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Alex Rodriguez

Alex Rodriguez. By: Sidney Kowalski. Biography.

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Alex Rodriguez

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  1. Alex Rodriguez By: Sidney Kowalski

  2. Biography Alex Rodrígueznació en el veintiseite de julio, diecinuevesetentaycinco. He was born in New York, New York. Alex attended West Minster Christian High school, a private school located in Miami. Cuandoélcreció, éles un tercera base para el Yankees de Nueva York. As he became more popular in America, he became known as A-Rod. Baseball was always a big part of his life.

  3. Achievements Alex Rodríguezteníamuchoslogrosimportantes. One of them is being the youngest player to hit 500 home runs during his career. Él ha logradoestelogro en dos mil siete. Alex was thirty-two years old when this happened. Unfortunately, in 2009, he admitted to taking steroids which explained how his number of home runs was so high. Soon, though, many people forgot about that and put it past themselves.

  4. Achievements Another achievement of A-Rod’s was in 2003. Rodríguezfirmado un contrato con los Yankees de Nueva York. Este acuerdofuepor valor de doscientoscincuentay dos millones de dólares. With this team, the same year, he was named most valuable player. On this team, he became their third basemen, quitting his career as a shortstop. This team helped him accomplish many great things.

  5. Legacy Alex Rodriguez will surely go down in baseball history as a legacy. Fueuno de los mejoresjugardoresofensivos. Muchos peloteros jóvenes siempre se ven a él. He has shown many people to never give up on your dreams because one day it will come true. Rodriguez’s career will never be forgotten.

  6. Statistics Number of runs, hits, and homeruns Year

  7. Memorable Moments of A-Rod http://youtu.be/ZF4DDFCJNYI

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