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Failed States Index. Eleonora Mazza & Alejandra Yepes. What is a Failed State?. According to the Fund for Peace, it is a state which has failed at accomplishing the following basic conditions and responsibilities of a government. . -Loss of control
Failed States Index EleonoraMazza & Alejandra Yepes
What is a Failed State? According to the Fund for Peace, it is a state which has failed at accomplishing the following basic conditions and responsibilities of a government. -Loss of control -Disintegration of authority for making decisions -Inability to provide public basic services -Inability to interact with other states
What is a Failed State? • The Foreign Policy Magazine has been publishing the Failed States Index since 2005. Each of the top 20 countries listed, has been in the index for the last 7 years. What is the Fund for Peace? • Independent, non-profit organization • Its purpose is to prevent violent conflict and promote security • Security: • Research, training, education, infrastructure (in different fields), developing technologies • Violent conflict: • Problems related to a failing state
Components used to calculate de Index • The FFP uses: • -Content analysis (electronic scanning) • -Quantitative data • -Qualitative input • Steps: • Download documents about articles, magazines, government reports, and non government, etc. • Use of electronic scanning, collection of data • Incorporation of quantitative data from the World Bank, and other reliable sources • Comparison of the results with insights from a separate qualitative review of each indicator for each country. • These methods are considered as internal checks, additional data is normalized and scaled from 0-10 in order to have final scores for 12 social, economic, and political/military indicators for 177 countries.
Ranking bottom 10 1. Somalia 2.Democratic Republic of Congo 3.Sudan 4.Chad 5.Zimbabwe 6.Afghanistan 7.Haiti 8.Yemen 9.Irak 10.Central African Republic According to the criteria used for determining whether a state is categorized as failed or not, we consider that the top 5 states that occupy those positions are because of: poverty of the state, no political/social strong authority, insufficient infrastructure, inequality of distribution of basic public services.
Somalia, “plethora of woes happening” • Uninterrupted Violence • Long term civil war • Loss of life due to civil war • Reconstruction needed • No progress Democratic Republic of Congo • The poorest country on earth with 300 USD per year per head, according to a 2011 Human Development Index ranking • Corrupt leaders • Dysfunctional army
Sudan • Very few improvements • Large-scale instability in its political, social, and economic realms • South Sudan’s secession • Chad • Civil wars • A huge number of displaced people and refugees • High mortality rate of children younger than 5 (underweight) • Corruption
Zimbabwe • Exclusion of black Zimbabweans, which form the vast majority of the population, from the private sector • Opposition movements which led to new enemies of the state
Ranking Top 5 173 . Norway 174 . Switzerland 175. Denmark 176. Sweden 177 . Finland Venezuela= 82 United States= 159
Finland • Finland is the only state deemed ‘very sustainable’, with the risk of conflicts and collapse lowest in comparison with all other nations • Economically and politically well developed • Rich country • Socially cohesive, not as the US • Very good quality (inequality in the US) • Switzerland • Good public services • Good infrastructure • Good interaction with other states
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