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Deuteron Polarimetry at COSY

Deuteron Polarimetry at COSY. David Chiladze IHEPI, Tbilisi State University IKP, Forschungszentrum Jülich. Outline. Introduction Experimental tools Beam polarimetry Summary & outlook. Introduction: NN Scattering. Characterization requires precise data for P hase S hift A nalyses

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Deuteron Polarimetry at COSY

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  1. Deuteron Polarimetry at COSY David Chiladze IHEPI, Tbilisi State University IKP, Forschungszentrum Jülich

  2. Outline • Introduction • Experimental tools • Beam polarimetry • Summary & outlook SPIN 2006

  3. Introduction: NN Scattering • Characterization requires precise data for Phase Shift Analyses • Current experimental status of NN data: • pp system (I=1) well-known up to 2.5 GeV (EDDA): Majority of data on unpolarized, single, and double polarized observables • np system (I=0) poorly known →ANKE will provide high-quality data in forward/backward region np charge-exchange ANKE range d/d np forward np charge-exchange ANKE range Ayy np forward SPIN 2006

  4. Introduction: Motivation • Double polarized experiments at ANKE • np spin physics • Single polarized experiment • Polarized charge-exchange reaction dp→(2p)n • Direct reconstruction of the spin-dependent np amplitudes via measurement of and T20 & T22 (Tn = 0.6 – 1.15 GeV) • Aim of first measurement (Td = 1.2 GeV) • Feasibility of the experiment • Polarimetry standards at ANKE (Proposal #152, “Spin physics from COSY to FAIR”) → SPIN 2006

  5. ANKE EDDA LEP Experimental tools: COSY • Polarized and unpolarized proton and deuteron source • Protons up to 2.88 GeV • Deuterons up to 2.23 GeV • Internal and external experiments SPIN 2006

  6. Slope = 1.05 ± 0.06 Offset = 0.04 ± 0.01 Pz≈ 75 % Pzz ≈ 60 % Experimental tools: LEP & EDDA → L E P S.Kato et al. Nucl.Inst.Meth. A 238, 453 (1985) E.J. Stephenson DeuteronPolarimeter for EDM Search. → • dp → dp • Td = 270 MeV • Ay, Ayy (65° – 95°)c.m. • dC → dC • Td = 75.6 MeV • Ay(40°) = 0.61 ± 0.04 E D D A K. Sekiguchi et al. Phys.Rev. C 65, 034003 (2002) SPIN 2006

  7. Experimental tools: ANKE setup Td = 1170 MeV • dp → dp • dp → 3Heπ0 • dp → dpspπ0 • dp → (pp)n → → → → SPIN 2006

  8. Low branch High branch Beam polarimetry: Reaction identification dp → dp dp → 3Heπ0 mπ0 dp → dpspπ0 dp → (pp)n SPIN 2006

  9. Beam polarimetry: Ay, Ayy measurement dp → dp ANKE ANKE dp → 3Heπ0 np → dπ0 dp → (pp)n SAID (Tn = 585 MeV) ANKE ANKE Depolarization less then 4% D. Chiladze et al. Phys. Rev. STAB 9, 050101 (2006) SPIN 2006

  10. s d 2 2 2 2 Þ g + b d e , T , T , , 20 22 dq Beam polarimetry: CE reaction D.Chiladze et al. Phys. Let. B 637, 170 (2006) → dp→(pp)1S0 n Axx (T22) Transition from deuteron to (pp)1S0:pn  np spin flip Obtain np elementary spin-dependent amplitudes: Results: • Method works at Tn = 585 MeV • Application to “uncharted territory” Next step: • Double polarized → Cy,y, Cx,x(using PIT see talk K. Grigoriev) Td = 1170 MeV Ayy (T20) Cy,y Cx,x SPIN 2006

  11. Results eyI = eyIII Energy ramping eyI = -0.213 ± 0.005 1.8 GeV eyIII = -0.216 ± 0.006 eyyI = eyyIII II eyyI = 0.057 ± 0.003 1.2 GeV 1.2 GeV eyyIII = 0.059 ± 0.003 I III Beam polarimetry: Polarization export • Polarized deuteron beam at 3 energies • Calibration of the beam polarization of arbitrary energy • Super cycle: Td = 1.2 GeV, 1.8 GeV. Time SPIN 2006

  12. Summary & Outlook • Polarisation standard at 1.2 GeV • Analysing power measurement • Polarisation export technique • Higher beam energy (up to 2.3 GeV) • Double polarized dp→(2p)n reaction → → SPIN 2006

  13. PzEDDA = (0.95±0.02)PzLEP + (0.04±0.01) • LEP (Td = 76 MeV) • dC → dC • EDDA (Td = 270 MeV) • dp → dp • ANKE (Td = 1170 MeV) • dp → dp • dp → 3Heπ0 • dp → dpspπ0 • dp → (pp)n SPIN 2006

  14. ANKE EDDA LEP Experimental facility • LEP (Td = 76 MeV) • EDDA (Td = 270 MeV) • ANKE (Td = 1170 MeV) SPIN 2006

  15. dp→psp (np) → → pd→psp (pn) np forward Introduction: np elastic (small angle) → p → deuteron beam: deuteron target: → → d ↑ n p d beam: up to 1.1 GeV for np d target: up to 2.8 GeV for pn D ↑ p dp observables: d/d, T20,T22, Ay,y, ... ↑ psp n quasi-free np observables:Ay, Ayy SPIN 2006

  16. → dp→(pp)1S0n → → pd→(pp)1S0n np charge-exchange Introduction: np elastic (large angle) n deuteron beam: deuteron target: → → d ↑ n p d beam: up to 1.1 GeV for np d target: up to 2.8 GeV for pn D ↑ p dp observables: d/d, T20,T22, Ay,y, ... ↑ psp ↓ p quasi-free np observables:Ay, Ayy, Dyy,Axy,y,... SPIN 2006

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