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Connect & Create Connecting People…Connecting Partners…Creating Opportunities…

Connect & Create Connecting People…Connecting Partners…Creating Opportunities…. ‘ Community Investment and Inclusion ’ Bron Afon Community Housing Lisa Charles Community Investment and Inclusion Manager. Purpose… Clarity…collaboration…connectivity….

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Connect & Create Connecting People…Connecting Partners…Creating Opportunities…

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Connect & Create Connecting People…Connecting Partners…Creating Opportunities… ‘ Community Investment and Inclusion ’Bron Afon Community HousingLisa CharlesCommunity Investment and Inclusion Manager

  2. Purpose…Clarity…collaboration…connectivity… • Setting the Scene…external landscape…expectations ‘more than bricks & mortar’ • Thinking Outside the Box… ‘Working Differently’ • Investment Portfolio… ‘Social Impact’ • Outcomes Framework…Social Impact Tool… ’Measuring Change’ • Impact/Outcomes…Business Mind…Social Heart

  3. Invest to Save…Social Impact… Why Own Two Feet...Young people leaving Hales House…High incidence of tenancy failure; Support and involvement tailored to the individual in order to sustain tenancies, create confident young people, develop healthy relationships and communities where people are encouraged to grow. Through workshops, one –ones and bespoke training, the ‘Own Two Feet’ project allows people to stand on their own two feet.

  4. Maximising Assets…Social impact…

  5. Employability…Multiplier EffectSocial Impact….

  6. Early Intervention & Prevention …Social Impact… HACT… net benefit is £6,429,582. Every £1 spent generated £52.51 return on investment

  7. Don’t Walk by…Social Impact…

  8. Early Intervention & Prevention’Social Impact…’

  9. Making a House a HomeSocial Impact…

  10. Social Impact Tool…

  11. Business Mind…Social Heart…Clarity…collaboration…connectivity… • Outcomes based accountability framework • Collaboration… unlocking innovation and investment • Culture change…’doing things differently’…change focus • Support at the heart of front-line services… https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=786360178087831

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