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Text-Based Topic Segmentation

Text-Based Topic Segmentation. Vaibhav Mallya EECS 767 Radev. Agenda. Definitions Applications Hearst’s TextTiling Probablistic LSA Unsupervised Bayes Discussion. Definitions.

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Text-Based Topic Segmentation

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  1. Text-Based Topic Segmentation VaibhavMallya EECS 767 Radev

  2. Agenda • Definitions • Applications • Hearst’s TextTiling • Probablistic LSA • Unsupervised Bayes • Discussion

  3. Definitions • Topic Segmentation – Given a single piece of language data how can we effectively divide it into topical chunks? • F.ex: A single news story might cover • Economic situation • A train wreck in Belize • Industrial espionage

  4. Definitions • But what does a topic within a document consist of? • Usually we consider it • Internally consistent subject (nouns, verbs) • Gradual elaboration or exposition on this subject • “Less related” to adjacent topics

  5. Definitions • “Discourse Model” – How do we expect this text was generated, or what is it trying to get across? • Multiple parties sharing points of view? • Single person positing theories? • Debate? • Some algorithms designed for specific discourse models, others more generic • Are results better or worse with one or the other? • How feasible is it to deliver general purpose algorithms? • At the very-least, tokenization strategies must differ (?)

  6. Definitions • Lexical chain – Sequence of related words in text • Somewhat independent of grammatical structure • A good lexical chain captures the “cohesive structure” of the text • John bought a Jag. He loves the car. • Car -> Jag • He -> John

  7. Applications • Applications lie primarily in unstructured dialogue and text • Figuring out how broad-based a news story or article may be • Topic shifts in dialogue (does Google Voice transcription use this?) • Assisting with meeting note transcription

  8. Applications • A lot of topic segmentation is already done by hand and used in search. • Wikipedia, Java: http://www.google.com/search?q=sorting+algorithms

  9. Hearst’s TextTiling • UC Berkeley and Xerox PARC • Early topic segmentation algorithm • Two possible goals • Identify topical units • Label contents meaningfully • Paper focuses on the former – simply identifying unmarked borders

  10. Hearst’s TextTiling • Some prior works model discourse as hierarchical • Topics, sub-topics, sub-sub-topics • Hearst focused on coarse-grained linear model • Hence “tiling”

  11. Hearst’s TextTiling • “The more similar two blocks of text are, the more likely it is the current subtopic continues” • Tokenization • Similarity Determination • Boundary Identification.

  12. Hearst’s TextTiling • 1) Tokenization • Basic tokens are “pseudosentences” aka token-sequences • Token-sequences – strings of tokens of length ‘w’ • Stopword list used (frequent words eliminated) • Each (stemmed) token stored in table, along with how frequently it occurs in each token-sequence

  13. Hearst’s TextTiling • 2) Similarity Determination • Use a sliding window • Compare blocks of token-sequences for similarity • These are “paragraphs” in this scheme • Blocksize parameter = k, • Blockwise similarity calculated via cosine measure

  14. Hearst’s TextTiling • Blocks b1 and b2 • k token-sequences eac • t ranges over all tokenized terms • wt,b1 is weight assigned to term t in block b1 • Weights = frequency in block • High: Closer to 1 • Low: Closer to 0

  15. Hearst’s TextTiling • But this is a sliding window • First, second blocks span [i-k, i]and [i+1, i+k+1] respectively • We are actually assigning number between i,i+1 • Use smoothing with window size of three

  16. Hearst’s TextTiling • 3) Boundary Identification • Now we can use our sequence of similarity scores • Find “changes” over the line to calculate “depth scores” • Find every peak pi • Now find relative height: hi = (pi - pi+1) + (pi - pi-1) • “Highest” hi values correspond to boundaries • As described in paper, some experimentation is necessary; they come up with some threshold value they can use.

  17. Hearst’s TextTiling • Evaluation criteria • Compare against human judgment of topic segments • This paper uses Stargazers, a sci-fi text

  18. Hearst’s TextTiling

  19. Demo • Implementation example • Python Natural Language Toolkit • Not true to the original paper, but a good demonstration (fits on existing paragraph boundaries)

  20. Probabilistic LSA • Brants, Chen, Tsochantaridis • PARC, PARC, Brown University • Applies PLSA to topic segmentation problem • Then selects segmentation points based on the similarity values between pairs of adjacent blocks.

  21. Probabilistic LSA • Review of Latent Semantic Analysis • Matches synonymous words • Begin with a straight high-dimensional word-count matrix • Apply Singular Value Decomposition • Obtain simpler “semantic space” • Similar terms and documents should be close or even adjacent

  22. Probabilistic LSA • Review of Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis as described in the paper • Conditional probability between documents d and words w is modeled through latent variable z • P(w|z), P(z|d) • z is a kind of class or topic • Joint probability is then • Then apply Expectation-Maximization to maximize

  23. Probabilistic LSA • 1) Preprocessing • Tokenize (ignoring stop-words) • Normalize (lower-case) • Stem • Identify sentence boundaries

  24. Probabilistic LSA • 2) Blockify • Elementary block is (in this case) a “real” sentence • Blocks are sequences of consecutive elementary blocks • In actual segmentation, use sliding window to create blocks • Each block is composed of constant h number of elementary blocks

  25. Probabilistic LSA • 2) Blockify (continued) • Each block represented by term vector f(w|b) • Experimentally “good” number of latent classes: • Z ~=~ 2*number of human-assigned topics

  26. Probabilistic LSA • 3) Segmentation • Locations between paragraphs are used as starting points • Folding-in performed on each block b to compute distribution • Compute P(z|b), P(w|b) • P(w|b) = Estimated distribution of words for each block b =

  27. Probabilistic LSA • 3) Segmentation (continued) • This is done for all words w • Calculate blockwise similarity, find “dips” (local minima) • Calculate relative size of dip (equation in paper) • A priori knowledge of number of segments N lets us terminate after finding N dips • Otherwise termination is determined by threshold (paper provides value of 1.2)

  28. Probabilistic LSA • Evaluation • Authors choose a fixed training corpus and fixed actual corpus- • They use word error rate and sentence error rate as metrics (still not sure what these are) • WER: Probability that that a randomly chosen pair of words at distance kw words apart is erroneously classified • SER: Same as above but for sentences • Comparison against some other algorithms (including TextTiling) is done as well.

  29. Probabilistic LSA

  30. Probabilistic LSA

  31. Probabilistic LSA

  32. Probabilistic LSA

  33. Unsupervised Bayes • Jacob Eisenstein and Regina Barzilay, CSAIL, MIT • Relatively recent paper (2008)

  34. Unsupervised Bayes • As we’ve seen so far, text has been treated as raw data • “Lexical cohesion” thus far only measure of topics • No semantic information explicitly retained or utilized • For the purposes of topic segmentation, there is one obvious semantic element that somehow could be incorporated:

  35. Unsupervised Bayes • Transition Words and Cue Phrases • “Now”, “Then”, “Next” • “As previously discussed”, “On a Related Note” • Obviously, these give embarrassingly obvious indicators that a topic will probably change

  36. Unsupervised Bayes • This method “situates lexical cohesion within a Bayesian Framework” • Still use a linear discourse structure • Words are drawn from a generative language model • Use known cue phrases as guide

  37. Unsupervised Bayes • [lots of math…]

  38. Unsupervised Bayes • Evaluation functions: • WindowDiff (Pevzner and Hearst, 2002) • P_k (Beeferman et al, 1999) • Both pass a “window” through a document, • Assess whether sentences on “edge” of the window are segmented w.r.teach other • WindowDiff is slightly “stricter”

  39. Unsupervised Bayes

  40. Unsupervised Bayes • Results • Cue phrases are useful, but their total effectiveness is dataset dependent • Writers do not always use cue phrases consistently • Cue phrases may be more useful for speech/meeting transcription and analysis than narration or literature

  41. Discussion • Potential future, or unexplored applications? • Analogues possible in other kinds of text? • Used to assign complexity scores to literature? • Maybe incorporate into Fleisch-Kincaid? • Focus is on complete articles, stories, etc • What about streaming or live news?

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