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Digging Deeper: Online Collaborative Inquiry

Digging Deeper: Online Collaborative Inquiry. Mary Moynagh Ashland Middle School 8 th Grade Social Studies Teacher mmoynagh@ashland.k12.ma.us. Jared Cavagnuolo Wilson Middle School Learning Center Teacher jcavagnuolo@natickps.org. Digging Deeper Sessions .

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Digging Deeper: Online Collaborative Inquiry

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  1. Digging Deeper:Online Collaborative Inquiry • Mary Moynagh • Ashland Middle School • 8th Grade Social Studies Teacher • mmoynagh@ashland.k12.ma.us Jared Cavagnuolo Wilson Middle School Learning Center Teacher jcavagnuolo@natickps.org

  2. Digging Deeper Sessions • Online Reading Comprehension Using creditable and accurate print and digital sources to support analysis, reflection, and research. • Online Content Construction Using technology as a means to demonstrate learning. • Online Collaborative Inquiry Using technology to collaborate with others.

  3. The Times They Are A-Changin’ What has changed? • Economy: agrarian to industrial to technological • Jobs and needs of employers have gotten more complex • Blue-collar positions now done electronically or have been eliminated • More complex, technologically advanced white collar positions • More advanced thinking skills required

  4. What will the students be asked to do? • Think critically and creatively • Work collaboratively • Take risks constructively • Understand connection to the world • Use technology to research and communicate with others • Work in teams • Assume leadership responsibilities School Reform in the New Millennium: Preparing All Children for 21st Century Success. Massachusetts DESE. November 2008.

  5. Workplace of the Future “We don’t care where and how you get your work done. We care that you get your work done.” Dan Pelino, IBM Health Care / Life Sciences ABC News: The Workplace of the Future

  6. How do we begin this process? • What do we need to do to get the kids ready for this “new world?” • Develop “good” Digital Citizenship Skills • Develop 21st Century Literacy Skills across the content areas

  7. Digital Citizenship: Using Technology Appropriately What is a good digital citizen? • Digital Etiquette and • Digital Rights and Responsibilities

  8. ISSUES TO CONSIDER REGARDING WEB IDENTITY “With great power, comes great responsibility.” -- Peter Parker's (aka Spiderman's) UncleThe main issue is not participatory media, but how we use these social networking tools! With great tools, comes great responsibility and a need to think critically and constructively about how we use them. They can serve us well in terms of developing our personal and professional online image.

  9. What is your digital footprint? • What is “out there” about you? Search for your digital footprint … • How can you begin to build your footprint? Positive Digital Footprints “Everything you do now ends up in your permanent record. The best plan is to overload Google with a long tail of good stuff and always act like you’re on Candid Camera, because you are.” ~ Seth Godin

  10. Back to the classroom ….

  11. 21st Century Students They need the 3 “Rs”: • Reading • Writing • ‘rithmatics • But they also need the 5 “Cs”: • Creative Problem Solving Skills • Collaboration skills • Communication skills • Content • Critical Thinking

  12. How the “new” literacy addresses the 5Cs • Integrates technology into our practice of teaching and learning • Accesses curriculum resources and information using technology • Provides additional ways for students to demonstrate their learning using technology

  13. Technology can be used to enhance mastery of content and not distract from it.

  14. Social Media is Collaboration

  15. A New Generation of Learners TED Talk: Will Richardson

  16. A New Generation of Learners • “[Kids] are not waiting for a curriculum to deliver to them the things they want to learn; they’re simply going out and learning those things when they want to.” ~ Will Richardson • So how do we harness our students’ natural motivation to learn? • Give them some autonomy over… ~ What they do ~ When they do it ~ How they do it ~ Who they do it with • “20% Time” Projects • Project proposal form • Student ideas • Example

  17. Back to Online Collaborative Inquiry …

  18. What is Online Collaborative Inquiry? • Work with your tablemates to create a definition (using online resources such as dictionaries, Google search, etc. if necessary). • Share your definition with the large group.

  19. Classroom of the Future (i.e., September 2012) Goomoodleikiog

  20. GOOMOODLEIKIOG If you take a little bit of GOOgle for research… maybe add a MOODLE platform for online content delivery… use WIKIpedia for information or create a WIKIspace for collaboration… and add a little “OG” for a classroom blOG… you too can have a classroom of the future.

  21. Have you thought of your classroom as a BYOD* environment? • * Bring Your Own Device • Laptop • iPad • Flash Drive • Cell Phone • iPhone • iTouch • iPod

  22. The Way of the Wiki: Building Online Creativity and Cooperation These tools are the ultimate enablers of collaboration -- in and out of class. by Grace Rubenstein

  23. Wiki Discussion: • Using information from the Goomoodleikiogvideo and the Rubenstein article, respond to the following question: • How can you use technology in your classrooms to encourage collaboration and enhance mastery of content?

  24. Discussion Activity on the Wiki • Click on the link for your day’s session below and respond to the question there. Monday Tuesday Wednesday • Respond to at least one other group’s post: • What advantages would this group’s ideas have for instruction? • What challenges might they encounter when attempting to implement their ideas, and how could they overcome those challenges?

  25. Online Collaborative Inquiry and the New MA Curriculum Framework • Your table group will be assigned a strand of the College & Career Readiness Anchor Standards from the new framework. • Read over your group's standards with your tablemates. • Drawing on your own teaching experience and using what you have learned from the resources and activities in this session, work together to answer the following question: • How can teachers use tools and resources for online collaborative inquiry to address specific anchor standards?

  26. Online Collaborative Inquiry and the New MA Curriculum Framework Click on the link for your day's session below to post your group's answer to a Google doc. Monday Tuesday Wednesday

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