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Cloud Computing and the iDataPlex Platform Web 2.0 Expo September 18, 2008

Cloud Computing and the iDataPlex Platform Web 2.0 Expo September 18, 2008. Scott Gerard ( sgerard@us.ibm.com ) Lab Services, Senior Consultant IBM. Worldwide STG Lab Services Delivery Teams. 68 Countries Worldwide IBM Training for Systems. Yorktown Heights, NY Speech Technology.

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Cloud Computing and the iDataPlex Platform Web 2.0 Expo September 18, 2008

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  1. Cloud Computing and the iDataPlex Platform Web 2.0 ExpoSeptember 18, 2008 Scott Gerard (sgerard@us.ibm.com) Lab Services, Senior Consultant IBM

  2. Worldwide STG Lab Services Delivery Teams 68 Countries Worldwide IBM Training for Systems Yorktown Heights, NY Speech Technology Hursley, UK HPC Poughkeepsie, NY Mainframe Data Center Services Dublin, Ireland Data Center Services, Mainframe Rochester, MN Power, Modular Data Center Services LaGaude, France Montpellier, France Mainframe, Power, Modular, Data Center Services Beijing, China Mainframe, Power, Modular, Storage West, Central, East IT Consolidation/Virtualization Services (Scorpion) Mainz, Germany Storage Beaverton, OR Kirkland, WA Modular Tucson, AZ Storage Taiwan, Taipei Mainframe, Power, Modular, Storage A 600 person group delivering Systems implementation, I/T consulting services, and skills development… Austin, TX Power Bangalore, India Mainframe, Power, Storage RTP, NC Modular, Storage Boca Raton, FL Speech Technology …part of a team of 25,000 engineers and programmers in 35 labs in 16 countries Latin America Mainframe, Power, Modular, Storage

  3. IBM New Enterprise Data Center StrategyLeveraging the Best of Traditional and New Practices • Virtualization • Consolidation • Business resiliency and security • Rapid service delivery • Software resiliency • Pooled shared environment Traditional Data Centers Web 2.0 Data Centers • New economics • Rapid service delivery • Aligned with business goals New Enterprise Data Centers

  4. What is driving Cloud Computing • Technology advances that support massive scalability & accessibility • Emergence of data intensive applications & new types of workloads • Large scale information processing, i.e. parallel computing using Hadoop • Web 2.0 rich media interactions • Light weight run anywhere web apps Skyrocketing costsof power, space,maintenance, etc. Explosion of data intensive applications on the Internet Advances in multi-core computer architecture Fast growth of connected mobile devices Growth of Web 2.0-enabled PCs, TVs, etc.

  5. Industry Trends Leading to Cloud Computing • A “cloud” is an IT service delivered to users that has: • A user interface that makes the infrastructure underlying the service transparent to the user • Near-zero incremental management costs when additional IT resources are added • A service management platform 2008 2000 Cloud Computing • Next-Generation Internet computing • Next-Generation Data Centers 1998 Software as a Service • Network-based subscriptions to applications • Gained momentum in 2001 1990 Utility Computing • Offering computing resources as a metered service • Introduced in late 1990s Grid Computing • Solving large problems with parallel computing • Made mainstream by Globus Alliance

  6. Some Characteristics of Cloud Computing • Virtual – Physical location and underlying infrastructure details are transparent to users • Scalable – Able to break complex workloads into pieces to be served across an incrementally expandable infrastructure • Efficient – Services Oriented Architecture for dynamic provisioning of shared compute resources • Flexible – Can serve a variety of workload types – both consumer and commercial

  7. IBM Cloud Computing Gaining Momentum May 2008 April 2008 March 2008 • PACES on cloud announced at IMPACT • Sogeti Online Idea Brainstorm a “terrific success” out of Dublin Cloud • Cloud for iDataPlex announced at Web 2.0 expo February 2008 • VIP/SSME in production on Cloud • Wuxi in production 2007 Wuxi China Cloud Computing Center First Cloud Computing Center in Europe Academic Initiative Blue Cloud Joint research initiative with 13 European partners Partner to enhance academic research opportunities Vietnam Innovation Portal

  8. Worldwide Centers to Serve Clients Dublin, Ireland Seattle, WA Seoul, S Korea Beijing, China Tokyo, Japan San Jose, CA US, East Coast Middle East Hanoi, Vietnam Bangalore, India Singapore São Paulo, Brazil South Africa Announced Planned

  9. Dynamic Enterprise Data Center – Enabling Virtual Classrooms Dynamic Scheduling Monitoring Cloud Services • Google/IBM Academic Initiative • Promote open standards & Hadoop parallel computing model • Jointly provide compute platform of the future • Benefits • Trains students with next generation computing skills • Optimizes emerging Internet scale workloads such as search, video, audio, 3D Internet, machine learning, mobile computing Carnegie Mellon University of Washington MIT Workloads Virtual Application Server Virtual Application Server Virtual Application Server; Virtualization Physical Hardware

  10. Academic Initiative University Participants • From Fall 2007 – 2008, over 10 classes taught between 6 universities • Over 500 students trained on next generation parallel computing techniques Projects • Inverted Index • PageRank on Wikipedia • Clustering NetFlix Movie Data • Language Modeling in the Clouds • Large-data Statistical Machine Translation • Collective Resolution of Identity in Email Archives • Parallel Automatic Text-Background Separation in Picture Books • Large-Scale Network Analysis to Improve Retrieval in the Biomedical Domain Students and professors are saying: • “Very cool” • “Job that takes a week now only takes hours” • “Closes the gap between how industry and academia think about computing”

  11. Wuxi China Cloud Computing Center IBM establishes the first Cloud Computing Center for software companies in China at the new Wuxi Tai Hu New Town Science and Education Industrial Park in Wuxi, China • Offers emerging Chinese software companies the ability to tap into a virtual computing environment to support their development activities. • A shared facility, providing each company in the Wuxi Software Park with its own virtual data center • Enabled by IBM technology and service • Managed with IBM Tivoli systems management products • Hardware – IBM System x, System p and BladeCenter • Benefits • Fast deployment of Rational software development environments • Up to 200K software developers, 100 companies • Cost efficient shared infrastructure "The China Cloud Computing Center represents a milestone in service-oriented computing," said T. W. Liu, the chairman and CEO of iSoftStone. "It will allow companies in the Wuxi Software Park to leapfrog to the newest computing models and will provide an efficient IT platform for software development."

  12. Software Development • Deploys development tools for immediate use Innovation Enablement Expands sources of innovation, increases competitiveness Technology Incubation Reduces time to launch new offerings Large Scale Information Processing Optimizes emerging Internet scale workloads Cloud Computing in the New Enterprise Data Center Workload Solution Patterns Cloud Computing Management Services Self-service Admin Portal Workload Pattern Templates SLA and Capacity Planning Administration Workflows Monitoring Workload Management Provisioning Virtualized Physical Servers (Ensembles) iDataPlex, BladeCenter, System x, System p, System z

  13. Mashups FOR Cloud Management • Data Center much more than just CPUs, storage & networks • Multiple “layers” and multiple types of data/models • Classic system mgmt data doesn’t cover everything • Some models still evolving • Non-standard, client-specific models • Multiple sources: client, vendor, internet, … • Different users have different needs • Needs: user ≠ operator ≠ manager ≠ CIO • Classic system mgmt tools address only a fraction of needs • “Long tail” of needs • Day or less development time. Else too costly

  14. Mashups FOR Cloud Management • Integrate multiple data sources • Traditional data center information • Other kinds of information • Social/organizational • Spatial • Thermal/Energy • Vendor product data, documentation/training/background info, … • Internet

  15. Enterprise Environment • Draw data from • Intranet • Internet • Keep results inside firewall • Security concerns • Will be difficult to use externally hosted services • Governance • Can enforce compliance with enterprise standards • Minimize risk • Incrementally include more kinds of data • No completely new paradigms

  16. Example: Who needs to be notified about server maintenance? Social CI App Components MR Virtual Servers Physical Servers Spatial

  17. Layout of Servers in Data Center • Annotated with • Server name • Other attributes

  18. Mashup Prototype

  19. Heat Map Overlaid on Data Center

  20. Technologies • Mashup Infrastructure • Lotus Mashup Center • InfoSphere Mashup Hub • Lotus Widget Factory • Other technologies • Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG, Firefox, Batik) • Semantic Web (RDF, RDFS, SPARQL, OWL) • Integration of “ragged” data • Taxonomies/folksonomies

  21. iDataPlex • New Technologies:Blade inspired innovation • New Economics:Easy to buy, easy to own • Adaptive Business Model:Aligned End-to-End IBM approach • Business Goal Aligned:Laser vision on achieving our clients’ success

  22. Technology Approach Single-Point Management Internet Scale Data Center • Custom design layout consulting • Data center-level management software Integrated Rack Deployment Narrow Depth Rack • Side-by-side chassis • Holistic rack design • Multiple node/chassis combinations Customized Solutions Flex Node Technology • Shared power and cooling • High-efficiency power supply • Blade-like technology Efficient Power & Cooling Green Components • Low-voltage processors and memory • Component elimination • High-efficiency fans

  23. Flexible -- Efficient Form and Design 42U Enterprise Rack 1 42U Enterprise Rack 2 Top-down view Optional Rear Door Heat Exchanger High Impedance air flow path Low impedance air flow path iDataPlex Rack Typical Enterprise Rack

  24. Cold Isle Cold Isle Std Rack w/ 1U’s Std Rack w/ 1U’s iDataPlex Hot Aisle Hot Aisle New Depth Rack Improves DensityNo Change to Data Center Layout Sized by floor tiles 400 CFM per tile 2.4X Server Density Cold Isle iDataPlex Rear Door Heat eXchanger Hot Aisle 0.42X sq. ft Liquid Cooling 0.79X sq. ft Air Cooling X sq. ft Air Cooling

  25. A More Intelligent Approach Traditional Rack Servers • 40 servers per rack • 4 network leaf switches • 2 enterprise racks • Configured onsite • 138% better density • 50%+ less floor space • 75% fewer fans • 66% less fan power consumption • $10,148 energy savings /rack /year • $1.2M data center energy savings* • Ships complete, ready to deploy Internet-Scale iDataPlex Optional Rear Door Heat eXchanger for even greater data center power and cooling efficiency * For typical Data Center

  26. Innovative Cooling Solution 15% more Servers 58% less CRACs Only 12% racks are equal to or below 77F 100% racks are equal to or below 77F 1U Air cooled iDataPlex - Rear Door Heat eXchanger 224 Racks,9.4K Servers (42 / Rack) 128 Racks, 10.7K Servers (84 / Rack)

  27. IBM Leadership in Dynamic Enterprise Data Centers • Converging Web-centric clouds and enterprise data centers • Establishing worldwide cloud computing centers to drive adoption • IBM leads the way in bringing cloud computing benefits to enterprises

  28. Questions

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