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A comprehensive model for developing T & T education in Colombia - Within Colombian Context – by Hyungsok Soh (

A comprehensive model for developing T & T education in Colombia - Within Colombian Context – by Hyungsok Soh ( Korea Int´l Coop . Agency) May 17, 2013. Table of Contents. 1. Colombian context for T & T education 2. Presupposition : Colombia´s strategy for economic development

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A comprehensive model for developing T & T education in Colombia - Within Colombian Context – by Hyungsok Soh (

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  1. A comprehensivemodelfordevelopingT & T education in Colombia- WithinColombianContext –byHyungsokSoh(KoreaInt´lCoop. Agency)May 17, 2013

  2. Table of Contents 1. Colombiancontextfor T & T education 2. Presupposition: Colombia´sstrategyforeconomicdevelopment 3. Futuremanpowerdemand in Colombia 4. Technologies need to be taught to satisfy future manpower demand 5. Factorsaffecting T & T educationquality (1) Overallmodelforqualityeducation (2) Educationactivities (3) Educationalenvrionments ※ Indicatorsthat can be used in measuringeducationresults 6. Nationalcertificationsystemtocheckthequality of education (1) Concept of nationalcertificationsystem ※ Education system in Korea ※ Highereducationsystem in Korea ※ MajorstatisticsonKoreaneducation

  3. 1. Colombiancontextfor T & T education ○ Colombia has goodconditionforprosperity - Government set gooddirectionfordevelopment : ´´PROSPERIDAD PARA TODOS´´ - Peoplepossesstheaspirationfordevelopment. - Possessabundant natural resources (oil, gold, silver, emeralds, platinum, coal) - Havegoodgeographicconditions (size & location & diversity of land, seaports) - Havegooddemographicconditions (size & diversity of population) - There are 500 millionpeoplewho are speakingespanol. ○ Economic status of Colombia - Colombia is in theprocess of economicgrowth and povertyreduction. - Industrializationisongoing in Colombia (service53%, industry38%, agriculture 9% ) withlarge informal sector. ※Needtodevelopchemical & machinary (majorimportitems) industry. - Unemploymentrate of Colombia was 9.6% in 2011. - Disparatiesacross & withindepartments are significant in Colombia. ※ Ginicoefficient(0.578) is 7th in the world

  4. ○ Present status of Colombian T & T education - T & T educationisprovided in fourtypes of tertiaryeducationinstitutions. - About 32% of tertiarystudents are studying in T & T levels in 2010. - There are bigdifferences in tertiaryenrollmentsamongdepartments . - Thereexists T & T educationdemand. T&T graduatesearn 3 times more than highschoolgraduates, butearn 1/3 of master´sdegreeholders. - Number of T & T students are increasing, butT & T institutions are decreasing . ※ T & T students in uppertertiaryinstitutions are increasing. - Teaching staff in tertiaryinstitutionsposessloweracademicdegrees. ※ doctorate 4%, master 19% in 2009 - MEN wantstoincrease T & T students up to 45% of tertiarystudents.

  5. Colombiancontext

  6. Presupposition : Colombia´sstrategyfor economicdevelompment ○ Colombia need to provide (more) industrial complexes to promote economic development. - Toconstructinfrastructuresfortheconvenience of factoryinstallation & operation. (land, road, watersupply, communication, transportation, etc.) - Tolocate industrial complexes in areasconvenienttoexportgoods (nearseaports) - Toconstruct industrial complexes in poordepartmentsfirst, and expand nationwide(e.g. La Guajira, Choco, Vaupes, Vichada department) - Toconstruct light industrycomplexesfirst and extendtocomplexesfor heavy/high-tech industries ○ Need to induce factories to the industrial complexes. - Toprovidefinancialsupport & taxbenefittoColombianentrepreneursfor factoryinstallation & operation in thecomplex - To induce foreignenterprisestoinstallfactories in thecomplexes

  7. ○ Need to proceed for the development of heavy & high-tech industry - Heavy & high-techindustrycan providemore profitsthanlight industry. - Engineers and R & D manpowers are important in high-techindustry, and thus needto be brought up throughhighereducation. ○ Bypursuingtheeconomicdevelopmentstrategy, Colombianeconomy willbringthefollowingresults. - Colombian´s per capita GDP willgrowwiththegrowth of export. - Percentage of the population with unsatisfied basic needs will be decreased. - Economicdisparitiesamongdepartments & regionswill be decreased. - Demandforwelfareservice & lesiureactivitieswillbe increased. - Demandforskilledmanpowerwill be increased. - People´sabilitytopayforhighereducationwill be increased.

  8. Process of Koreaeconomicdevelopmentunit : US$ Korean Example

  9. Majornational industrial complexes in Korea Korean Example 2 11 12 10 3 4 5 1 8 14 6 9 7 13

  10. Industrial complex

  11. 3. Futuremanpowerdemand in Colombia ○ In case Colombia pursueseconomicdevelopmentpolicymentionedabove, Colombia willfacethefollowingmanpowerdemand in future. - Demandfortrained/skilledmanpowerwill be increased in general. - Manpowerdemandin light industrywill be increasedfirst, and demandforheavy & high-techmanpowerwill be increasedlater. - As economygrows, demandformanpower in service & welfarewill be increased. - Theimportance of R & D manpowerwillbe increasedtoimprovethe productivity of industries. - Demandforhighereducationwillbe increased. - Highereducationinstitutionswill be requiredtoprovidehighquality manpowers.

  12. Technologies needto be taughttosatisfyfuturemanpowerdemand ○ Traditionalareas of technologies - Industrial technolgies : architectural, mechanical, electricaltechnologies, etc. - Agricultural & Veterinaryareas : livestocks, pomiculture, foriculture, etc. - Medical areas : medicine, nursing, pharmacy, etc. - Social sciences : economics, administration, education, politics, etc. - Humanities : languages, history, philosophies, arts, etc. ○ New areasthatwill be emphasized in future - Up to date technologies : robotics, informationprocessing, lifesciences, etc. - Welfareareas : therapy, health-care, leasureactivities, etc. - Serviceareas : foodservices, tour services, etc. ○ T & T manpowershouldpossessnotonly T & T skillsbutalso general abilitiessuch as language , data analysis, etc.

  13. ○ Considerations in organizing T & T education curriculum - Technics/technologiesshould be trainedthroughly. - Bothlecture and labpracticeneedto be provided . - On-site(industry) practiceneedto be provided. - Humanistic education courses/opportunities throughextra-curricular activities need to be provided. - Opportunitytocourseselectionneedto be provided. - Careerguidanceneedto be provided. - Students´ caree pathneedto be considered and opportunitiesfor furtherstudyshould be provided. - Proof of abilitiesneedto be demonstratedbyacquiringsome certificates. - Thehighertheeducationlevel, the more broadskill & theoretical training isnecessary.

  14. Korean Example Deptartments of junior colleges in Korea ○ Traditionaldepartments - Dept. of civil engineering - Dept. of computerinformation - Dept. of refrigeration & air concitioning - Dept. of social welfare, etc. ○ Cuttingedgeenginieeringdepartments - Dept. of robot engineering - Dept. of computerinformation , mobilemajor, etc. ○ Serviceindustrydepartments - Dept. of fireprotection & safety - Dept. of foodservice , coffee barista major, etc.

  15. Futureorienteddepartments in Koreancolloges

  16. Curriculum of atechnicalhighschool Korean Example

  17. Korean Example Curriculum of a junior college (ArchitectureDept., 2nd year, 1st semester)

  18. Photos of a junior college Halla College in Jeju Island

  19. 5. Factorsaffecting T & T educationquality • Overallmodelforqualityeducation

  20. (2) Educationactivities ○ Site oriented education - Rate of project-oriented courses - Hours of on-site practice by each student - Students evaluation of on-site practice - Rate of courses provided by industry request - No. of courses for industry staffs’ in-service training - No. of contract courses with industries - Degree of support for exchange with industries - Amount of college-industry student exchange

  21. ○ Student support - Budgets of student support center - Achievement of student support center - Rate of supported student circle on specialization - Budgets for supporting student circle on specialization - Amount of support for mentor/coaching activities - Amount of support for disadvantaged students. ○ Management of studyskills - Expenses for each freshmen´s basic study skill training - Rate of freshmen participation on basic study skill training - Student accreditation system within college

  22. ○ Interactionbetweenschool and students - Method of communication between school and student - Amount of communication between school & student - Expenses of adviser activities per student - Amount of educator – student counseling - Management system for educator – student counseling ○ Specializedcourses & internationalexchanges - Number of specialization (T & T) courses - Rate of enrollment on specialization (T & T) courses - Amount of international exchange/visit per student - Rate of student participating in international exchange - Rate of foreign students

  23. Educationactivities

  24. (3) Educationalenvironments ○ Professionality of Educators - Utmost degrees of educators ※ Educators with Master´s or above in Korea : 97.2% (Junior College), 38% (Secondary School) 84.1% of University professors poss Doctoral Degree. - Congruity of study areas of educators and teaching areas - Educators’ pre-service experiences in industries - Educators’ in-service experiences in industries - Investment for educators’ in-service training ○ Investmentforeducators and students - Rate of full-time educators - Rate of full-time educators´ salary promotion - Rate of investment for student direct education - Rate of scholarship receiving students - Support for on-site practice expenses

  25. ○ Investmentforeducationfacilities - Rate of expenses for education facility purchase - Rate of classroom space procurement - Rate of laboratory space procurement - Rate of library space procurement - Rate of welfare space procurement - Safety management of laboratories ○ Implementation of lectureevaluationsystem - Level of students’ satisfaction on lectures - Opening of educator evaluation results - Reflection of evaluation results on personnel administration - Amount of reward on evaluation results

  26. ※ Indicators that can be used in measuring education results in Korea ○Certification & jobacquisition - Rate of job acquisition on permanent position - Rate of job acquisition after industry site-practice - Number of certificate acquisition per students - Rate of award receiving students ○ Schoolcompetitiveness - Rate of freshmen enrollments - Rate of drop-out - Re-admission rate of college graduates ○ Reputation of graduates and schools - Industry reputation on graduates - Community reputation on schools ○ Satisfaction of graduates - Self-evaluation of graduates - Satisfaction through post-graduation service

  27. Educationalenvironments

  28. 6. Nationalcertificationsystemtocheckthequality of education EducationMarket Labor Market • Concept of nationalcertificationsystem ○ Function of national certificate system - Certificationillustratesworker´sabilityobjectively. - Certification can guide thedirection of manpowereducation & training. - Certificationhelpsproperselectionand placement in industries. - Certificationmotivatespeople´seffortforself-training. Certificate Work Education

  29. Korean Example Nationaltechnicalcertificationsystem in Korea ○ There are 512 national technical certificates, 148 national certificates, 88 public certificates, and 2,600 private certificates in Korea.

  30. Certificatesforjobs

  31. Korean Esample Educationsystem in Korea

  32. Korean Example Highereducationsystem in Korea ○ Majorfunctions of universities in Korea - Some top leveluniversitiespositioningthemselves as research – focused university and concentratetheireffortsonresearch and graduateeducation. - Secondleveluniversitiesthinkthemselves as education – focuseduniversity and concentratetheireffortsonengineerleveleducation. - Junior collegesperformthefunction of jobpreparation and providetwoorthree years of technologicalprograms. ○ Air and Correspondence University in Korea - Korea has onenational Air and CorrespondenceUniversity and itsgraduates won highreputation in Korea. - There are several virtual highereducationinstitutions, butthey are notreceiving muchfocusfrompublic. ○ Beginningage of highereducation - Highereducationbeginsafter 12 years of basic & secondaryeducation in Korea

  33. MajorstatistisonKoreaneducation ○ Enrollment rate in 2012 ○ Compostion of High-school Students in 2012 ○ Employment & Promotion rate of High-school Graduates in 2012

  34. ○ Compostion of Students in Higher education Institutions in 2012 ○ Employment rate of Higher Education graduatesin 2012 ※ 6.7% of college/universitygraduatescontinuetheirstudy at graduateschools ○ Employment rate of Higher Education graduates in each area in 2012

  35. Thank you !

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