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Goal/Objective Knows about iTunes U ·Know types of information that can be found in iTunes U

Goal/Objective Knows about iTunes U ·Know types of information that can be found in iTunes U ·Know where to find resources explaining how to use iTunes U. 4- I can teach others about iTunes U 3- I have used iTunes but I couldn't teach it.

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Goal/Objective Knows about iTunes U ·Know types of information that can be found in iTunes U

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Goal/Objective Knows about iTunes U ·Know types of information that can be found in iTunes U ·Know where to find resources explaining how to use iTunes U 4- I can teach others about iTunes U 3- I have used iTunes but I couldn't teach it. 2- I have heard about it but I don't know how to use it. 1- I'm not familar with iTunes U. I want to know more about ...

  2. What is iTunes U? What is iTunes U? Simply put ... Learn anything, anytime, anywhere iTunes U is a powerful distribution system for everything from lectures to language lessons, films to labs, audiobooks to tours. As a part of iTunes, it is an innovative way to get educational content into the hands of students.

  3. What can I find in iTunes U?

  4. Analyze Perspectives: 1. Identify an issue - Using iTunes U 2. State a perspective, the logic, and the evidence that support it 3. State a different perspective with the logic and evidence that support it 4. Repeat 5. Summarize the similarities and difference among viewpoints A teacher comes to a principal and asks if they can use iTunes U instead of a textbook.

  5. Where can I learn how to use iTunes U? Enhancing Your Curriculum Through Podcasts and iTunes U Date: 7/18/2011 (8:30 AM - 3:30 PM) Calendar: Professional Development Center (PDC-Computer Lab) http://www.apple.com/itunes/how-to/index.html#video-itunesu

  6. Goal/Objective Knows about iTunes U ·Know types of information that can be found on iTunes U ·Know where to find resources explaining how to use iTunes U 4- I can teach others about iTunes U 3- I have used iTunes but I couldn't teach it. 2- I have heard about it but I don't know how to use it. 1- I'm not familar with iTunes U. I want to know more about ...

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