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The Inter-Country Committees: A Road to Peace

Explore the role of Inter-Country Committees (ICCs) in promoting long-term relations, common activities, and service projects between Rotarians of different countries. Learn how ICCs contribute to peace-building efforts and foster fellowship and intercultural understanding. Discover the process of organizing an ICC and the importance of empathy and comprehension in achieving peace. Find out more about ICC guidelines, national sections, and financial aspects.

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The Inter-Country Committees: A Road to Peace

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  1. The Inter-Country Committees: A Road to Peace

  2. The Inter-Country Committees: A Road to Peace • Presentation to the ICC Meeting in Prague 17th of May 2019 • PDG Ovidiu Cos, • Chair of ICC Executive Council 2018 – 2020 • Training Leader Rotary International • 2020 Honolulu RI Convention Promotion Committee. cosovidiu@gmail.com

  3. The first ICC, between Germany and France wasestablished in 1950 in Strasbourg France-Germany IntercountryCommittee

  4. Country basedactivity for bilateralhumanitarian and peace efforts, using programs and initiatives fittinginto the RI Strategic Plan The Role of ICC in Rotary

  5. The Role of ICCs • Focus on long term relations between Rotarians of two countries • Common activities and service projects • Special focus on team building projects

  6. Value added of ICC • Know how build up through longer term commitment • Combine efforts and project knowhow of Rotarians, their clubs and their districts – who all have real interest in the other country • Section with local expertise in each of the two countries • Encourage more clubs and districts to join – bring new ideas • Manymoreyou will find out

  7. Rotary Code of Policies 37.030. Inter-country Committees Guidelines Inter-country committees promote contact between districts and clubs in two or more countries and increase fellowship and intercultural understanding among the people of various nations. Rotarians are encouraged to create new inter-country committees to foster stronger ties between Rotarians, clubs, and districts from different countries and establish networks across borders, continents, and oceans. Inter-country committees should be promoted at RI, district and club meetings. (June 2007 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 281)

  8. www.rotary-icc.org

  9. Peace and the Role of ICCs • ICC are bilateral activities of countries and their districts • ICCs can help in creating a climate for peace between countries in the same region and far beyond • Humanitarian projects help to provide an environment for alleviating internal tensions: “Reach within to embrace Humanity”

  10. Organizing an ICC • Agreement from the District Governors in each of the countries • Identify interested Rotarians, clubs and districts • Approval of both sections = ICC • Charter celebration

  11. from 37.030.2. Establishing an Intercountry Committee Intercountry committees should involve districts in two countriesand act only in an advisory capacity to the governors……..inviting district governors from each district in the country to participate, identifying potential projects……….. After the planning committee has completed these tasks, a national section should be developed in each participating country with the approval of the national coordinator and at least one district governor. ……... (June 2007 Mtg.,Bd. Dec. 281)

  12. Rotary Code of Policies From 37.030.3. National Sections An intercountry committee is comprised of the national sections that represent the districts in each participating country. ……….. National sections coordinate the activities and projects of the intercountry committee within one country…….. Districts form and join ICCs, Rotarians, spouses, Rotaractors and clubs participate in their activities……..

  13. Rotary Code ofPolicies 37.030.4. National SectionChair(ofthe ICC) The national section chair must be a Rotarian, preferably a past district governor, and should be selected by the governor or group of governors representing the districts located in that country. In an advisory role to participating districts, the national section chair should assist the governor(s) in supervising and promoting the activity and projects of the committee, including the arrangement of contacts between clubs and districts in the partner countries. The national section chair appointment term should be three years to ensure continuity in the work of the intercountry committees.

  14. Summary on how Inter-Country Committees Work • National Section in each of the two Countries • Participation: Rotarians, spouses, Rotaractors, clubs and districts • ImportanceofEmpathyandcomprehension

  15. Rotary Code ofPolicies Intercountry committees shall function without financial support from Rotary International. Modest fees may be collected from participating districts to cover operating costs of the intercountry committee. Participating districts should fund the costs of national sections and intercountry committee activities in their district. 37.030.7. Finances

  16. Rotary Code of Policies 37.030.6. Relationships with Districts Intercountry committees shall function under the direction and with the close cooperation of the respective governors. Districts participating in intercountry committees should appoint a Rotarian to serve as the district liaison to the national section chair. (June 2007

  17. Rotary Code ofPolicies 37.030.5. National Coordinator In countries that participate in more than one intercountry committee, a national coordinator should be appointed to oversee these activities and the individual national section chairs. The national coordinator collects reports from each national section chair in the country to forward the executive council each year. The national coordinator must be a Rotarian, preferably a past district governor, and should be selected by the governor or group of governors representing the districts located in that country.The national coordinator appointment term should be three years to ensure continuity in the work of the intercountry committees.

  18. Rotary Code of Policies 37.030.8. Executive Council An executive council is comprised of national coordinators representing each country that participates in intercountry committees. The president, two vice-presidents, secretary and treasurer of the executive council should be elected by the national coordinator members. The president of the executive councils serves a three year term. The president of the executive council serves as the liaison between intercountry committees and Rotary International and should submit an annual report to RI in July each year that provides contact information for national coordinators, a list of participating districts in each national section, and a summary of major projects and activities.

  19. Rotary Code ofPolicies 37.030.9. Relationship with Rotary International The organization and functioning of intercountry committees is the independent activity of individual districts ……… However, intercountry committees undertaking ongoing service activities, ……should comply with RI’s policy for multidistrict service activities. Clubs and districts are encouraged to use established intercountry committee relationships to enhance their participation in Rotary Foundation programs, especially in the development of Global Grants. Activities of and information about intercountry committees will be published on the RI Web site and in the Rotary World Magazine Press. 3.

  20. ICCs – A Road to Peace • “The only Lasting Peace is the one built by those involved in the conflict” • need for change: from “Powerful Nations” Model to People Centered Peace building Model and engagement of Civil Society

  21. Peacebuilding Mediation Dialogue Consensus building Joint problem solving Conflict sensitivity Restorative justice Trauma informed

  22. ICC - Peacebuilding • To prepare people at every level for participation in peacebuilding processes (multidisciplinary and collaborative) • Provide necessary skills to communities around the globe in order to design and implement multilayer & multidisciplinary projects with the local partners • Need for conflict resolution skills at all levels of communities • Increase local abilities to heal from severe conflict • Reconcile communities

  23. Water and Sanitation Crisis • We believe that the water crisis is at the basis of many internal and external conflicts all over the world • Solving or at least alleviating water related conflicts may result in turning traditional enemies into peaceful neighbors • The main mission of the ICCs is to promote Rotary actions in favor of the resolution of conflicts and promoting peace

  24. ICC and Water Crisessand d

  25. ICCs and WATER Inter Country Committees Goals • 1. To join forces in order to create access to sources of safe water in stressed areas • 2. To find solutions for suitable sanitation and teach the community how to keep hygiene and cleanliness • 3. To finance the training of coaches who will teach people how to use correctly water and sanitation equipment and technologies. • 4. To inculcate these issues in Rotary Clubs and Districts and educate youth so that they get involved in the serach for solutions and tools to cope with the lack of safe water and poor sanitation

  26. The key to solving the water and sanitation crisis • The solution to the global water crisis is far from being simple. • But we believe that it may be reached only if we work together, clubs, districts , ICCs, public and private donors of all kinds and – last but not least – the very populations we wish to help. Our strong commitment and cooperation can be the key to a better and safer The Key Efficient Water Management • future for so many communities all over the world.

  27. Rotary International, Regional Rotary Districts, ICCs and Clubs can contribute to water crisis alleviation Establishing multi-national water teams of experts to analyze and recommend on water conservation and preservation of water sources • Encouraging introduction of new technologies for efficient consumption and new sources’ development • Education Encouragement of Voluntary Conservation

  28. ICCs can contribute to the membership growing and leadership development • Educational activities • Cultures and friendship exchange activities. • United in different sport activities • Focus on New Generation (Youth ) service • Enhance public image and awareness • Focus on different Areas of Focus and Supporting Global Grants • The ICCs are the essence of International Service in RI.

  29. “Rotarians must be from now on at the forefront of the peace ideal.” Robert Haussmann France-Germany Intercountry Committee

  30. ICCs • Thank you for your atention !

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