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Why writing papers ?

Because My supervisor wants me to The others also do I know I have to. Why writing papers ?. I want to , because I want that others know what I did I want to become a member of the scientific community I love writing It´s satisfactory to have a product in my hands.

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Why writing papers ?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Because • Mysupervisorwantsmeto • The others also do • I know I haveto Whywritingpapers? • I wantto, because • I wantthatothersknowwhat I did • I wanttobecome a memberofthescientificcommunity • I lovewriting • It´ssatisfactorytohave a product in myhands • I have to, because I need it to get • PhD • job (in science) • projects • …

  2. Astudythathas not beenpublished was done in vain Ralf Conrad MPI forterrestrialMicrobiology 376 papers (2011) 10 - 20 paper/year

  3. Think ofthepaperbeforeyoustartpracticalwork • Elaborate a conceptfor a potential paper • Generatethedatayouneedforthatpaper • Write it

  4. Whatyoureally do Howmuchenthusiasmdo youallocatetothese different tasks? • Reading • Thinking • Doing experiments • writing Whattheotherssee • Presentations • publications

  5. Writing papers takes time → take your time • Writing papers is a technique → learn it and practice • You will never be perfectly prepared to start writing → lets start

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