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生科 4 甲 蔡德峰

生科 4 甲 蔡德峰. 前言. sequencing of the human -> functiona l genomics Gene-expression microarrays and RNA interferences (RNAi) ATM/NFκB and ATM/p53-mediated arms. functiona l genomics. to gaining system-level understanding of the mechanisms gene products interact and regulate each other

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生科 4 甲 蔡德峰

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  1. 生科4甲 蔡德峰

  2. 前言 • sequencing of the human -> functional genomics • Gene-expression microarrays and RNA interferences (RNAi) • ATM/NFκB and ATM/p53-mediated arms

  3. functional genomics • to gaining system-level understanding of the mechanisms • gene products interact and regulate each other • physiological processes during normal development and in response to homeostatic challenges

  4. Gene-expression microarrays • https://www.vbi.vt.edu/ article/articleview/145

  5. RNA interferences (RNAi) • www.mpg.de/.../ EEB/200432_035.shtml (RNA-induced silencing complex)

  6. RNA interferences (RNAi) • www.life.uiuc.edu/ shapiro/RNAiApps.html

  7. G1 checkpoint ATM/p53 -mediatedATM/NFkB -mediated • www.biocarta.com/ pathfiles/m_atmPathway.asp Ataxia- telangiectasia ( AT)

  8. www.mbb.yale.edu/ fl/fl_s_ghosh.htm NFkB ATM/NFkB -mediated

  9. ATM • http://www.emdbiosciences.com/popup/cbc/NFKB_Interactive_Pathway.htm NFkB ATM/NFkB -mediated

  10. Hypothesis • the combined experimental strategy of expression arrays and RNAi is indeed a powerful method for the dissection of complex transcriptional networks, and that computational promoter analysis can provide a strong complementary means for assessing the accuracy of this dissection.

  11. 實驗流程圖 Definition of the damage-responding gene set Microarray analysis 建立siRNA knocked-downcellularsystems Computational promoteranalysis GO functional gene annotations Cluster analysis TRANSFAC * * *- New candidate target genes * * * Database search Adapted from Thomas Werner Biomolecular Engineering, 17: 87-94 (2001)

  12. 建立siRNA knocked-downcellularsystems • Materials and methods DNA fragments To be cloned pSUPER retroviral vector To be transfected HEK293 cell (哺乳動物) (selected with puromycin or hygromycin) 病毒載體用于siRNA表達,其優勢在于可以直接高效率感染細胞進行基因沉默的研究,避免由于質粒轉染效率低而帶來的種種不便,而且轉染效果更加穩定。 最適用于:已知一個有效的siRNA序列,需要維持較長時間的基因沉默。

  13. 以Western blotting 檢驗 RNAi • RNAi并不能完全阻斷基因的表達,特別是表達異常高的基因。

  14. Sample preparation and microarray hybridization • Materials and methods isolated using TRIzol reagent treated with DNase I phenol/chloroform extracted ethanol-precipitated and quantitated. RNA HEK293 cell (4 h with 200 ng/ml of NCS.) Affymetrix Human Focus Gene- Chiparrays 10 種狀態 : five cellular systems (uninfected and the LacZ control cells and cells knocked-down for Rel-A, p53 and ATM), each probed at two time points: without treatment and 4 h after exposure to NCS. (All samples were probed in independent triplicates)

  15. Computation of gene expression levels from microarray signals • Materials and methods RMA method 1. RMA 計算後, 信號明顯增強 2. RMA 使用齊次多項式證明數據改進更好

  16. Definition of the damage-responding gene set • Materials and methods DMA method 取數值at least 1.5-fold in one control (either the uninfected or the LacZ-infected cells), and at least 1.4-fold in the same direction in the other control. A total of 112 genes that were induced in both controls met this criterion and are referred to as the damage-induced gene set. Only seven genes met an analogous criterion for repression in response to NCS treatment

  17. Cluster analysis • Materials and methods 112 gene 使用 the EXPANDER package 去做 average-linkage hierarchical clustering

  18. GO functional gene annotations • Materials and methods The gene ontology (GO) annotations Computational promoteranalysis • Materials and methods PRIMA software

  19. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR • Materials and methods real-time PCR cDNA Five micrograms of total RNA oligo(dT) SuperScript II RNase H- reverse transcriptase

  20. 討論 • RNAi and microarray technologies and a recently developed computational tool are powerful • off-target effects • computational promoter analysis was highly enriched for the binding signature of ATF2/ATF3/Jun

  21. 結論 • RNAi, microarrays and computational promoter analysis 對於 dissection of transcriptional networks 的研究是有力的 • Targeting the primary activator of a DNA damage response network, the upstream regulator(ATM) was indeed required for the induction of much of the network, the two downstream regulators (p53/NFkB)mediated the activation of largely disjoint sets of genes • Statistical tests 聯合 computational promoter analysis 是高精確的

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