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Word representations: A simple and general method for semi-supervised learning

Word representations: A simple and general method for semi-supervised learning. Joseph Turian with Lev Ratinov and Yoshua Bengio Goodies: http://metaoptimize.com/projects/wordreprs/. Supervised training. Sup model. Sup data. Supervised training. Semi-sup training?. Sup model. Sup

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Word representations: A simple and general method for semi-supervised learning

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  1. Word representations:A simple and general method for semi-supervised learning Joseph Turian with Lev Ratinov and Yoshua Bengio Goodies: http://metaoptimize.com/projects/wordreprs/

  2. Supervised training Sup model Sup data

  3. Supervised training Semi-sup training? Sup model Sup data

  4. Supervised training Semi-sup training? Sup model Sup data

  5. Supervised training Semi-sup training? More feats Sup model Sup data

  6. More feats sup task 1 Sup model Sup data More feats sup task 2 Sup model Sup data

  7. Joint semi-sup Unsup data Semi-sup model Sup data

  8. Unsup data Unsup model unsup pretraining Semi-sup model Sup data semi-sup fine-tuning

  9. Unsup data Unsup model unsup training unsup feats

  10. Unsup data unsup feats unsup training Sup data Semi-sup model Sup training

  11. Unsup data unsup feats unsup training sup task 1 sup task 2 sup task 3

  12. What unsupervised featuresare most useful in NLP?

  13. Natural language processing • Words, words, words • Words, words, words • Words, words, words

  14. How do we handle words? • Not very well

  15. “One-hot”word representation • |V| = |vocabulary|, e.g. 50K for PTB2 Pr dist over labels m (3*|V|) x m 3*|V| word -1, word 0, word +1

  16. One-hot word representation • 85% of vocab words occur as only 10% of corpus tokens • Bad estimate of Pr(label|rare word) m |V| x m |V| word 0

  17. Approach

  18. Approach • Manual feature engineering

  19. Approach • Manual feature engineering

  20. Approach • Induce word reprs over large corpus, unsupervised • Use word reprs as word features for supervised task

  21. Less sparse word reprs? • Distributional word reprs • Class-based (clustering) word reprs • Distributed word reprs

  22. Less sparse word reprs? • Distributional word reprs • Class-based (clustering) word reprs • Distributed word reprs

  23. Distributional representations C F W (size of vocab) e.g. Fw,v = Pr(v follows word w) or Fw,v = Pr(v occurs in same doc as w)

  24. Distributional representations d C g( ) = f F W (size of vocab) g(F) = f, e.g. g = LSI/LSA, LDA, PCA, ICA, rand trans C >> d

  25. Less sparse word reprs? • Distributional word reprs • Class-based (clustering) word reprs • Distributed word reprs

  26. Class-based word repr • |C| classes, hard clustering m (|V|+|C|) x m |V|+|C| word 0

  27. Class-based word repr • Hard vs. soft clustering • Hierarchical vs. flat clustering

  28. Less sparse word reprs? • Distributional word reprs • Class-based (clustering) word reprs • Brown (hard, hierarchical) clustering • HMM (soft, flat) clustering • Distributed word reprs

  29. Less sparse word reprs? • Distributional word reprs • Class-based (clustering) word reprs • Brown (hard, hierarchical) clustering • HMM (soft, flat) clustering • Distributed word reprs

  30. Brown clustering • Hard, hierarchical class-based LM • Brown et al. (1992) • Greedy technique for maximizing bigram mutual information • Merge words by contextual similarity

  31. Brown clustering cluster(chairman) = `0010’ 2-prefix(cluster(chairman)) = `00’ (image from Terry Koo)

  32. Brown clustering • Hard, hierarchical class-based LM • 1000 classes • Use prefixes = 4, 6, 10, 20

  33. Less sparse word reprs? • Distributional word reprs • Class-based (clustering) word reprs • Brown (hard, hierarchical) clustering • HMM (soft, flat) clustering • Distributed word reprs

  34. Less sparse word reprs? • Distributional word reprs • Class-based (clustering) word reprs • Distributed word reprs

  35. Distributed word repr • k- (low) dimensional, dense representation • “word embedding” matrix E of size |V| x k m k x m k word 0

  36. Sequence labeling w/ embeddings “word embedding” matrix E of size |V| x k m (3*k) x m |V| x k, tied weights word -1, word 0, word +1

  37. Less sparse word reprs? • Distributional word reprs • Class-based (clustering) word reprs • Distributed word reprs • Collobert + Weston (2008) • HLBL embeddings (Mnih + Hinton, 2007)

  38. Less sparse word reprs? • Distributional word reprs • Class-based (clustering) word reprs • Distributed word reprs • Collobert + Weston (2008) • HLBL embeddings (Mnih + Hinton, 2007)

  39. Collobert + Weston 2008 score > μ + score 1 100 50*5 w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w1 w2 w3 w4 w5

  40. 50-dim embeddings: Collobert + Weston (2008) t-SNE vis by van der Maaten + Hinton (2008)

  41. Less sparse word reprs? • Distributional word reprs • Class-based (clustering) word reprs • Distributed word reprs • Collobert + Weston (2008) • HLBL embeddings (Mnih + Hinton, 2007)

  42. Log bilinear Language Model (LBL) Linear prediction of w5 } w1 w2 w3 w4 w5

  43. HLBL • HLBL = hierarchical (fast) training of LBL • Mnih + Hinton (2009)

  44. Approach • Induce word reprs over large corpus, unsupervised • Brown: 3 days • HLBL: 1 week, 100 epochs • C&W: 4 weeks, 50 epochs • Use word reprs as word features for supervised task

  45. Unsupervised corpus • RCV1 newswire • 40M tokens (vocab = all 270K types)

  46. Supervised Tasks • Chunking (CoNLL, 2000) • CRF (Sha + Pereira, 2003) • Named entity recognition (NER) • Averaged perceptron (linear classifier) • Based upon Ratinov + Roth (2009)

  47. Unsupervised word reprsas features • Word = “the” • Embedding = [-0.2, …, 1.6] • Brown cluster = 1010001100 • (cluster 4-prefix = 1010, • cluster 6-prefix = 101000, • …)

  48. Unsupervised word reprsas features Orig X = {pos-2=“DT”: 1, word-2=“the”: 1, ...} X w/ Brown = {pos-2=“DT”: 1 , word-2=“the”: 1, class-2-pre4=“1010”: 1, class-2-pre6=“101000”: 1} X w/ emb = {pos-2=“DT”: 1 , word-2=“the”: 1, word-2-dim00: -0.2, …, word-2-dim49: 1.6, ...}

  49. Embeddings: Normalization E = σ * E / stddev(E)

  50. Embeddings: Normalization(Chunking)

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