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32 nd Meeting of Executive Committee of NHM for approval of Annual Action Plan 2011-12

32 nd Meeting of Executive Committee of NHM for approval of Annual Action Plan 2011-12. 1. National Scenario. State Scenario. 2. 3. State Proposal for 2011-12. 4. Summary of Action Plans. National Scenario. State-wise details of Districts included under NHM. 4.

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32 nd Meeting of Executive Committee of NHM for approval of Annual Action Plan 2011-12

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  1. 32nd Meeting of Executive Committee of NHMfor approval of Annual Action Plan 2011-12

  2. 1 National Scenario State Scenario 2 3 State Proposal for 2011-12 4 Summary of Action Plans

  3. National Scenario

  4. State-wise details of Districts included under NHM 4

  5. Enhancement 2010-11 over 2004-05 Crops Area (%) Production (%) Productivity (%) Fruit 26.0 40.5 10.8 Vegetable 19.1 32.1 10.6 Plantation crops 5.2 21.7 15.6 Spices 29.7 0.5 23.1 Flowers 80.0 848.1 427.2 NHM : Achievements

  6. Year Population(million) Production Availability(gm/persons/day) (000 MT) 2005-06 1094.58 55355 138 2006-07 1109.8 59563 147 2007-08 1124.8 65587 159 2008-09 1140 68466 164 2009-10 1156 71515 169 NHM : Achievements Availability of Fruits:

  7. Year Population(million) Production Availability(gm/persons/day) (000 MT) 2005-06 1094.58 111399 279 2006-07 1109.8 114993 284 2007-08 1124.8 128449 313 2008-09 1140 129077 310 2009-10 1156 133737 317 NHM : Achievements Availability of Vegetables:

  8. NHM : Achievements

  9. Qty(2006-07) Value(2006-07) Qty(2009-10) Value(2009-10) Apple 25936.5 31.3 26880.3 32.10 Banana 11475.6 16.0 54319.2 130.25 Grapes 85562.8 300.5 117337.5 431.06 Mango 79060.8 141.9 83703.1 170.7 Papaya 10344.4 11.6 17925.0 17.49 Sapota 2089.5 7.4 4112 6.0 Total 214469.6 508.7 304277.1 787.66 NHM : Achievements Value in Rs. Cr Qty in MT Export of Fruits :

  10. Qty(2006-07) Value(2006-07) Qty(2009-10) Value(2009-10) Cauliflowers 44.6 0.03 1674.1 0.91 Onion 1378373 1163.3 1664923 2319.4 Peas 1183.5 2.7 1270.7 3.54 Potato 89024.5 57.7 94087.9 74.2 Sweet Potato 532.5 0.47 550.40 0.56 Total 2971964 2482.69 3728321 4455.64 Tomatoes 33592 34.10 105861.6 103.2 Cassavas 56.1 0.19 1123.2 2.97 NHM : Achievements Export of Vegetables: Value in Rs. Cr Qty in MT

  11. Year Allocation Release 2005-06 650 630.00 2006-07 950 945.29 2007-08 900 917.33 2008-09 1000 1010.50 2009-10 800 800.00 2010-11 986 970.86 NHM : Financial Rs. In Cr

  12. State-wise position on Release and Expenditure (2010-11) (Rs. in crore)

  13. Flowers 1.26 lac ha Spices 3.80 lac ha M&A Plants 0.58 lac ha Plantation Crops 1.30 lac ha Fruit 11.88 lac ha NHM : Physical Area Expansion: (As on 30.4.2011 web posting)

  14. Area Coverage till 2010-11 (lac ha)

  15. Area coverage during 2010-11 (Lac ha)

  16. NHM : Physical • Rejuvenation of 3.24 lakh ha of senile plantations • Adoption of IPM programme in an area of 8.56 lakh ha, besides establishment of 1563 IPM/INM infrastructure facilities such as bio-control labs, plant health clinics, leaf tissue analysis labs, disease forecasting units. • 2281 nurseries have been established for production for quality planting materials. • Creation of 20939 community water tanks. • An area of 1.49 lakh ha was brought under organic farming, besides establishment of 1.16 lakh units of vermin-compost units. • Assistance has been provided for establishment of 10048 pack houses, 339 cold storages, 32 refer vans besides creation of 34 whole sale markets and 216 rural markets, 14.6 lakh MT Cold Storage capacity has been added. • Training of 9.30 lakh farmers.

  17. State-wise position on Release and Expenditure (2010-11) (Rs. in crore) 18

  18. Performance wise Status of States • Best States in terms of area expansion related activities during 2005-06 to 2010-11 are Maharashtra followed by Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Orissa, Kerala ,Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh. • Best States in terms of PHM and Market related activities during 2005-06 to 2010-11 are Karnataka followed by Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab Gujarat , Andhra Pradesh, Haryana Orissa and Rajasthan.

  19. Annual Action Plan(AAP) 2011-12 • Budget Provision for 2011-12 Rs 1200 crore. • Tentative Allocation to States was communicated on 17th February,2011 to submit AAP based on Strategy and Road Map prepared for horticulture development during2010-11 for next three years. • Allocation was made based on the performance of State/utilization of funds during 2007-08 to 2010-11(XI Plan). • Progress of 2010-11 and draft AAPs of States were discussed thread bare in two meetings held on 24th March and 7th April,2011,under the Chairmanship of JS(NHM).

  20. Annual Action Plan(AAP) 2011-12 • Based on the discussion, final shape is available in the form of proposed allocation in the respect of 17 States, except Delhi which is not contributing State share during XI Plan. • Proposed allocation is placed before the Executive Committee for consideration and approval. • State wise details of horticulture scenario, performance and proposed Action Plan follows.

  21. State Scenario

  22. 2007-08 7836.94 11363.29 8539.01 75.15 2824.28 2006-07 7500.00 10476.87 6950.52 66.34 3526.35 2009-10 9566.59 14484.01 8872.89 52.51 6879.05 2010-11 10518.00 12258.41 10906.22 88.97 1352.19 2008-09 12968.39 15792.67 10504.6 68.86 4917.42 Year Release Total Funds Expenditure % Expd Unspent Available Balance 2005-06 4420.96 4420.96 1444.09 32.66 2976.87 ANDHRA PRADESH FINANCIAL PROGRESS : 2005-11 Rs. in Lakh


  24. Andhra Pradesh : Production & Productivity

  25. Andhra Pradesh: Action Plan 2011-12

  26. 2007-08 269.72 4462.79 2129.73 47.72 2333.06 2006-07 3500.00 6596.98 2403.91 36.44 4193.07 2009-10 2435.17 5458.22 2280.19 41.77 3178.03 2010-11 0.00 3178.03 2607.57 82.04 570.46 2008-09 3122.48 5455.54 2432.49 44.59 3023.05 Year Release Total Funds Expenditure % Expd Unspent Available Balance 2005-06 3100.00 3100.00 3.02 0.10 3096.98 BIHAR FINANCIAL PROGRESS : 2005-11 Rs. in Lakh


  28. BIHAR : Production & Productivity

  29. BIHAR: Action Plan 2011-12

  30. 2007-08 6252.41 9044.47 3016.77 33.35 6027.70 2006-07 5500.00 7525.32 4733.26 62.90 2792.06 2009-10 6000.00 7033.29 6441.00 91.58 5929.29 2010-11 9657.00 9197.15 8609.58 93.61 587.57 2008-09 3000.00 9027.70 7994.41 88.55 1033.29 Year Release Total Funds Expenditure % Expd Unspent Available Balance 2005-06 2367.83 2367.83 342.51 14.47 2025.32 CHHATTISGARH FINANCIAL PROGRESS : 2005-11 Rs. in Lakh


  32. CHHATTISGARH : Production & Productivity

  33. CHHATTISGARH : Action Plan 2011-12

  34. 2007-08 3.19 223.21 160.75 72.02 62.46 2006-07 200 402.29 182.27 45.31 220.02 2009-10 150 131.43 170.69 129.87 -39.26 2010-11 212 172.74 218.39 126.43 -45.65 2008-09 100.45 162.91 181.48 111.4 -18.57 Year Release Total Funds Expenditure % Expd Unspent Available Balance 2005-06 315.20 315.20 112.91 35.82 202.29 GOA FINANCIAL PROGRESS : 2005-11 Rs. in Lakh


  36. GOA : Production & Productivity

  37. GOA : Action Plan 2011-12

  38. GUJARAT FINANCIAL PROGRESS : 2005-11 Rs. in Lakh


  40. GUJARAT : Production & Productivity

  41. GUJARAT : Action Plan 2011-12

  42. 2007-08 6476.49 7747.10 4671.80 60.30 3075.30 2006-07 3480.00 4349.67 3079.06 70.79 1270.61 2009-10 5600.00 6333.74 6906.85 109.05 -573.11 2010-11 5150.00 4804.68 5156.32 107.32 -351.64 2008-09 3300.31 6357.61 5641.87 88.49 733.74 Year Release Total Funds Expenditure % Expd Unspent Available Balance 2005-06 1050.00 1050.00 180.33 17.17 869.67 HARYANA FINANCIAL PROGRESS : 2005-11 Rs. in Lakh


  44. HARYANA : Production & Productivity

  45. HARYANA : Action Plan 2011-12

  46. JHARKHAND FINANCIAL PROGRESS : 2005-11 Rs. in Lakh


  48. JHARKHAND : Production & Productivity

  49. JHARKHAND : Action Plan 2011-12

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