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Studio Art IB Art

Studio Art IB Art. Introduction. Components of the class: Required Elements 1-Studio Work- 60% 2-Sketchbook /Record Book Development- 20% 3-Art Seminar /History- 10%. Studio Work. Work is developed independently based on a student chosen theme.

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Studio Art IB Art

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  1. Studio Art IB Art

  2. Introduction • Components of the class: Required Elements • 1-Studio Work- 60% • 2-Sketchbook /Record Book Development- 20% • 3-Art Seminar /History- 10%

  3. Studio Work • Work is developed independently based on a student chosen theme. • Develop an artist’s statement. All professional artists provide a statement that is directed towards an audience. • Display and presentation of your work. All artists must be able to present their work professionally to the public. • CAFÉ—Spring show where students present their work. • Students must prepare 12 to 20 pieces of their best work for class credit. • Portfolio development.- Professional method of showing work samples to potential clients

  4. Sketchbook /Record Book Development • Sketchbook (SKB) or RWB- Research workbooks (IB). • A book designed to document your work habits and ideas. • Roadmap to show your independent path.

  5. Art Seminar • Art History foundation- provides the background from classical to contemporary art. • Discussion session, note taking—quizzes and /or exam. • Independent research on contemporary topics.

  6. FAQ- Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: What’s the difference between IB art and Studio Art since they meet at the same time and both work independently? A: Studio art students do not have to prepare an extensive portfolio and do not have to meet with an examiner in the spring. Both have to display in the CAFÉ show. IB students can apply their work for early college art credit?

  7. Q: How do you grade our work—and do IB students only get the grade that the examiner gives us? A: Your grades are based on what your goals are and did you meet them. Since your year is set by what you want to accomplish- I grade you on whether you stuck with your goals and did you meet or exceed them. IB students receive two grades. One from me-and one from the examiner.

  8. Q: Do you give regular assignments for in-class work and sketchbook assignments? How do we know what we are supposed to be doing? A: No!! I do not give assignments. You again establish what you should be doing. If you have trouble motivating you’re self to work on a daily basis—you may want to drop this course now! Just be clear that you need to complete many pieces of artwork. You may do as many as 50 pieces of work— only 20 might be of high quality to receive credit.

  9. Q: OK—so what do I have to do to get started?? • A: Start writing down what you want to do—( clay, sculpture, drawing, painting, collage, mixed media etc……) In two weeks I need a detailed plan. Very detailed. You will probably revise it two or three times. You will also start to write an artists statement. Then you will write me a supply list of what you need for the next two quarters.

  10. Q: Can’t I just make stuff? Art is just supposed to be fun—you shouldn’t have to think. Thinking is hard. • A: If you think that this applies to you—you probably want to drop this class ASAP. It couldn’t be farther from the truth. Creating without previous knowledge and experience—is just like giving a monkey some paper and crayons. They are filling the page –but don’t have a clue. We must learn to borrow from the past to create the new.

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