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The Resurgence of Conservatism

Why was America more conservative in the 1980s?. Older populationPopulation largely in the South or Westlegacies of suspicion towards big government in that regionRise of New Right" movementResponse to counterculture of 1960sLed by evangelical Christian groups (Moral Majority)Focus on social

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The Resurgence of Conservatism

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    1. The Resurgence of Conservatism APUSH 4/20/07 Ms. Weston

    2. Why was America more conservative in the 1980s? Older population Population largely in the South or West—legacies of suspicion towards big government in that region Rise of “New Right” movement Response to counterculture of 1960s Led by evangelical Christian groups (Moral Majority) Focus on social issues: Against abortion, pornography, homosexuality, feminism and affirmative action Wanted prayer in schools and tougher penalties for criminals

    3. The Election of Reagan Reagan against activist, “big” government Drew on ideas of neoconservatives In favor of free market capitalism, tough anti-Soviet foreign policy Against welfare programs, affirmative action Called for renewed family values Reagan very popular Actor turned politician Had been governor of CA Landslide victory over Carter Poor economy hurt Carter First time a president had been unseated after first term since Hoover

    4. The Reagan Revolution Iranians released hostages at beginning of term, adding to Reagan’s popularity Reagan wanted less government spending and bureaucracy In response to increased spending on social services in 1960s and 70s Tax cuts all across the country showed people wanted less spending Reagan made huge budget cuts Mostly on social services (food stamps, job training) After he survived an assassination attempt, Reagan even more popular!

    5. The Battle of the Budget At first, Congress went along with Reagan’s budget cuts After a battle, Congress approved Reagan’s tax cuts All in favor of “supply side” economics Allowing people to keep more money, would stimulate spending, investment and the economy

    6. Reaganomics At first, all of these changes brought on a recession As economy picked up, gap between rich and poor widened like never before Yuppies: Young, urban professionals, examples of conspicuous consumption of 1980s Reagan spent huge amounts on defense budget BROUGHT US INTO A NEW ERA OF HEAVY DEFICIT SPENDING National debt at $200 billion by mid-1980s

    7. Reagan’s Economic Legacy Combination of tax cuts and military spending left a huge budget deficit Meant that future generations would have to work harder, or lower their standard of living to pay off their debts Also, stopped future growth of social service programs since government too broke to pay for them! REAGAN ACHIEVED ULTIMATE GOAL: CONTAINMENT OF THE WELFARE STATE!

    8. The Religious Right Conservative Christians played a key role in politics 1979: Jerry Falwell created the Moral Majority Against sexual permissiveness, abortion, feminism and gay rights Right wing Christians began to organize politically for Republican candidates

    9. Conservatism in the Courts By the end of his two terms, Reagan had appointed near majority of Supreme Court justices Mostly conservative, including Sandra Day O’Conner—first female justice Court decisions placed restrictions on affirmative action, and right to get an abortion Abortion issue still key in “culture wars” between liberals and conservatives

    10. Election of 1988 Economic troubles made Democrats hopeful for a victory Huge deficits, declining oil prices hurt Southwest, closings of Savings and Loans institutions and banks, stock market declines Still, Republican George HW Bush won election Similar politics to Reagan Favored tax cuts, strong defense policies, toughness on crime, opposition to abortion

    11. Bush on the Homefront Did create and fund some social programs American with Disabilities Act outlaws discrimination against those with physical or mental disabilities Largely continued Reagan agenda Cut affirmative action Threatened to veto civil rights bill (eventually passed) Declining economy in early 90s meant Bush had to raise taxes, even though he had earlier promised not to do so.

    12. The Clarence Thomas Scandal Bush appointed Thomas, a conservative justice, to Supreme Court Anita Hill, a law professor, accused Thomas of sexual harassment right before he was to be confirmed by Senate Landmark television testimony by Hill In the end, Senate confirmed Thomas Many voters very upset New gender gap in politics

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