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CHAPTER: 23 – Life in the Emerging Urban Society

CHAPTER: 23 – Life in the Emerging Urban Society. OVERALL. By 1900, can the Industrial Revolution be viewed as a positive or negative phenomenon?. Taming the City. Which aspects of urbanization could no longer be ignored?.

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CHAPTER: 23 – Life in the Emerging Urban Society

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  1. CHAPTER: 23 – Life in the Emerging Urban Society OVERALL • By 1900, can the Industrial Revolution be viewed as a positive or negative phenomenon?

  2. Taming the City • Which aspects of urbanization could no longer be ignored? “walking city” epidemic / mortality rate urbanization sanitation

  3. Taming the City • How did Chadwick use Bentham’s ideas? Utilitarianism John Stuart Mill Poor Law of 1834 “sanitary idea” sewer system

  4. Taming the City • How is medicine the key to the improvement in the standard of living? miasmatic theory germ theory Louis Pasteur Robert Koch Joseph Lister

  5. Taming the City • What new approach do governments take in dealing with cities? Napoleon III Baron Haussmann

  6. Taming the City • What effect does the American electric streetcar have? mass transit leisure time suburbs

  7. Rich and Poor and Those in Between • Did the increase in national wealth change the social hierarchy? real wages income gap subclass disunity

  8. Rich and Poor and Those in Between • Exactly how diverse is the middle class? new/old aristocracies “middle” middle class lower middle class occupation / skill white collar

  9. Rich and Poor and Those in Between • What lifestyle elements link this large, diverse group? dining / entertainment servants home(s) ownership fashion (Paris) transportation “culture” moral code of behavior

  10. Rich and Poor and Those in Between • How large is the working class and what defines it? specialization / skill labor aristocracy crafts unskilled domestics sweated industries

  11. Rich and Poor and Those in Between • Describe working class leisure. cafes / taverns / pubs temperance sports music halls

  12. Rich and Poor and Those in Between • What religious trends are noticeable in the working classes? church attendance territorial churches

  13. The Changing Family • What was sexuality like in the middle classes? romantic love / arranged marriage adolescents / virginity illegitimate birthrate

  14. The Changing Family • Which classes employed the services of prostitutes? respectability / promiscuity wife-mother “stage of life”

  15. The Changing Family • What is the importance of kinship? social class survival / assistance

  16. The Changing Family • What are the “separate spheres” of the middle class? homemaker / breadwinner legal rights feminism suffrage socialism

  17. The Changing Family • What is good about the new situation for women? “power behind the throne” “industrious revolution” home management “power behind the throne” “home sweet home” affection / eroticism

  18. The Changing Family • What shows the new importance of the family and children? The graph from the National Birth-Rate Commission’s The Declining Birth-Rate: Its Causes and Effects (1916) shows the birth-rate had plummeted in middle- and upper-class Hampstead, while staying steady in working-class Shoreditch. childhood mortality rate birthrate decline nuclear family sexual repression patriarchy / Freud working class

  19. For most people, why is this the true Scientific Revolution? Science and Thought medicine thermodynamics Mendeleev synthetic dyes electricity petroleum R & D

  20. Science and Thought • Why is this “second industrial revolution” more “popular” than the first? literacy popular science human progress prestige of practical empiricism

  21. Science and Thought • How does science seriously challenge traditional views? Charles Lyell – uniformitarianism Jean Baptiste Lamarck Charles Darwin – On the Origin of Species by the Means of Natural Selection

  22. Science and Thought • What allows 19th century social scientists to go far beyond the work of the philosophes? governmental data Karl Marx Auguste Comte – stages of intellectual development Herbert Spencer – Social Darwinism “survival of the fittest”

  23. Science and Thought • How do the developments in society and science change literature? realism Honore de Balzac Gustave Flaubert Emile Zola “George Eliot” Thomas Hardy Leo Tolstoy

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