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Peer Review

Peer Review. DNA Extraction Introduction Materials/Methods. While reading the Introduction & Materials/Methods: Underline and number the statements that correspond to the required info Correct grammar/spelling errors Write down (on a separate piece of paper for each report) What you like

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Peer Review

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  1. Peer Review DNA Extraction Introduction Materials/Methods

  2. While reading the Introduction & Materials/Methods: • Underline and number the statements that correspond to the required info • Correct grammar/spelling errors • Write down (on a separate piece of paper for each report) • What you like • What is a concern & a suggestion for improvement • Once the group is done, switch papers to the next person & repeat the process. • When the papers are returned back to the author, take a moment to review what was underlined/written. • As a group, discuss each report, one at a time. Discuss what you liked about each paper. Discuss any possible improvements. Give the author the comment paper.

  3. What to look for in the Introduction (Content): • Heading/Title “Introduction” # 1 • Purpose of the experiment • Why was this experiment done  # 2 • DNA Information • What is DNA? Where is DNA found?  # 3 & # 4 • Strawberry Information • Scientific Name # 5 • DNA/Chromosome info  # 6 • Why were strawberries used?  # 7 • - Extraction Information • How does it work?  # 8 • When is it used?  # 9 • Prediction • What are they expecting to happen?  # 10 • Why?  # 11 • - Citations

  4. What to look for in the Introduction (Writing Style): • Is the writing clear and easy to understand? • Does the writer flow from one idea/topic to the next? • Proper grammar and spelling • Proper citations at the end of a quote or at the end of paraphrased information • (source, year) or (infosite.com) • What shouldn’t be in the Introduction: • Results, Analysis of results

  5. What to look for in the Materials/Methods(Content): • Heading/Title “Materials/Methods” # 1 • Materials (In a list)  # 2 • Pre-filtration methods  #3, #4, #5 • Berry squishing • Lysis solution • Apparatus setup • Post-filtration methods  #6, #7, #8 • Adding precipitate • Waiting for DNA to precipitate • Spooling of DNA

  6. What to look for in the Materials/Methods(Writing Style): • Is the writing clear and easy to understand? • Does the writer easily flow from step to the next? • Is the writing in 3rd person, past tense? • Proper grammar and spelling • What shouldn’t be in the Materials/Methods: • Collecting materials, Clean-up procedure • Results, Analysis of results

  7. Groups!

  8. Groups!

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