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Industrialization and Segregation

Industrialization and Segregation. For what did AF of L stand? American Federation of Labor. What are two advantages of a corporation? 1) Raise capital; 2) Limited Liability. For what type of business was J.P. Morgan known? Finance.

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Industrialization and Segregation

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  1. Industrialization and Segregation

  2. For what did AF of L stand? • American Federation of Labor

  3. What are two advantages of a corporation? • 1) Raise capital; 2) Limited Liability

  4. For what type of business was J.P. Morgan known? • Finance

  5. In what major strike in the 1890s was the American Railway Union involved? • The Pullman Strike

  6. What labor union was involved in the 1892 Homestead Steel Strike? • The AF of L (American Federation of Labor)

  7. Who invented the electric light bulb? • Thomas Edison

  8. With what industry was Andrew Carnegie associated? • Steel

  9. Who was president of the American Railway Union at the time of the Pullman Strike? • Eugene V. Debs

  10. With what industry was John D. Rockefeller associated? • Oil

  11. What was another name for segregation laws? • Jim Crow Laws

  12. With what industry was Cornelius Vanderbilt associated? • Railroads

  13. Who invented the telephone? • Alexander Graham Bell

  14. What 18th century Scottish philosopher developed the laissez faire economic theory? • Adam Smith

  15. Who wrote Wealth of Nations? • Adam Smith

  16. What type of education did Booker T. Washington advocate (call for/support) for African-Americans? • Vocational education

  17. How did the Supreme Court rule in 1896 in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson? • Racial segregation was constitutional (legal).

  18. What doctrine was established by the Supreme Court’s decision in Plessy v. Ferguson? • The “Separate But Equal” Doctrine

  19. Who was the founder of the A F of L? • Samuel Gompers

  20. What union was blamed for the 1886 Haymarket Riot in Chicago? • The Knights of Labor

  21. What does racial segregation mean? • Separation of the races

  22. What industry was made more efficient by the development of the Bessemer process? • Steel

  23. What is a labor union? • An organization of workers

  24. What does laissez faire mean? • An economic philosophy that says government should leave business alone; let business do what it wants. Government should neither help nor hinder business.

  25. With what invention were the Wright Brothers associated? • The airplane

  26. For what does NAACP stand? • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

  27. Who developed the conveyor belt assembly line for the manufacture of automobiles? • Henry Ford

  28. What were three ideas in Booker T. Washington’s philosophy for the advancement of African-Americans? • 1) Vocational Education; 2) Self-Help; 3) Economic Success

  29. What were W.E.B. DuBois’ ideas for the advancement of African-Americans? • Legal Rights and Political Equality for African-Americans NOW!

  30. WhatAfrican-American woman led an anti-lynching crusade during the first part of the 20th century? • Ida B. Wells

  31. Which side did government take in both the Haymarket Riot and the Pullman Strike? Big Business or Labor? • Big Business

  32. Who won the Pullman Strike? The Pullman Company or the American Railway Union • the Pullman Company

  33. Which 19th century American labor union has survived until the present day? • The A F of L. Today it is known as the AFL-CIO.

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