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Intro Federalism What/why? Constitutional basis for…? Strong National Government States Rights State/State Relations 20 th Century New Deal. Key Terms “Necessary & Proper” Supremacy Clause 10th Amendment “Full faith & credit” FDR. Federalism. Federalism.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Intro Federalism What/why? Constitutional basis for…? Strong National Government States Rights State/State Relations 20th Century New Deal Key Terms “Necessary & Proper” Supremacy Clause 10th Amendment “Full faith & credit” FDR Federalism

  2. Federalism • Governmental power is divided between a national government and state/local governments Montana (1990s)

  3. Federalism

  4. A Strong National Government Necessary and Proper Clause: The US Congress has the power “To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper” to carry out its functions.

  5. A Strong National Government Supremacy Clause: Laws or treaties made by the United States, “shall be the supreme Law of the Land…”

  6. What the 10th Amendment Means(Reserved Clause) All powers are reserved to states except: • Powers specifically granted to the national government by the Constitution. • Powers specifically prohibited to the states by the Constitution.

  7. State To State Relations Full Faith & Credit Clause: Meaning: States must respect the public acts & records of other states. “Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state…”

  8. Full Faith & Credit Clause(In Action) Meaning: States must respect the public acts & records of other states. • Examples: • Birth Certificates, Driver’s Licenses, Arrest Warrants, and…. June 19, 1993

  9. Do you believe homosexuals should be allowed to legally marry? Should be allowed to marry 58.7% Undecided 5.8% Should not be allowed to marry 34.7% Source: 1/10 Student Survey at WSCC

  10. Do you believe sexual intercourse between consenting adult homosexuals should be legal? Should be legal 62% Undecided 12.4% Should not be legal 23.1% Source: 1/10 Student Survey at WSCC

  11. Do you believe sexual intercourse between consenting adult heterosexuals who are unmarried should be legal? Should be legal 74.6% Undecided 10.7% Should not be legal 14.1% Source: 1/10 Student Survey at WSCC

  12. Do you support the legalization of marijuana? Support 61.2% Undecided 14.9% Opposed 23.1% Source: 1/10 Student Survey at WSCC

  13. Do you think English should be the official language of the United States? Support 87.6% Undecided 6.6% Opposed 5.8% Source: 1/10 Student Survey at WSCC

  14. The New Deal FDR- Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945)

  15. Wheelchair & Leg Braces Used By FDR

  16. Works Progress Administration (WPA)(1935) • An “Umbrella Agency” employing over 8 million workers. • 125,000 buildings were constructed; money was allocated for the “arts.” Guidebook to encourage tourism

  17. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)(1933) • Put men to work & helped the environment. • Programs: planted trees, built campgrounds, hiking trails, etc. Military-style Organization

  18. Intro Federalism What/why? Constitutional basis for…? Strong National Government States Rights State/State Relations 20th Century New Deal Key Terms “Necessary & Proper” Supremacy Clause 10th Amendment “Full faith & credit” FDR Federalism

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