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WP-D Dissemination First Review Meeting Brussels, 23-24 May 2007

WP-D Dissemination First Review Meeting Brussels, 23-24 May 2007. Christina (Tanya) Politi University of Pelopennese. WPD Dissemination. Scope: Disseminate information regarding the research and the integration activities carried on within the NoE to EU and International researchers

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WP-D Dissemination First Review Meeting Brussels, 23-24 May 2007

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  1. WP-D Dissemination First Review MeetingBrussels, 23-24 May 2007 Christina (Tanya) Politi University of Pelopennese

  2. WPD Dissemination • Scope: Disseminate information regarding the research and the integration activities carried on within the NoE to EU and International researchers • Leaders : C Politi [UoPeloponnese] M J O Mahony [UESSEX] • Dissemination and Training Board • T. Politi (UoPelop, M. Mahony (UESSEX), B. Mikac (TELFER)P. Castoldi (SSSUP), I. Tomkos (AIT), G. Franzl (TUW)K. Vlachos (CTI) • Partners involved PoliTO, DEIS-UniBO, PoliMI, UC3M, UPC, UPV, IT, GET, FPMs, IBBT, TU/e, ORC-CC2, UCL, UEssex, DTU, TELENOR, UDE, AGH, TELFER, AIT, CTI, UoPelop, BILKENT

  3. Main Activities • Publications and conferences • Joint publications • Sponsored and co-organised workshops • On-line dissemination • www. e-photon-one.org • Newsletter • External relations and interactions with industry/collaborative projects • EU and National Projects • Roadmap

  4. Milestones March 2006-Feb 2007 • M.D.1 [T0+1] Establish WP-D task force √ • M.D.2 [T0+2] Interaction with VDs to determine programme of workshops √ • M.D.3 [T0+3] Update website, negotiate for porting of OPTIMIST content √ • M.D.4 [T0+4] Circulation of document requesting information on National Projects-√ • M.D.5 [T0+7] Report on Roadmap Procedures & Methodology [September 2006]√ • M.D.6 [T0+9] Discussion workshop with WP-J-G [Grids] for roadmap input & dissemination [Nov 2006]√ • M.D.7 [T0+14] Discussion workshop with WP-JP-B [OBS] for roadmap input & dissemination [April 2007]√

  5. Deliverables • D.D.1 [T0+9] Plan and implement ECOC EU Booth-Done • D.D.2 [T0+10] Preliminary report on national projects –Done • D.D.3 [T0+12] Annual report on dissemination activities, including publications, and workshop reports Done • D.D.4 [T0+14] Report outlining preliminary roadmap (following e-Photon/ONe+ discussion) [in hand]

  6. Plan for the Use and Dissemination of Knowledge Three sections: 1) List of exploitable results 2) List of dissemination events 3) List of joint/single partner publications

  7. Main Achievements in Y1 • Events- workshops and conferences: • supported by e2 • co-organized by e2 • e2 events • National projects • N° Joint publications: 97 • Public deliverables • On-line dissemination • Concertations with EU and national projects • Preliminary Roadmap

  8. e-Photon/ONe+ Supported Events ICTON 2006 [June 2006] : Type of Event: supported by e+ Main Organisers: UPC Report: -done/web site Photonics in Switching 2006[October 2006] Type of Event: supported e+ Main Organisers: UoPelop Report: -done/web site

  9. e-Photon/ONe+ Co-organized EventsMarch 2006-Feb 2007 OFC 2006 [March 2006] :Workshop on Future Optical Networks Type of Event: co-organised e+ Main Organisers: Essex/UoPelop Report: -done/web site Terena Workshop [May 2006] Type of Event: co-organised e+ Main Organisers: Essex Report: -done/web site ECOC Booth [September 2006] Type of Event: co-organised e+ Main Organisers: Essex/UoPelop Report: -done/web site

  10. e-Photon/ONe+ Co-organized Events-Feb 2007-Feb 2008 • OFC Workshop [March 2007] Type of Event: e+ co-organised Main Organisers: Essex/UoPelop • ONDM Workshop [May 2007] Type of Event: co-organised e+ Main Organisers: Essex • ICC Workshop [June 2007] Type of Event: co-organised e+ Main Organisers: Polito/POLIMI/Essex/UoPelop • OECC Workshop [July 2007] Type of Event: co-organised e+ Main Organisers: Essex/UoPelop/Polito • ECOC Booth [September 2007] 12060-12063 Type of Event: co-organised e+ Main Organisers: Essex/UoPelop • Roadmap workshop [TBA]-e1 event

  11. e-Photon/ONe+ Events E-photon/ONe+ Kick Off (March 2006) E-photon/ONe+ Plenary Meeting (February 2007) Summer Schools

  12. Joint Publications Joint publications: 97 e-Photon/ONe+ Presentations: • Optical Fibre Conference [OFC] March 2006, Anaheim USA: invtied presentation on e-Photon/ONe made by Fabio Neri. • European Conference on Optical Communications [ECOC] September, 2006, Cannes, France Presentation on e-Photon/ONe by F. Neri in Symposium "Europe's research programmes in motion" • EC Concertation Meeting Brussels, October 2006, Presentation of e-Photon/ONe+ by M. Pickavet [IBBT] at the Communication Technologies Concertation Meeting Single Institution Publications: 140

  13. e-Photon/ONe+ Web-site www.unibo-optimist.org

  14. Newsletter • Send bi-monthly newsletter (5 altogether) • Aiming at both e-Photon/One partners and outside parties

  15. National Projects Circulation of document requesting information on National Projects (Oct 2006) Type of doc: Milestone Partner in charge: UniBo Preliminary report on national projects (on website) Type of doc: Deliverable Partner in charge: UniBo Example UK : OPSNET; OPORON; UPC ; HIPNET;SOAPS [UEssex, UCL.....] DE: MultiTeraNet; eiBone [UST-IKR, TUB] IT: GRID.IT [SSUP] ES: CAPITAL [UPNA] BE: Photons and photonics [FPMs]

  16. National Projects

  17. Collaborating Institutes • Campinas State University, Brazil (Helio Waldman) • Beijing University of Posts & Telegraphs, China (Jian Wu) • CTTC: Telecommunications Technological Center of Catalonia, Spain (Carolina Pinart) • University of Vigo, Spain (Francisco-Javier Gonzalez-Castano) • Polytechnic University of Cartagena, Spain (Joan Garcia-Haro) • Poznan University of Technology, Poland (Wojciech Kabacinski) Applications approved in the second year: University of Roma "La Sapienza", Italy (Vincenzo Eramo) HUAWEI Sweden (Cai Tao)

  18. International Collaborations Through International Workshops a strong bond has been established with major reseach Groups in USA, Japan, China • Exchange of research staff and joint experimentswith China, USA and all CI • Sharing of roadmap information [Japan, Korea, China, USA] • Undersanding of key strategic future programs in USA, Japan • Understanding of funding situations in different regions

  19. Contributions to Standards Grid Optical Burst Switched Networks (GOBS) draft in OGF GHPN-RG Group (Grid High Performance Network Research Group) Editor : Reza Nejabati, University of Essex, {rnejab@essex.ac.uk} Contributors: MCNC Research & Development Institute, Nextworks s.r.l, Nextworks s.r.l, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, University of Bologna, University of Gent, Beinjg univeristy of Post and Telecommunication, Photonic Internet Forum, Japan ,MCNC Research & Development Institute, University of Essex,,AIT, University of Patras, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna,

  20. Contributions to Standards Grid User Network Interface (GUNI) draft in OGF GHPN-RG Group (Grid High Performance Network Research Group) Editor: Georgios Zervas, Reza Nejabati, Dimitra Simeonidou, University of Essex {gzerva@essex.ac.uk} Contributors: Contributors from European countries (UK, Italy, Spain) IST-Phosphorus, e-photon/One+ University of Essex (G.Zervas, R.Nejabati, D.Simeonidou) Nextworks s.r.l (Nicola Ciulli, Gino Carrozzo) UPC (Eduard Escalona) USA EnLIGHTened MCNC, Research & Development Institute (Gigi Karmous-Edwards) Japan G-Lambda GLIF C3C (3 Continent Collaboration)

  21. ROADMAP e-photon/one+ (a) develops its own roadmap vision in conjunction with EU national and IST projects [including COST etc] (b) organises an international workshop to swap and compare map visions and to edit strategic guideline documents with Japan/China/USA for example. Such activities will cover the Telecoms, Photonic Grids and possibly Interconnects, as represented by the Joint Projects. Deliverables D.D.4 [T0+14] Report outlining preliminary roadmap (following e-Photon/ONe+ discussion) D.D.6 [T0+24] Final roadmap

  22. Roadmap Methodology Roadmap Phases 1. Baseline analysis (“where are we” -State of the art:-current technologies, R&D activities, standards -Current trends, users future goals and challenges 2. Visioning (“where do we want to go”) -Desired outcomes assessed through scenarios and case studies 3. Gap analysis (“what are we missing”) -comparison between vision and baseline -identification of missing technologies, barriers etc 4. Implementation -framework to implement the R&D actions required

  23. Objectives Roadmap Title: Network Interoperability:-the role of Optical Technologies Rationale: Currently many different networks exist with:- differing administrative domains [eg regions], different technologies [eg IP/MPLS, ASON/GMPLS, Ethernet], between application and interfaces Issue: how best to ensure interoperability. Current statusa number of EU projects address in differing ways, eg GEANT, MUPBED, NOBEL, PHOSPHOROUS FP7: Emphasis on integration of wired +wireless Vision: Interoperability at different levels enhanced by optical technology

  24. Role and contribution of partners Main contributors: UESSEX, [Lead, events, Roadmap, Roadmap Event ECOC booth, Int exchange with BUPT] UoPelop [Lead, Web, Newsletters, events, Roadmap ECOC booth] Polito [Web, Joint publications, Roadmap, Int exchange with Poznan ] DEIS- UniBo [Web, National Projects, Int exchange with Campinas] UPC [Web] IBBT [Roadmap, Roadmap Event ] UTW [ECOC booth] ORC [ECOC booth] Telefer [ECOC booth] AIT [ECOC WS, Roadmap] AGH [Int exchange with Cartagena] TUB [Int exchange with CCTC] All WP leaders [Roadmap]

  25. Resources employed: Effort 32% Permanent staff (AC): 7 m/m

  26. Resources employed: Budget 26%

  27. Final comments • E-photon/ONe+ has generated significant interaction between partners [joint papers, project proposals etc] and EU projects. • E-photon/ONe+ well recognised by major external research groups • seen as open (unlike other major EU projects) • provides a window into EU for [Japan, China, USA] • potential for global activity (eg overarching roadmaps) • All partners are involved in disseminating technical results • The WP is very well assisted by VDs and partners and achieved its goal with respect to : • Integration – Reaching Concesus- Spreading Excellence

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