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S.K.Saraswati, Technical Officer ICAO Regional Office, Bangkok

SIP/2011-WP/6 Performance Framework. Regional Perspective ~Asia/Pacific Regional Plan~. S.K.Saraswati, Technical Officer ICAO Regional Office, Bangkok. Workshop on development of National Performance Framework for Air Navigation Systems (Nadi, Fiji, 28 March-1 April 2011 ).

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S.K.Saraswati, Technical Officer ICAO Regional Office, Bangkok

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  1. SIP/2011-WP/6 Performance Framework Regional Perspective ~Asia/Pacific Regional Plan~ S.K.Saraswati, Technical Officer ICAO Regional Office, Bangkok Workshop on development of National Performance Framework for Air Navigation Systems (Nadi, Fiji, 28 March-1 April 2011)

  2. PRESENTATION STRUCTURE • 1. ICAO Asia and Pacific Regions, an Introduction • 2. Asia and Pacific Air Navigation Plan (Doc 9673) – General introduction • 3. Aerodrome Operations Planning • 4. Air Traffic Management • 5. Communication, Navigation & Surveillance • 6. Meteorology • 7. Aeronautical Information Services & Aeronautical Maps/charts • 8. Conclusion


  4. REGIONAL AIR NAVIGATION PLAN • Basic step in regional planning process • Detailed statement of facilities and services to meet the needs of international civil aviation in the region • Regional Air Navigation Plan formulated by Regional Air Navigation (RAN) meeting • Reviewed and updated by APANPIRG • Plan to be approved by the Council of ICAO

  5. ASIA AND PACIFIC REGIONSAIR NAVIGATION PLAN (Doc 9673) Published in two volumes Basic ANP containing information on The geographical area, BORPC, implementation guidance etc. Facilities and Services Implementation Document (FASID) containing information on Dynamic material on facilities and services, Technical specifications etc. Amendment Procedures Basic ANP: State/Group of States/International Orgn. Regional Office  ICAO Sec. Gen. Approval by President on behalf of ICAO Council FASID: circulated by Regional Offices  No objection recd from States  incorporated in FASID. Any disagreement, referred to ANC (if required after PIRG has reviewed it)

  6. PLAN OBJECTIVES • Two main objectives of the ANP • a) provide guidelines for transition from ground based systems to satellite based systems • b) to function as a benchmark for evaluation of implementation progress • Human Factor issues • Training Arrangements • Emphasis on homogeneous areas/major traffic flows • Partnership in implementation

  7. BASIC OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND PLANNING CRITERIA (BORPC) • 1. Plan should: • 1. meet requirement of domestic/international/military traffic • 2. ensure compatibility of facilities, services and procedures with adjacent areas • 3. provide for speedy exchange of information between navigation units • 4. take account of aircraft performance and navigation capability • 2. Promote cost-effectiveness • 3. Address existing and anticipated operations. • 4. Expedite eradication of deficiencies in air navigation facilities/services. • 5. Should not impose workload impairing safety/efficiency • 6. Should also address efficiency and economy of operation.

  8. GENERAL PLANNING ASPECTS • Asia/Pacific Air Traffic Forecasting Group (APA TFG) forecasts used • Regional Implementation Concept linked to ATM improvements/CNS requirements. • Basic planning parameters are number of aircraft movement both annual and peak hour. • States expected to commit initial financing • Accommodation of retention of the transition systems • Plan Output - list of air navigation facilities and services and their achievable timeframe. • Top down approach comprising of global guidance converging with bottom up approach constituting State/aircraft operator proposals for implementation options. • Regional partners to work harmoniously within APANPIRG mechanism

  9. GENERAL – FASID PART II • Current edition based on AP ATFG/8 (May 1999) traffic data • Multinational facility/service to serve international air navigation beyond single State airspace • APANPIRG, if in agreement through the ICAO offices in Cairo, Dakar, Nairobi, Paris • Consult States connected with multinational facility/service & user States • Re-evaluate the proposal in light of the comments, if received • Cost for multinational facility/service be shared between States. Treaty/agreement. • Nine homogeneous areas and major traffic flows identified

  10. MAJOR TRAFFIC FLOWS AR-5 AR-3 AR-6 AR-4 AR-2 AR-9 AR-8 AR-1 AR-7


  12. AERODROME OPERATIONAL PLANNING • 1. Regular and Alternate Aerodromes based on needs identified by users • 2. Physical Characteristics, visual aids, emergency services, runway length and strength, aerodrome reference code etc. to be determined for each regular and alternate aerodrome • 3. Planning provision of CAT II/III ground/air environment where contemplated • 4. States to certify their aerodromes – Annex 14, Volume 1 requirements • 6. Basic aviation law empowering suitable regulatory agency for certification

  13. AOP – FASID (PART – III) • Document contains details of the facilities/services to be provided to fulfill basic requirements of the plan. • FASID Table AOP 1: Shows requirements of physical characteristics, radio and visual aids as well as other facilities/services provided at each aerodrome included in the Basic ANP. The information provided includes Runway Surface Condition, Aerodrome Emergency Planning etc. also. • FASID Chart AOP 1: Provides index of the international aerodromes/alternates in the region, which have been included in the Basic ANP. The chart gives an indication of the physical location of the aerodrome and the States accredited to the Asia and Pacific Region


  15. COMMUNICATIONS • AERONAUTICAL FIXED SERVICE • AFS to meet AIS, ATS, MET, SAR & aircraft operators’ all comm. requirements • AFTN based on Doc 8259. AFTN over public internet cost effective medium. • Planning ATS ground-ground network to include voice communication requirements • ‘Strategy for Implementation updated - APANPIRG/17 (2006)’. Interface for AFTN. • ATN transition expected to be implemented in three phases: • Phase 1. Upgrade existing AFTN circuit where necessary • Phase 2. Implement regional ATN Backbone BIS (by 2011) • Phase 3. Implement supporting ATN BIS • Implement ATN application AIDC to enable exchange of ATS messages • Complete implementation of dual stack ATN by 2011 (APANPIRG Conclusion 19/20) for BBIS hubs

  16. CNS – FASID PART IVAERONAUTICAL FIXED SERVICE (AFS) 1. ICDs to ensure standardization of protocols for AFTN, AMHS, AIDC, Router and DSC. 2. APANPIRG/19 urges BBIS States - complete implementation dual stack ATN by 2011.

  17. AMS – FASID PART IV • ICAO Asia and Pacific Office maintains frequency selection and coordination • Strategy for provision of AMS in APAC updated by APANPIRG/18 Sept 2007 • VHF channel separation of 25 KHz to continue • VHF voice backed by CPDLC and HF for transcontinental traffic • combination of CPDLC and HF voice for oceanic traffic • voice communication supplemented by DFIS (DVOLMET, DATIS and PDC) to be used to reduce pressure on VHF spectrum congestion • Frequency band 136 – 137 MHz exclusively for air-ground VHF data-link • Air-to-Air channel (123.450 MHz) to be used over remote oceanic area when contact with ground on VHF is not feasible

  18. NAVIGATION • EN-ROUTE AND TERMINAL AREA RADIO NAVIGATION AIDS • Expected GNSS will meet all requirements of en-route navigation. Pending transition to GNSS, VOR supplemented by DME to be used. • GNSS expected to meet Terminal area requirement to support approach, holding & departure . Basic GNSS & SBAS as initial transition step. Where possible VOR to serve both terminal & en-route. NDB can be used for holding. • Consideration to be given to the provision of suitably located DMEs in support of RNAV procedures based on DME/DME • Consideration to be given to approach with vertical guidance • Non-precision approaches to support SIDs & STARs and to eliminate stepped approach. Should provide 3o approach. RNAV procedures based on terminal area aids (VOR/DME, DME/DME) or GNSS (Basic GNSS, SBAS or GBAS)

  19. NAVIGATION – FASID & STRATEGY FASID TABLE CNS - 3 • FASID Table CNS 3 for ground & satellite based navigation aids • Flight inspection capability available in regional Catalogue of Flight Inspection Units NAVIGATION STRATEGY FOR ASIA/PACIFIC REGION • Transition to PBN operations: RNP10/RNP4 for oceanic & remote, RNAV5/RNAV2 for continental en-route, RNAV1/RNAV2 and Basic RNP1 based arrival/departures, APV (including Baro-VNAV), PA for selected runways. • Retain ILS for as long as it is operationally/economically acceptable • Implement GNSS augmentation for APV and PA where operationally required and economically beneficial • Protect all Aeronautical Radio Navigation Services (ARNS) frequencies

  20. SURVEILLANCE – FASID & STRATEGY • FASID Tables CNS4A contains information on surveillance systems and CNS 4B contains information on the ATS automation systems in the region. SURVEILLANCE STRATEGY FOR ASIA/PACIFIC REGION • Minimize reliance on position reporting, particularly voice reporting & Primary Radar • Maximize contiguous coverage and use of ADS-B on major routes/terminal areas • Make full use of SSR Mode ‘S’ capabilities, reduce reliance on 4 digit octal code • Make use of ADS-C when ADS-B, SSR or multilateration not supported • Multilateration for surface, terminal & area surveillance • Improve safety through sharing ATS surveillance data across FIR boundaries • Communication, navigation & data management to support surveillance • Safety through aircraft-derived data like flight identification, trajectories and intentions


  22. AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT • Objective • ‘ATM should enable aircraft operators to meet their planned times of departure and arrival and adhere to their preferred flight profiles with minimum constraints without compromising agreed levels of safety.’ • 1. Permanent segregation (between civil & military) of airspace to be avoided. • 2. Introduction of CNS/ATM for more efficiency and reduction of FIR numbers • 3. States to implement Repetitive Flight Plan, where beneficial • 4. ATS Systems & Procedures should enable: • a) most efficient use of airspace, enable min air-ground comm freq & SSR code change • c) timely transmission of MET, hazardous, operational flight information • d) use of uniform altimeter setting procedures • e) common transition altitude on area/region basis

  23. AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT (Contd.) • 5. Annex 11, 2.26 requires States to implement safety management programmes. Requisites for regulatory arrangements to monitor safety management are: • Provision in basic aviation law, code of air navigation regulations & promulgation • Establishment of State body with powers to ensure compliance with regulations • 6. Single SAR point of contact for each SRR 7. Lateral limits for ATS routes based on the following planning principles • Routes defined by VOR will assume accuracy of +/- 5 degree • Routes defined by NDB will assume accuracy of +/- 7 degree • Will also depend upon the flight calibration observations • Overall width of airway defined by navigation aid not less than 4NM on either side up to 20,000ft and 5NM on either side above 20,000ft • Width of an airway not defined by ground based navigation aid < 50NM on either side of track.

  24. ATS ROUTES • Detailed in BASIC ANP (Doc 9673, Volume I), hence amendments require authorization by President on behalf of Council. • Table ATS 1 records basic description of each route, including route name (designator) and significant points defining each route • Schematic presentation of ATS routes shown in Charts ATS 3A, 3B, 3C and 3D • Asia/Pacific Route Catalogue developed as tool to assist APAC route implementation management. Route Catalogue does NOT replace BANP amendment and Council approval process.

  25. ATM – FASID Part V • Following Table/Charts have been created: • In addition, following guidance materials developed at regional level • On CNS/ATM operations in the Asia/Pacific region (ASIA/PAC Doc 001/1) • On AIDC ICD in the Asia/Pacific region (ASIA/PAC Doc 002/1) • On implementation of 300m vertical separation (ASIA/PAC Doc 003/1) • For air route planners in Asia/Pacific region (ASIA/PAC Doc 004/1) under development • ATS route network and MET reporting points (ASIA/PAC Doc 006/1) • Asia/Pacific regional plan for new CNS/ATM systems (ASIA/PAC Doc 007/4) (since discontinued) • Guidelines developed for deployment of Automated SSR Data Processing.

  26. SEARCH AND RESCUE • States to take action to reduce number of false alarms on 121.5/243 MHz • Encourage early introduction of ELT on 406 MHz & establish a register of ELTs • Provide information on how ELT registration information can be obtained • Provide to ICAO, a SAR point of contact (SPOC) for inclusion in Table SAR1. • States to be encouraged to: • Arrange high quality SAR training for personnel • Grant scholarship to SAR personnel for training • Make use of ICAO TRAINAIR course development methodology


  28. METEOROLGY • WAFS and SIGWX forecasts (FL 100 – 250) • TAF for data link-VOLMET or VOLMET. 30 hour TAF for long haul flights • Meteorological observations hourly, to be half hourly where variability of meteorological conditions and traffic volume justifies. • For international air routes with high traffic density, air reporting exemption procedures. • Planning for regional aspects of International Airways Volcano Watch (IAVW) and designation of Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers (VAACs). • Planning for tropical cyclone watch and designation of Tropical Cyclone Advisory Centers (TCAC)

  29. MET – PLANNING PRINCIPLES • In order to assist MWOs for SIGMET messages for tropical cyclones, TCACs Darwin, Honolulu, Miami, Nadi, New Delhi, Réunion and Tokyo designated to provide advisory. • To assist MWOs in preparation of SIGMET message for volcanic ash, VAACs Anchorage, Darwin, Tokyo, Washington and Wellington designated to provide advisory. • Regional OPMET Bulletin Exchange (ROBEX) scheme for the collection/dissemination of MET data, gets its support from OPMET data banks at Bangkok, Brisbane, Nadi, Singapore and Tokyo.



  32. AIS/MAP – PLANNING PRINCIPLES • Quality assurance in terms of accuracy, resolution & integrity. • Requirements: • Real-time provision of quality assured electronic information/data • Modern communication means including data-link • Harmonization of AIS and MET information/data • States to implement AIRAC system in accordance with Annex 15. • To ensure aeronautical information reaches users in 28 days in advance: information/data hardcopy distributed 56 days/electronic format 35 days in advance • States to complete implementation of WGS-84 after validation of information • Integrated Automated AIS System for the region • NOTAM offices based on max efficiency in dissemination/exchange of information/data


  34. SHORT/MEDIUM TERM PROJECTS • Aerodrome Operations • Annex 14 requirements (OLS, frangibility, RESA, markings, signage, lighting) • Rescue/fire fighting–personnel, equipment, training, vehicle, quantities/discharge rate • Runway surface friction • Annex 14 – requirement of aerodrome certification • Establishment/testing of Aerodrome Emergency Plan, Airport Maintenance Manual • Establishment of Wildlife Control Units • Communication, Navigation and Surveillance • ATN implementation in BBIS hubs – 2011 • AIDC between major ATC Centers – 2015 • RNP 4 for Oceanic/Remote continental, RNP 2/5 Continental en-route, RNAV 1 for TMA Arr./Dep; RNP APCH (Baro-VNAV) - 2012 onwards • RNP 2 for Oceanic & Remote Continental, RNAV1, RNP 2 for Continental en-route, RNAV1/RNP1 for TMA Arr./Dep. - 2016 • ADS-B Australia – Singapore en-route service with data sharing – phase 1a 2010; 1b in 2012 • ADS-B Singapore – Hong Kong China South China Sea ATS routes –Operational Trial in 2011 - Priority for equipped a/c in 2012 – ADS-B implementation in 2014

  35. SHORT/MEDIUM TERM PROJECTS • Air Traffic Management • RVSM implementation in Pyongyang and Ulaanbaatar FIRs • RNP 4 implementation in South China area • Data link service in Manila FIR • Reduction of longitudinal separation based on RNP 10 in Bay of Bengal area • Meteorology • Gridded forecasts for CB, icing, and turbulence • QMS requirements for MET service • Migration from alpha-numeric codes to XML • Service Consolidation (limited number of regional/global MET Centers) • Aeronautical Information Management • Regional transition from AIS to AIM • Transition to the new flight plan format in 2012

  36. CONCLUSION • Asia and Pacific Regional Planning • Uses Asia and Pacific Regions Air Navigation Plan (Doc 9673) Volumes I (BANP) and Volume II (FASID) as PRIMARY REFERENCE • Based on Global Air Navigation Plan (Doc 9750) • Also caters to the unique operational environment in the region • Is monitored by APANPIRG • Is kept updated to incorporate changing requirement & status • Serves as a monitoring tool for the implementation process in the region • Aimed at homogenous development of the regional airspace


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