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Position of biodiversity in future CAP

Position of biodiversity in future CAP. Nina Dobrzyńska Department for Direct Payments Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Poland Ryn, 29th September 2011. AF. LFA. AGRI. PLN. LFA. 2 448 750 000.

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Position of biodiversity in future CAP

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Position of biodiversity in future CAP Nina Dobrzyńska Department for Direct Payments Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Poland Ryn, 29th September 2011

  2. AF LFA AGRI PLN LFA 2 448 750 000 Agri-environmental programme 2 303 750 000 Afforestation 653 501 520 Potential 140 000 000 Total 5 546 001 520

  3. AGRI-ENVIRONMENTAL PACKAGES2007 - 2013 Cross compliance Nature packages (basic package, valuable habitats); Water/anti erosion packages (buffer zones, intercrops) Arable land packages (sustainable production, organic production, intercrops)

  4. Data of May 31, 2011

  5. Number of beneficients of RDP 2007-2013 in respect of payments made 6

  6. Cross compliance ‘Cross-compliance’ links area payments to farmers with their respect of environmental and other requirements Statutory Management Requirements (SMR) and the maintenance farm in good agricultural and environmental condition (GAEC)

  7. Cross compliance standards • Statutory management requirements (SMR): Farmers must respect other cross compliance standards called statutory management requirements set-up in accordance with certainEU Directives and Regulations relating to the protection of environment; public, animal and plant health; animal welfare. • Good agricultural and environmental condition (GAEC): All farmers claiming direct payments must abide by standards.

  8. Agri-environmental programme in Poland

  9. Agri-environmental programme in Poland

  10. Reform of the CAP • Challenges: • Economic- food security (EU and globally), price volatility, economic crisis; • Reasons: • Environmental - Environment (destruction of land, air and water quality, decline in biodiversity) and climate change (sustainable management, greenhouse gas emissions, RES); • Territory- (strengthening social and territorial cohesion, vitality, diversity of EU agriculture). 12

  11. The new programming period2014-2020 • New financial perspective – debate over the level of support in the individual pillars. • Appear: • New RDP, • New system of direct payments, • New market regulations.

  12. „GREENING” - proposals • Direct payments and „greening” component; • Organic farms in principle included in the payment of "greening"; • Farms in Natura 2000 areas eligible for "greening" payments.

  13. Payment for pro-environmental actions (GREENING) - proposals • Crop diversification; • Permanent grassland - a reference level; • Areas excluded from the production - set-aside land, landscape elements, buffer zones.

  14. Agricultural Advisory System • The specific role of agri-environmental consultancy and training for farmers. • The new issues for advisory system: • climate changes; • support for small farms.

  15. CROSS - COMPLIANCE • Emphasize the role of the instrument as a tool for decoupling; • Discussion on the shape of the instrument; • Proposition that small farms are not subject to inspection.

  16. GAEC Reformulation of the requirements - an attempt to generalize and standardize. Proposed new standards, such as protection of wetlands?

  17. New agri-environmental programme • Mandatory instrument; • 5-7-year commitment; • Cross-compliance; • Organic agriculture as a separate action; • More specialized program and real goals; BUT does that mean that the easier?

  18. Contact detailsNina DobrzyńskaTel + 48 22623 21 33nina.dobrzynska@minrol.gov.plwww.minrol.gov.plMARD Wspólna Street,3000-930 Warsaw, Poland

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