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Global Warming !!!

Global Warming !!!. Eber Lopes Ferreira e-mail: eber.ferreira@etnobrasil.com.br ETNO BOTANICA PESQUISA E INOVA Ç Ã O TECNOLOGICA LTDA. Endere ço: Rua dos Mor ás , no. 469 CEP 05434-030 - Vila Madalena S ão Paulo - SP Tel: (11) 3812-1616 (11) 4102-4032.

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Global Warming !!!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Global Warming !!!

  2. Eber Lopes Ferreira e-mail: eber.ferreira@etnobrasil.com.br ETNO BOTANICA PESQUISA E INOVAÇÃO TECNOLOGICA LTDA. Endereço: Rua dos Morás, no. 469 CEP 05434-030 - Vila Madalena SãoPaulo - SP Tel: (11) 3812-1616 (11) 4102-4032

  3. Familial Agriculture: human scale and hand harvest X Extensive Agriculture : air pulverization and harvest machine

  4. Organic ProgramCoexis Organic cotton & Familial agriculture

  5. Partner relation with textiles industries to use natural dyes like practices in Social Responsibility

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