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Learning Resources Inductions

Learning Resources Inductions. Claire Donlan Head of Learning Resources Middlesbrough College . Introduction. Induction sessions include LRC / IT / eLearning Autumn term in LRC approx. 3000 students

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Learning Resources Inductions

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  1. Learning Resources Inductions Claire Donlan Head of Learning Resources Middlesbrough College

  2. Introduction Induction sessions include LRC / IT / eLearning Autumn term in LRC approx. 3000 students The purpose is to enable students to access all the learning resources they need - paperbased and electronic resources

  3. Poll Do you use technology to deliver student inductions?

  4. Induction Plan Keep Practical tasks – opportunity to log on to system / VLE and find resources New Engaging Feedback Less information?

  5. The ‘wow’ factor 3D tour • 3D system acquired as part of Becta Technology Exemplar Network • Supermarket and other walk through applications were popular & appealing • 3D model of LRC produced by Amazing Interactives • Walk through with 3D instances and information video clips

  6. Learning Resources Induction Your username is your College ID Your password is the first 4 letters of your family name, followed by the first 4 digits in your date of birth e.g. if you are called Smith and born 26/04/1994 your password would be Smit2604

  7. Poll Do you include practical computer based tasks?

  8. Hands on session Demonstration with practical tasks: • Log on to the College system • Log on to VLE Blackboard • LRC site on Blackboard • eBooks and eResources

  9. Poll When do you collect feedback about inductions? • During induction session? • At the end of the induction session? • At a later date as separate induction feedback? • At a later date as part of a whole service survey or questionnaire?

  10. Comments and suggestions………………………… 3d was good lol the induction has been very good and exciting i thought it was good, i liked the 3d i think it was really good fab it was ok 3d vido longer with more information make it less cofusing, but its a clever idea it is mint it is cool its orite ye its great it was impressive.. fantastic brilliant good help it was useful and i learnt some new things no i thing the lrc is fine as it is it was really good. i would recommend it to other first time students it was amazin the 3d video was really good.the 3d part was good the 3d system was good more info and a bit of background music makd thd man on the 3d video move quicker make the 3d thing better :) better 3d glasses no 3d glasses they make your eyes hurt omg i love the lrc its like da best ting evur

  11. Review and developments • Wayfinder • Increase in use of voting systems for feedback • Embed 3D model / tour in an online induction

  12. Any Questions?

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