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Compact Representations of Separable Graphs

Compact Representations of Separable Graphs. From a paper of the same title submitted to SODA by: Dan Blandford and Guy Blelloch and Ian Kash. Standard Graph Representations. Standard Adjacency List - |V| + 2|E| words = O(|E|lg|V|) bits - |V| + |E| words if stored as an array

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Compact Representations of Separable Graphs

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  1. Compact Representations of Separable Graphs From a paper of the same title submitted to SODA by: Dan Blandford and Guy Blelloch and Ian Kash

  2. Standard Graph Representations • Standard Adjacency List - |V| + 2|E| words = O(|E|lg|V|) bits - |V| + |E| words if stored as an array • For arbitrary graphs, lower bound is O(|E| lg (|V|2/|E|)) bits, which adjacency list meets for sparse graphs, i.e. |E| = O(|V|)

  3. Representations for Planar Graphs that use O(|V|) bits • No Query Support - Turan [1984], First to come up with an O(|V|) bit compression scheme - Keeler and Westbrook [1995], Improved constants - Deo and Litow [1998], First use of separators - He, Kao and Lu [2000], Optimal high order term • Query Support - Jacobson [1989], O( lg |V|) adjacency queries - Munro and Raman [1997], O(1) adjacency queries - Based on page embeddings and balanced parentheses, so not generally applicable

  4. A Vertex Separator An Edge Separator Graph Separators • Formally, a class of Graphs is separable if: • Every member has a cut set of size βf(|V|) for some β > 0 such that • Each component has at most αn vertices for some α < 1 • We concern ourselves with the case f(|V|) = |V|c, 0 < c < 1

  5. Classes of Graphs With Small Separators Many Interesting and Useful Classes - Planar (and all bounded genus) - Telephone / Power / Road networks - 3D Meshes (Miller et al. [1997]) - Link Structure of Web

  6. Results Theory for both edge and vertex separators • Compress Graphs to O(|V|) bits • Meets Lower Bound for Query Times - Degree Queries – O(1) - Adjacency Queries – O(1) - Neighbor Queries – O(D), D = Degree Implementation for edge separators

  7. Main Ideas 1) Build separator tree 2) Order based on tree 3) Compress using difference encoded adjacency table 4) Use root find tree* * Vertex separators only

  8. A Graph and Its Separator Tree 1 1 1 3 4 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 4 2 3 4 4 1 3 2 Final Numbering: 1 2 3 4

  9. Difference Coded Adjacency Table • Instead of storing absolute numbers, store offsets • i.e.: 1,1,3,2,1 instead of 1,2,5,7,8 • Makes numbers stored smaller • By itself, it offers no advantage

  10. Gamma Code • Variable length encoding with 2 parts • 1st Part: Unary code of length of 2nd part • 2nd Part: Number in binary • Encoding n takes 2└lg(n+1)┘=O(lg(n)) bits • There are other codes with similar properties (Ex: Delta Code)

  11. u v u v Theorem: Using a difference coded adjacency table this ordering requires O(|V|) bits

  12. Sketch of Proof • The maximum distance between the numbers of u and v is the number of vertices in their Least Common Ancestor in the separator tree (n) • With Gamma Code this takes O(lg(n)) bits • Recurrence: S(n) ≤ 2S(.5n) + O(nc lg(n)) • As a geometrically decreasing recurrence, this solves to S(|V|) = O(|V|)

  13. Decoding Vertex i in O(1) time • We can decode lg(|V|) bits at a time through table lookup • An Edge Takes O(lg(|V|)) bits, and the degree of a vertex for a graph with good edge separators is constant • We decode the entire vertex using a constant number of table lookups Pointer to Vertex i Vertex i-1 Degree Edge 1 Edge 2 Edge 3 Vertex i+1

  14. Problem! • This assumes we have a pointer to vertex i • Requires |V| pointers of lg |V| bits each = O(|V| lg|V|), but the graph uses only O(|V|) • Can afford a pointer to a BLOCK of lg |V| vertices O(lg |V| * |V| / lg |V|) = O(|V|) • Can afford a pointer to a SUBBLOCK of at least k lg |V| bits • Can afford extra 2 lg |V| bits per block

  15. Offset for 2nd Subblock Offset for 3rd Subblock Next Subblocks Getting a Pointer to Vertex i in O(1) Pointer to Block (calculate as i / lg (|V|) Previous Block 100110 Pointer to Block Pointer to Offsets Next Block Flags to determine subblocks. A 1 is the start of a subblock Prev. Subblocks The Process: 1) Calculate block number 2) Identify subblock number 3) Get subblock offset 4) Add offset to pointer 5) Decode any Previous vertices (at most k lg |V| bits)

  16. Graphs Used For Testing

  17. Experimental Space Results

  18. Experimental Time Results

  19. Conclusions • Our Method uses O(|V|) bits to compress a graph with good separators • On test graphs with good separators, it used less than 12 bits per edge, including overhead • It meets the lower bounds for queries • With unoptimized table lookup it takes 3 times as long to search as a standard adjacency list representation and 6 times as long as an array based adjacency list

  20. Future Work • Test decoding speed on more graphs • Optimize decoding • Allow addition / deletion of edges • More Efficient Separator Generator • Implement Vertex Separators

  21. Create a Page Embedding Represent vertices and edges as parentheses - () for a vertex - ( for start of an edge - ) close for end - Figure on left: ()((())(()))((())(())) No good page embedding algorithm for arbitrary graphs Planar Embeddings and Parentheses

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