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Chapter 14: World War I & The Russian Revolution

Chapter 14: World War I & The Russian Revolution. Section I: The Great War Begins. Many saw the world as a peaceful one..others did not Bismark said there would be a world war that he would not live to see. I. Alliances Draw Lines

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Chapter 14: World War I & The Russian Revolution

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  1. Chapter 14: World War I & The Russian Revolution

  2. Section I: The Great War Begins • Many saw the world as a peaceful one..others did not • Bismark said there would be a world war that he would not live to see. I. Alliances Draw Lines • Many of the great powers of Europe signed treaties out of fear of each other.

  3. A. The Triple Alliance • Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy. (Italy bailed…Ottomans replaced them when war broke out) • Remnants of treaties signed by Bismark *** This group would be eventually called the Central Powers. • The Triple Entente • France and Russia were eventually joined by England. • entente – non-binding agreement to follow common policies. • this entente led to close military and political alliance.

  4. II. Rivalries and Nationalism Increase Tension • European powers closely guarded their status as world leaders. • They competed for positions of power in every area.

  5. A. Competition • Economic rivalries helped kill the relationships among nations. • England felt threatened by Germany’s new found economic successes. • Germany and France nearly went to war over control of African lands. • England and Germany began a great arms race as Germany began to build a massive naval fleet to protect it’s growing empire. a. Militarism – glorification of the use of the military. b. Painted war in a romantic color

  6. B. Nationalism • Extreme Pride in one’s nation, nationality, or ethnicity.

  7. 2. Often led to issues like… a. German and French issues over border province known as Alsace-Lorraine • Pan Slavism – Russian inspired nationalism that inspired all Slavic people to share a common nationality. b. Russia felt it had a duty to protect all Slavic people. 4. Austria-Hungary feared that nationalism would encourage rebellion against their rule. 5. Ottoman Empire was worried that new Balkan states would want to take land away from their empire to united Slavic people.

  8. III. The Powder Keg Ignites A. Assassination in Sarajevo • Heir to the Austrian throne – Archduke Franz Ferdinand scheduled a trip to Bosnia (Sarajevo). • Bosnia was a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. • Serbian nationalists were very angry about Austrian rule over Serbian people. • Serbians viewed Austrians as foreign oppressors. • Black Hand – Serbian nationalist group that was very outspoken against Austrian rule. • Gavrilo Princip – Member of Black Hand who assassinated Ferdinand and his pregnant wife.

  9. Ferdinand Assassination 2:13

  10. B. Austria Strikes Back • Francis Joseph and Austro Hungarian leadership very very angry over the events. • However, he was reluctant to go to war over fears of Russia siding with Serbia. • Germany told Austria they would back them if war started over it…essentially they pushed Austria into attacking. • Austria gave Serbia an ultimatum or list of demands that they knew Serbia would not meet a. Must end all anti-Austrian action b. Punish any Serbian official involved in the murder plot c. Allow Austria to assist in investigation 5. Serbia did not meet all the demands and Austria declared war 7-28-1914

  11. IV. Alliances Kick In • This could have been just another conflict among European nations had it not been for alliances created. A. Russia and France Back Serbia • Nicholas II telegraphed his cousin, William II of Germany asking him to get Austria to soften their demands. • When Germany said it could not, Russia began to mobilize – or get their troops ready for war. • Russia declared war on Austria. • Germany declared war on Russia and France. • France and England declared war on Austria-Hungary and Germany

  12. World War I Alliances

  13. B. Germany Invades Belgium • Schleiffen Plan – War plan created by General Alfred von Schlieffen. a. Designed to avoid fighting a 2 front war. b. Quick victory in France and then quickly transport all soliders on trains to the eastern front to fight Russia. 2. Germany invaded Belgium as a way to get to France Aug 4, 1914.

  14. V. Reaction to War • Before the war many European nations had domestic issues causing problems. • Once war broke out, these issues were put onto the back burner as nations focused on winning.

  15. Section 2: A New Kind of War • Largest Conflict in history in terms of the number of soldiers fighting. • 10.8 Million soldiers dead • 21 million wounded • 7.8 million missing • 6.5 million civilians killed

  16. I. Stalemate on the Western Front • Germany’s plans for a quick defeat of France failed. • Belgians resisted Germany’s attempts to cut through Belgium and slowed the process. • Russian began attacking Austrian sites and the Germans were forced to shift troops to the east before they were ready. • 1st Battle of the Marne – ended Germany’s hopes for a quick victory as both sides dug trenches and settled in for a long fight.

  17. Battle of the Marne

  18. II. Technology of Modern Warfare • Destructive power of modern weapons led to massive amounts of casualties. • Machine guns and long range artillery were only the beginning.

  19. New Technology

  20. B. Poison Gas 1. Chlorine gas was used to choke, blind, and kill enemy troops dug into trenches.

  21. C. Tanks, Airplanes, and Submarines 1. 1916 – Britain produced the 1st armored tank a. used to power through barbwire and over trenches.

  22. Zeppelins 2. Germans used large hot gas balloons called zeppelins to bomb the English coast.

  23. German U-Boats 3. German U-Boats or Subs were used to wage unrestricted warfare against shipments of cargo and goods bound for England.

  24. WWI A New Kind of War (8:22)

  25. III. Battle on other European Fronts A. Russian losses on the Eastern Front • Russia easily pressed into German lands early in the war. • least industrialized = least supplied • Germans were able to drive the Russians back as they were dangerously undersupplied. Some soldiers did not even have rifles.

  26. B. New Combatants in the Balkans and Southern Europe • Bulgaria joined the Central Powers to help defeat it’s old rival Serbia. • Romania joined the Allies to gain territory, but was easily crushed. • Italy turned on Germany and Austria after a secret treaty with Allies. The Allies helped Italy regain land that the Austrians held.

  27. IV. War Around the World • The Ottoman Empire Joins the Central Powers 1. Closed of the Dardanelles Strait which denied allied access to supply the Russians. a. Allies sent a massive force to Turkish city of Gallipoli to try to open the strait and supply Russia b. after 10 months of fighting…theAllies were defeated and forced to withdraw.

  28. 2. Armenians • Many Armenians sided with the Christian Russians..instead of Muslim Ottoman Turks. • As punishment Armenians were targeted by the Turks • Between 60k and 1.5 million Armenians died at the hands of the Ottomans. • Many Armenians that survived escaped to the U.S. and other areas.

  29. 3. Middle East • Arab nationalists declared a revolt against Ottoman rule. • English sent T.E. Lawrence to help Arabs • T.E.Lawrence – British colonel sent to help the Arabs revolution against the Turks. He later became known as Lawrence of Arabia. He actually led raids of Arab soldiers against the Turks.

  30. Lawrence of Arabia

  31. B. War and the Colonies • Allies overran German colonies in Africa & Asia. • Allies asked people living in their colonies to serve in their armies. • England actually told the people of India this would help their chances of freedom…but it was a lie.

  32. Section 3: Winning the War I. Waging Total War • Total War – Channeling a nations entire resources into the war effort.

  33. A. Economies Committed to War Production • conscription – military draft. All nations except Britain began immediately requiring military service. • Governments raised taxes to pay for the war. • food was rationed • setting prices and forbid strikes.

  34. B. Economic Warfare 1. England used it’s navy to blockade the German ports on the North Sea. a. International law allowed naval blockades to stop contraband, but not food etc.. b. England used the blockade to stop both contraband AND food.

  35. 2. Germany used it’s submarines call U-Boats to retaliate. • Germany warned the world that it would use it’s U-boats to sink vessels bringing supplies to the Allies. • Even took an ad out in American newspapers. • Lusitania – British passenger liner that held contraband cargo in it’s hold was sunk. 1200 killed, 128 were American. • Woodrow Wilson threatened to cut off ties with Germany..and Germany promised to play nice and follow international law…for now!

  36. C. Propaganda Warfare • Controlling public opinion became very important a. You wanted your populations support and for them to want to fight against the enemy. • Censured the press…so casualty reports were not known.

  37. 2. Propaganda – spreading ideas to promote a cause or to damage an opposing cause. a. Used to motivate troops, urge citizens to donate money, play up the brutality of the German army.

  38. D. Women Join the War Effort • Women took their husbands jobs in factories while they were off fighting the war. • Had to handle the duties of the husband at work and still take care of the family. • Women served as nurses • Women developed a sense of pride and confidence in their efforts to support the war….this helped them in the quest for voting rights.

  39. II. Morale Collapses • Morale had fallen across the board • Germany was reduced to sending 15 yr olds off to fight.

  40. ???Trivia Question??? Why do they call it the Infantry?? Years ago..Armies sent the youngest soldiers..often teens…to the front lines…hence the name INFANT-RY

  41. A. War Fatigue • There was no great glorious war, no poets writing romantic tales of honor and glory. • This was an ugly war the likes that no nation had ever seen before. • Some troops in France and Italy mutinied or simply left their posts.

  42. B. Revolution in Russia • 3 years of war hit Russia hard. • undersupplied, under equipped, unqualified leadership, poor results, and poverty at home • Bread riots in St. Petersburg led to a full blown revolution we will talk about later. • Allies thought the revolution would bring democratic changes to Russia.

  43. 5. Lenin brought Communism and a promise to end the war for Russians. • Treaty of Brest Litovsk – Treaty between Germany and Russia to end their fight\ • With Russia out of the conflict, Germany could now focus on the war with France/England.

  44. III. U.S. Declares War - 1917 A. Why Join the Allies? • Cultural ties to our “friends” England and France. • German attacks on American shipping. • Zimmerman Note – German ambassador Arthur Zimmerman sent a telegraph to Mexican President suggesting an alliance between the two nations to defeat the U.S.

  45. B. Declaring War • Wilson asked for a declaration of war to preserve peace and make the world safe for democracy. • nearly 2 million U.S. soldiers joined the weary Allied troops…..AND $$$$$ to fund the war.

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