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Top 10 sap abap interview questions faqs-www.bigclasses.com

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  1. SAP ABAP Interview QuestionsPart-1

  2. 1.What is the advantage of structures? How do you use them in the ABAP programs? GLOBAL EXISTANCE (these could be used by any other program without creating it again).

  3. 2.What is the differences between structure and table in data dictionary in ABAP? Structure and table both are 2/2 matrices but there are many differences between table and structure. 1. Table can store the data physically but a structure dose not store. 2. Table can have primary key but a structure dose not have. 3. Table can have the technical attribute but a structure dose not have. structure doesn‟t contain technical attributes. structure doesn‟t contain primary key. structure doesn‟t stores underline database level.

  4. 3.The fastest way to read a value in an internal table is to: a) Specify key, and do a binary search b) Specify the table-keys c) Directly specify the index value d) Use a work-area with same structure as the internal table. Ans: c

  5. 4.What is a collect statement? How is it different from append? AnsCollect : If an entry with the same key already exists, the COLLECT statement does not append a new line, but adds the contents of the numeric fields in the work area to the contents of the numeric fields in the existing entry. Append – Duplicate entries occurs.

  6. 5.How we format the data before write statement in report ? We can format the reports output by using the loop events like: 1.at first 2.at new 3.at last etc check docu

  7. 6.If COLLECT is used on an internal table, which has a non-key character field, a) The first record’s value is used in the collected version. b) The last record’s value is used in the collected version. c) Compilation error d) Cannot be predicted Ans: c

  8. 7.What is OPEN SQL vs NATIVE SQL? Open SQL – These statements are a subset of standard SQL. It consists of DML command (Select, Insert, Update, Delete). It can simplify and speed up database access. Buffering is partly stored in the working memory and shared memory. Data in buffer is not always up-to-date. Native SQL – They are loosely integrated into ABAP. It allows access to all functions containing programming interface. They are not checked and converted. They are sent directly to the database system. Programs that use Native SQL are specific to the database system for which they were written. For e.g. to create or change table definition in the ABAP.

  9. 8.What is the difference between Table and Template? table is a dynamic and template is a static.

  10. 9.Which is the correct syntax for sorting an internal table? a) SORT ITAB USING key1 key2. b) SORT ITAB BY key1 key2. c) SORT ITAB WITH key1 key2. d) SORT ITAB key1 key2. Ans: b

  11. 10.What does an EXEC SQL stmt do in ABAP? What is the disadvantage of using it? To use a Native SQL statement, you must precede it with the EXEC SQL statement, and follow it with the ENDEXEC statement as follows: EXEC SQL [PERFORMING ]. ENDEXEC. There is no period after Native SQL statements. Furthermore, using inverted commas (") or an asterisk (*) at the beginning of a line in a native SQL statement does not introduce a comment as it would in normal ABAP syntax. You need to know whether table and field names are case-sensitive in your chosen database.

  12. 11.When do we use End-of-selection? End-of-selection event are mostly used when we are writing HR-ABAP code. In the HR-ABAP code, data is retrived in the Start-of-selection event and Printing on the list and all will be done in End-of-selection event.

  13. 12.If we need to fetch all database entries corresponding to a given key, X records at a time, the syntax to be used is: a) SELECT…PACKET SIZE X…. b) SELECT…PACKAGE SIZE X… c) SELECT…UPTO X RECORDS…. d) This facility is not available in ABAP. Ans: b

  14. 13.What is the meaning of ABAP editor integrated with ABAP data dictionary? ABAP Editor: Tool in the ABAP Workbench in which you enter the source code of ABAP programs and check their syntax. You can also navigate from the ABAP Editor to the other tools in the ABAP Workbench.

  15. 14.In events start-of-selection is default event. When we have to use this event explicitly? Why? The default event in the ABAP is Start-of-selection.We have to call explicitely this event when you are writing other than thsevent , that is when you write AT SELECTIONSCREEN EVENTS OR INITIALIZATION EVENT etc,you have to explicitely mention the Start-of-selection event while you are writing the logic. Before these events called ,all the code you have written come into this default Start-of-selection screen event.

  16. 15.LOOP AT ITAB_DTL_1.COLLECT ITAB_DTL_1 INTO ITAB_FINAL.ENDLOOP. If the tables contain character fields, which table should be declared with the keys Explicitly specified? a) ITAB_DTL_1 b) ITAB_FINAL c) Either one will do. d) Neither needs a key to be specified Ans: b

  17. 16.What is an interactive report? What is the obvious difference of such report compared with classical type reports? An Interactive report is a dynamic drill down report that produces the list on users choice. Difference: - a) The list produced by classical report doesn't allow user to interact with the system where as the list produced by interactive report allows the user to interact with the system. B) Once a classical report, executed user looses control where as Interactive, user has control. C) In classical report, drilling is not possible where as in interactive, drilling is possible.

  18. 17.What is the differences between ABAP and OOABAP. In which situation we use OOABAP? OOABAP is used to develop BSP/PCUI applications and also anthing involved object oriented like BADIs, SmartForms..etc.where as ABAP is used to develop traditional programs in R/3.

  19. 18.The syntax to concatenate a set of values into one variable is: a) CONCATENATE source1, source2 INTO target. b) CONCATENATE source1 source2 INTO target. c) CONCATENATE source1 and source2 INTO target. d) None of the above. Ans: b

  20. 19.What is a drill down report? Its an Interactive report where in the user can get more relevant data by selecting explicitly.

  21. 20.What is table buffer? Which type of tables used this buffer? Buffer is nothing but a memory area. table is buffered means that table information is available on application server. when you call data from database table it will come from application server. transperent and pooled tables are buffered. cluster tables can not buffered.

  22. 21.On the selection-screen, if, while using SELECT-OPTIONS, we specify NO INTERVALS, we can guarantee that the user will not be able to enter a range of values. a) TRUE b) FALSE Ans: b

  23. 22.How do you write a function module in SAP? Describe. 1. Called program - SE37 - Creating function group, function module by assigning attributes, importing, exporting, tables, and exceptions. 2. Calling program - SE38 - In program, click pattern and write function name- provide export, import, tables, exception values.

  24. 23.What is the use of pretty printer? Exactly where can we link the functional module to abapcoding. Pretty Printer is used to format the ABAP Code we write in ABAP Editor ,like KEY WORDS in Capitals and remaining are in small letters which is also depend on system settings. We can call the function module in the ABAP Code .Press the Pattern button on Appl. tool bar then u will get box where u write the function module NAME which u want to call in the code by selecting the radio button CALL FUNCTION. In this way we link function module to ABAP Code.

  25. 24.ABAP programmers can create their own data types? a) YES b) NO Ans: a

  26. 25.What are the exceptions in function module? Exceptions: Our function module needs an exception that it can trigger if there are no entries in table SPFLI that meet the selection criterion. The exception NOT_FOUND serves this function.

  27. 26.What is the difference between SAP memory and ABAP memory? sap memory is a global memory whereas ABAP memory is local memory. For example, we have four programs in ABAP memory and assigned some variables to a particular program in ABAP memory then those variables can‟t be used by any other program in ABAP memory i.e., the variables are only for that program and also local to that memory, whereas sap memory can access all the ABAP memory or else it can perform any kind of modifications.

  28. 27.MOVE can be used to copy: a) One field’s contents to another field b) One structure’s contents to another compatible structure c) One table’s contents to another compatible table d) A part of one field to another field Ans: a, b, c, d

  29. 28.What are the fields in a BDC_Tab and BDCDATA Table? Fields of BDC_Tab& BDCDATA Table: Sr.No Fields - Description 1) Program - BDC Module pool 2) Dynpro - BDC Screen Number 3) Dynbegin - BDC Screen Start 4) Fname - Field Name 5) Fval - BDC field value

  30. 29.What is the difference between Type and Like? TYPE, you assign datatype directly to the data object while declaring. LIKE,you assign the datatype of another object to the declaring data object. The datatype is referenced indirectly.

  31. 30.Within an IF-ENDIF block, a) ELSE must be used b) ELSEIF must be used c) If ELSEIF is used, ELSE must be used d) None of the above Ans: d

  32. 31.Name a few data dictionary objects? Different types of data dictionary objects: 1) Tables 2) Views 3) Data elements 4) Structure 5) Matchcode 6) Domains 7) Search Helps 8) Local Objects

  33. 32.What is TcodeSE16. For what is it used. Explain briefly? se16 is a data browse and it is used to view the contents of the table and we cannot change or append new fields to the existing structure of the table as we cannot view the structure level display using the se16

  34. 33.The user-list in a given SAP client can be found using transaction a) STO4 b) SE04 c) SM04 d) None of the above Ans: c

  35. 34.What happens when a table is activated in DD? When the table is activated, a physical table definition is created in the database for the table definition stored in the ABAP dictionary. The table definition is translated from the ABAP dictionary of the particular database. It is available for any insertion, modification and updation of records by any user.

  36. 35.What are different ABAP/4 editors? What are the differences? The 2 editors are se38 and se80 both have the ABAP editor in place. In se38 you can go create programs and view online reports and basically do all the development of objects in this editor. In se80 ( object navigator) there are additional features such as creating packages, module pool , function group ,classes, programs ( where you can create ur programs) and BSP applications .

  37. 36.The DESCRIBE statement on internal tables is used to: a) Find the number of lines currently in table b) Find initial size of the table c) Find type of the internal table d) Give the line size, in number of characters, of the table Ans: a, b, c

  38. 37.What are matchcodes? Describe? It is similar to table index that gives list of possible values for either primary keys or non-primary keys.

  39. 38.What is difference between dialog program and a report? Report is a executable program Dialog is a module pool program. It has to be executed via a transaction only. Dialog programming is used for customization of screens

  40. 39.Which of the following statements can work without a corresponding END-statement? a) DO b) AT c) IF d) SELECT Ans: d

  41. 40.What are the elements of selection screen? There are 5 elements of selection screen: Selection-screen include blocks Selection-screen include parameters Selection-screen include select-options Selection-screen include comment Selection-screen include push-button

  42. 41.How do you connect to the remote server if you are working from the office for the client in remote place? WAS web application server or ITS are generally used for this purpose. If you are sitting at your office with a server which is in the system and the other server is at the clients place you can generate IDOC, intermediate documents which carry the data you want to transfer or the documents you want to transfer, these IDOC are interpreted by the system at the receiving end with the message class with which it is bound with. If you want to logon a system which is very distant..then remote login can be used this depends on the internet speed.

  43. 42.In an ABAP program, we can specify a variable to be of HEXADECIMAL type. a) TRUE b) FALSE Ans: a

  44. 43.What are ranges? What are number ranges? Main function of ranges to pass data to the actual selection tables without displaying the selection screen. Min, Max values provided in selection screens. It is often necessary to directly access individual records in a data structure. This is done using unique keys. Number ranges are used to assign numbers to individual database records for a commercial object, to complete the key. Such numbers are e.g. order numbers or material master numbers.

  45. 44.Explain about roll area , Dispatcher, ABAP-Processor Roll area is nothing but memory allocated by work process. It holds the information needed by R/3 about programs execution such as value of the variables. Dispatcher :All the requests that come from presentation server will be directed first to dispatcher. Further dispatcher sends this requests to work process on FIFO(First In and First Out) basis.

  46. 45.In an ABAP program, we can specify a variable to be of OCTAL type. a) TRUE b) FALSE Ans: b

  47. 46.What is CTS and what do you know about it? CTS stands for Correction and Transport System. The CTS provides a range of functions that help you to choose a transport strategy optimally suited to your requirements. We recommend that you follow the transport strategy while you plan and set up your system landscape. Correction and Transport System (CTS) is a tool that helps you to organize development projects in the ABAP Workbench and in Customizing, and then transport the changes between the SAP Systems and clients in your system landscape. This documentation provides you with an overview of how to manage changes with the CTS and essential information on setting up your system and client landscape and deciding on a transport strategy. Read and follow this documentation when planning your development project. For practical information on working with the Correction and Transport System, see Correction and Transport Organizer and Transport Management System.

  48. 47.Which one is not an exit comand ? (Exit, cencle, stop, back) STOP. Effect :The statement STOP is only to be used in executable programs EXIT. Effect :If the EXIT statement is executed outside of a loop, it will immediately terminate the current processing block. BACK. Effect : This statement positions the list cursor on the first position of the first line in a logical unit. So “Cancle” is not an exit command.

  49. 48.The default length of a field of type “time”(‘T’) in an ABAP program is: a) 6 b) 8 c) 14 d) 0 Ans: a

  50. THANK YOU..!!

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