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10 Best Tips to help You Staying Cool in Summer

There are always reports of deaths due to heat stroke. You can succumb to heat stroke even on the comfy insides of your home. Please pay heed to the following tips to keep any adversity at bay.

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10 Best Tips to help You Staying Cool in Summer

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  1. 10 Best Tipsto helps You Staying Cool in Summer

  2. 1. Reduce the Portions of your Meal Generally, appetite decreases during summer because of the heat. Nutritionists say that is a natural sign of the body and we should not disagree with it. Eat only as much as you feel like it, be okay if a roti goes to waste, ask your caregiver to prepare smaller meals for you. This helps in quicker digestion and causes ease.

  3. 2. It is Okay to Feel So Thirsty You will feel thirsty way more often than you generally might. If you are living near waters, the moisture content would make the atmosphere very warm and suffocating that would make your skin your perspire a lot, make sure to undo this loss of water with drinking as much you can. Consume electrolytes, Lemonade, fruit juices, and buttermilk.

  4. 3. Keep Your House Cool If you have a terrace, drench its floor with water, this will keep your roof two-three degrees cooler. Get green fabrics and hang them on your windows and balconies, so the air will pass in cooler, the heat gets trapped in the material of the cloth. Invest in indoor plants.

  5. 4. Invest in Coolers and not ACs ACs make the environment hotter, the heat from air-conditioned rooms is thrown out in the atmosphere, so as you get a reduction in temperature on the inside you are adding to global warming in a big way. ACs are like a vicious cycle to global warming. Coolers are better, way better, they will also cut your electricity bill by 1/6th.

  6. 5. Be cautious of what you eat Get on to reading health and fitness news, columns and blogs for what to eat and what not to eat for summers. Eat cool foods like watermelon, cucumbers, green vegetables and fruits. Stay away from oily foods, dry fruits, papaya, spicy foods, hot beverages like tea and coffee, etc.

  7. 6. Do not stay outside for a long time This is a matter of common sense, find a shade to stand under, you will know the value of a tree on a scorching afternoon waiting for your Uber to arrive. Plainly speaking, stay indoors as much as possible.

  8. 7. Save your skin from UV rays UV rays, the ones the ozone layers fail to block harm your hair, skin, and eyes, in the worst case scenario they cause skin cancer. Apply sunscreen of SPF 30 or above.

  9. 8. Homely remedies to the rescue While traveling on two-wheelers, put an onion in your shirt pocket or your scarf, this will protect you from a heat wave. Prepare a juice of kacchaaam and drink it like any other juice to beat the heat.

  10. 9. Build Shelter for birds and Animals Enough about ourselves, if you are lucky enough to have summer vacations build a little shelter for birds and animals. Put water outside in containers for them to drink.

  11. 10. Be kind to people on the Road Traffic police, autowalas, construction workers, hawkers and the homeless, have no option but to stay in the heat. People build free water services to aid them, you can do that or share some from your water bottle too. We wish you a chilled out summer, for morehealth and fitness news onlinestay tuned to Connect Gujarat!

  12. Thank You https://connectgujarat.com

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