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Franklin Delano Roosevelt Charismatic Leadership

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Charismatic Leadership. Dr. Kristin Prien Christian Brothers University Memphis, TN, USA. Basic Biography. All photographs (except as noted) from Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Museum, and Digital Archives , http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/. Born 1882

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Franklin Delano Roosevelt Charismatic Leadership

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  1. Franklin Delano RooseveltCharismatic Leadership Dr. Kristin Prien Christian Brothers University Memphis, TN, USA

  2. Basic Biography All photographs (except as noted) from Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Museum, and Digital Archives, http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/ • Born 1882 • Graduated from Harvard, 1904 • Married Eleanor Roosevelt (niece of Theodore Roosevelt), 1905 • Elected to New York legislature, 1910-1913 • Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1913-1920 • Nominated for Vice-President, 1920 • Stricken with polio, 1921; recovery at Warm Springs • Governor of New York, 1928-1932 • President of U.S., 1933-1945 • Great Depression and New Deal • World War II • Died in Warm Springs, April 12, 1945 The Growth of a Leader

  3. Hyde Park

  4. Wedding and Honeymoon in Italy, 1905

  5. Hyde Park, 1910

  6. Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1917 (Philadelphia Navy Yard)

  7. FDR in Wheelchair

  8. Warm Springs, 1929

  9. With Herbert Hoover, 1933 Inaugural

  10. With Churchill and Stalin, Yalta, 1945

  11. Funeral Train

  12. Polio • FDR contracted polio while on vacation at Campobello (Maine coast) • Despite years of treatment (Warm Springs), never regained ability to walk • With heavy braces, could simulate walking • Minimized disability – only two existing pictures of FDR in wheelchair • Many credit battle with polio for FDR’s sympathy with people

  13. The Growth of a Leader • Childhood a life of wealth and privilege • Family connections to to political leaders (birth and marriage) • Early ambitions to follow in footsteps of his uncle by marriage (Theodore Roosevelt, US President, 1901-1909) • Marriage to TR’s niece • Cabinet position as Asst. Secretary of Navy (also held by TR) • Early run for Vice-President • Perceived as a lightweight playboy • Then…..

  14. Becoming a Charismatic Leader (I) • Background - times of crisis (Depression, WWII) • Self-confidence • Privileged background • Speeches projected confidence • Willingness to try anything • Vision • Restoration of a nation • Ability to articulate the vision • Speeches • Fireside chats • Strong convictions about the vision

  15. Becoming a Charismatic Leader (II) • Behavior that is out of the ordinary • Remaining in public life post-polio • Willingness to break with privileged background • Eleanor Roosevelt • 4th term • Change agent • Radical solutions • Environmental sensitivity • Language (First Inaugural Address, On the Declaration of War with Japan)

  16. Radical Solutions • New Deal • TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority, flood control and electricity) • Public employment • Banking regulation • World crisis • Lend Lease • Atlantic Charter and United Nations • Solutions accepted by most (but not all)

  17. The Crisis: Economic

  18. The Crisis: War

  19. Eleanor Roosevelt

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