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NSLS-II Transition to Operations

NSLS-II Transition to Operations. Erik D. Johnson, Deputy ALD for Programs Science Advisory Committee April 4, 2011. Science Capabilities at CD-4 and Beyond. Science Program Goals: 1) Very fast ramp up of science program 2) Continuous service to user community

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NSLS-II Transition to Operations

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  1. NSLS-II Transition to Operations Erik D. Johnson, Deputy ALD for Programs Science Advisory Committee April 4, 2011

  2. Science Capabilities at CD-4 and Beyond • Science Program Goals: 1) Very fast ramp up of science program 2) Continuous service to user community 3) Dramatically advanced capabilities and high productivity • Transition to NSLS-II operations involves evolution from NSLS operation and NSLS-II construction to NSLS-II operation, all the while continually hosting a large user community and renewing the scientific facilities • Must develop a substantial number of beamlines and transition staff and users from NSLS ops to achieve maximum scientific productivity as soon as possible • Requires coordinated planning for a portfolio of activities

  3. Defining Transition to Operationsfor NSLS-II Project and for NSLS-II Facility NSLS Operations Projected Early Finish CD-4 NSLS-II Project NSLS-II Operations Facility Transition to Operations Period

  4. Key questions for Transition to Operations From several different perspectives ask: • What do you have? • Validation of attainment of project scope • Analysis of safety performance/ hazards • Who is responsible for operating it? • What organization accepts responsibility for operations • What is the span of their responsibility • What will it take to operate it? • Operating procedures, training, documentation • Financial planning (Operation, Maintenance, Improvement)

  5. Approach • Many elements moving in and out of portfolio • Establish framework for integration of portfolio: Facility Transition to Operations (FTOP) • Standard process for transfer of projects to facility operations • Define interfaces, interdependencies and coordination requirements • TOP documentation specific to each project: Project Transition to Operations (PTOP) • Work under umbrella of standard process and feed into FTOP • Tailor PTOP documents specific to needs of each project

  6. Facility Transition to Operations Plan (FTOP) • Programmatic transition of entire NSLS-II facility • A comprehensive plan to manage the smooth integration of the transitions from construction to operations (NSLS-II, NEXT, NxtGen, NIH, etc) and from operations to decommissioning (NSLS) for the entire NSLS-II Facility during the years FY12 to FY15 • Describes facility goals • Identifies and integrates transition activities (scope) • Including planning assumptions • Aligns schedule and key milestones • Identifies interfaces, interdependencies, and coordination requirements • Documents overall resource plan • Describes organization and management • Catalogs supporting documents • Draft prepared – to be kept current through out transition period

  7. Relationship of TOPs Parent (Facility TOP) FTOP: Coordination of Portfolio • Integration and alignment of projects • Operations organization • Financial planning (Operation, Maintenance, Improvement) PTOP: Project Closeout • Outlined for NSLS-II in PEP • Required by DOE O 413.3 prior to CD-4 • Validation of attainment of project scope • Analysis of safety performance & hazards • Operating procedures, training, documentation Photon Sciences Portfolio Facility Transition to Operations Plan Children (Project TOP) NxtGen Transition to Operations NEXT Transition to Operations NSLS-II Project Transition to Operations Plan

  8. DOE G 413.3-16 Project TOP elements Project Description Planning Management DOE Orders and Guidance Key Transition Phase Steps Strategy Operation Cost Organization/Stakeholder Interface Transition Team Configuration Control KPP’s and Completion criteria Schedule and Key Milestones Readiness Reviews Operations and Maintenance Management Facility Support, Op’n & Maint Training EMS and QA Documentation Plan Safeguards and Security Documents Permits/Licenses Authorization and Notification Project Transfer to Operations Business Functions Project Information and Records Turnover Transition to Operations Reporting User/Operating Staff Planning Lessons Learned Project De-staffing Plan Suggested elements (not requirements) • Most items are well defined and in many cases well advanced • Items most in need of further development relate to operations (FTOP elements in our approach)

  9. NSLS-II Project Transition to Operations • Planning documents for Installation and commissioning • BORE plan • Conventional Facilities Commissioning Plan • Infrastructure Systems Operations & Maintenance Responsibilities • Accelerator Commissioning Plan • Task Force on Commissioning of Accelerator Complex • Linac Commissioning Plan • Booster Commissioning Plan • Beamline Readiness Plan • Safety Documents in preparation • Linac Commissioning Safety Assessment Document (SAD) & Accelerator Safety Envelop (ASE) • Booster Commissioning SAD & ASE • Storage Ring Commissioning SAD & ASE • Above 3 will be combined to form NSLS-II Operations SAD & ASE

  10. Integrated Transition Management Team • Integrated Transition Management Team (ITMT) • Develop & manage transition plans and documentation • Ensure all interfaces are identified, defined, and managed • Ensure ES&H and QA goals are achieved for transition activities • Support the preparation, review, and approval of project documentation, including closeout • Identify and manage transition related risks and issues • Core members appointed • Aesook Byon, Diane Hatton, Steve Hoey, Erik Johnson • ITMT will form working groups and task forces for particular topical areas • BORE, Installation, Commissioning, ARR • Will draw from Photon Sciences Directorate and more broadly when needed • Erik Johnson appointed overall Facility Transition to Operations Manager • Lead the ITMT • Point of contact for matters relating to implementation of transition • Hold regularly scheduled transition meetings • Keep PSD management informed in timely manner

  11. Authorization Basis • Processes • That assure all hazards are identified and controlled • All necessary documentation is in place • Facilities are complete and turned over • Equipment is installed and operational • All staff is properly trained and qualified • Defines the envelope of safe operation/commissioning • Phased Commissioning (Linac, Booster, Storage Ring, Final Ops) • Applies to documentation, readiness reviews & commissioning • Resources identified to coordinate the processes • Milestones for each module are defined in schedule

  12. Achieving Authorization Basis

  13. Authorization Process for each Module • Steps in each of the four modules are essentially identical: • Complete necessary BORE’s • Install and test equipment • Equipment/Instrument Readiness Reviews • Develop and obtain approval of Authorization Basis Documentation • Develop Authorization Plan • Implement operational controls (training, procedures, etc) • Develop specific commissioning plans • Accelerator Readiness Review • Begin commissioning/final ops

  14. Beneficial Occupancy & Installation LOB 1 Phase 9 6/1/12 • Successful BORE’s required to allow installation of technical equipment • 10 BORE’s broken into logical construction phases • First BORE completed • Now every month or two until 6/12 Phase 1 2/1/11 LOB 2 Phase 8 5/1/12 Phase 2 3/23/11 Phase 3 5/18/11 Phase 4 6/2/11 Phase 7 2/9/12 Phase 5 9/27/11 Phase 6 11/28/11 LOB 3 Phase 10 6/29/12

  15. Conventional Facilities Transition Activities • Integrating Operations & Maintenance (O&M) organization (BNL Facilities & Operations) in start-up and commissioning • Eventual stewards gain experience with equipment • Equipment vendors interface with ultimate owners • Verify technical performance is achieved • Independent Commissioning Contractor • Internal design and O&M staff involved in validation • Oversee occupancy/ASD installation phase operational requirements

  16. Accelerator Installation Status • Installation schedule 95% complete, including resource loading • Survey work occurring full time • Site access plan & PPE requirements established • Work control coordinators all completed training • Temporary cages for staging are completed • P1 utility piping about 40% complete • P1 cable tray ~40% complete • Electrical installation under way • Assigned riggers and electricians in place • Technical installation supervisors for each ASD group assigned

  17. Authorization Basis Documents • Accelerator Safety Envelope (ASE) defines the “envelope of safe operations” • Safety Assessment Document (SAD) provides the hazards analysis and supporting criteria for the ASE • SAD and ASE developed for each phase • Follow DOE Order 420.2B • Preliminary SAD (for CD-3) approved by DOE 2008 • Final LINAC Commissioning SAD and ASE complete and currently in review stage

  18. Accelerator Commissioning and Operation Authorization

  19. Accelerator Readiness Reviews • Successful ARR’s are required for permission for Accelerator Commissioning • Four ARR’s will be conducted as per Authorization Bases Strategy (LINAC – 11/11, Booster – 12/12, Storage Ring – 05/13, Final Ops – 08/13) • ARR Process is well defined in DOE 420.2-1 • Systems and procedures established to address credited controls (SAD and ASE), documentation requirements, and personnel qualification • Not a facility inspection • BORE will address facility space readiness • Equipment/Instrument review process will address equipment installation readiness • NSLS-II ARR Coordinator assigned • ARR Team appointed three to four months prior to first scheduled ARR • Will be a mix of BNL, BHSO and external experts • Most review accomplished before site visit (website, conference calls) • On-site ARR when we are READY • “An ARR is not a method for achieving readiness, but for verifying it.” (DOE G 420.2-1) • Maximum one week on site

  20. Beamline Readiness at CD-4 • Beamline subsystems installed and tested (without beam), including enclosures, beam transport, personnel protection system (PPS), and associated equipment protection system (EPS), utilities, & controls systems • Main beamline optical systems installed and associated mechanics tested • Diagnostic instrument installed at endstation to enable beamline commissioning • Beamline safety configuration review & walkthrough completed • Beamline readiness report submitted to Experimental Facilities Director

  21. Project Performance and Completion Criteria • Defined in the Critical Decision Approvals and also refined in • Global requirements Document • Defined minimum goals for each stage of commissioning, prerequisite to starting next stage • Start-up Test Plan • Defined criteria for completion of commissioning stages • NSLS-II Project Key Performance Parameters

  22. NSLS-II Project Closeout Report • Target date: October 2014 • Technical, scope, cost and schedule baseline accomplishments • Financial closeout, including a final cost report • Closeout approvals • Contract closeout status • Adjustments to obligations and costs • Photographic documentation • Baseline change control log

  23. Summary • Framework established for FTOP and PTOPs • Integrated Transition Management Team established • NSLS-II PTOP well defined and advancing on schedule • Authorization processes well defined and on schedule • Coordinators and working groups identified and in place • BORE process underway • Installation and Commissioning Plans well developed • ARR team to be established in FY11 • Starting to prepare for project closeout

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