Habit - Be Proactive, 2nd Habit - Begin with the End in Mind & 3rd Habit - 1st Things 1st, 4th Habit - Think Win-Win, 5th Habit - Seek 1st to Understand, why not go through them 1st? Here's the link for Habit #1: http://www.slideshare.net/aoweiyang/habit-1-be-proactive-36473102 Habit #2: http://www.slideshare.net/aoweiyang/habit-2-begin-with-the-end-in-mind-36631027 Habit #3: http://www.slideshare.net/aoweiyang/habit-3-put-1st-things-1st Habit #4: http://www.slideshare.net/aoweiyang/habit-4-think-winwin Habit 5: http://www.slideshare.net/aoweiyang/habit-5-seek-1st-to-understand For you guys who are new to this, you might like to first gain some fundamental ideas via "The 7 Highly Effective Habits Foundational Principles" deck before all else.That will definitely help strengthen your concept of what the whole idea is about. Here's the link: http://www.slideshare.net/aoweiyang/the-7-highly-effective

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Habit #6 - Synergize!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Habit #6 - Synergize! 1 A tale of 2 tailors Synergy - The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

  2. Anyway...

  3. But if they combine their strengths,

  4. And compensate each other’s weaknesses...

  5. The Moral of the story?

  6. If positive synergy takes place, then ~

  7. The whole is than the sum of the parts!

  8. 2 The process of synergizing Value differences, not tolerate. Celebrate differences, not just accept. 2 The process of synergizing Value differences, not tolerate. Celebrate differences, not just accept.

  9. The essence of Synergy is to value differences ~

  10. . To build on strengths,

  11. . Valuing differences add to our knowledge,

  12. . As well as to our understanding of the reality.

  13. . is to realize that

  14. . The reality is...

  15. . That is why synergy requires ~

  16. . It all 1st begins With having the

  17. . The belief of possible solutions than our own.

  18. . backgrounds, Paradigms, concerns, Goals, dreams, aspirations & beliefs.

  19. . 3 Creating the 3rd alternative Real strength lies in differences, not similarities.

  20. . Seeking a 3rd alternative is a major paradigm shift

  21. . from the dichotomous “ / ” mentality...

  22. . What does that mean?

  23. . For example,

  24. . It’s one is right the other.

  25. . It’s not logical;

  26. . Rather,

  27. . It’s psycho-logical.

  28. . Another example.

  29. . We’re both looking at the same picture,

  30. . And both of us are right!

  31. . But we interpret them differently because

  32. . If we were to Transcend the limits of that conditioning,

  33. . We must know how to differences.

  34. . Imagine if the scenario is like this...

  35. . how different would it make

  36. . if we choose to think and act in the way just described?

  37. . By doing that, we not only increase our own awareness,

  38. . we also affirm the other person.

  39. . We create an environment for synergy to happen.

  40. . Is creating a solution that is mutually beneficial,

  41. . and is better than what might have been originally proposed.

  42. . thinking Win/Win, & seeking first to understand,

  43. . creates that very kind of environment for synergy.

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