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Mendelian Genetics Review

Mendelian Genetics Review. ____________________ is the “Father of Genetics”. Gregor Mendel. _______________ is the passing of traits from parent to offspring. Heredity. A _________ represents the physical characteristics. Phenotype.

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Mendelian Genetics Review

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  1. Mendelian GeneticsReview

  2. ____________________ is the “Father of Genetics”. • Gregor Mendel

  3. _______________ is the passing of traits from parent to offspring. • Heredity

  4. A _________ represents the physical characteristics. • Phenotype

  5. How many chromosomes would a human have in their skin cells? • 46

  6. ___________ are two forms of a gene (dominant & recessive) • Alleles

  7. How would you write a homozygous dominant genotype (use the 2nd letter of the alphabet ) • BB

  8. A homozygous genotype can also be called _____________ • Pure

  9. Which law states: when different alleles for a characteristic are inherited (heterozygous), the trait of only one (the dominant one) will be expressed.? • Law of Dominance

  10. What sex chromosomes are present for a male? • XY

  11. What does the P generation represent? • Parent’s genotypes

  12. A cross between two hybrids will ALWAYS create what phenotypic ratio?Be specific!!!! • 3 dominant : 1 recessive

  13. What organism did Mendel use to conduct his research? • Pea Plants

  14. What is the F1 generation? • The offspring from crossing the P generation

  15. ____________ is the study of heredity • Genetics

  16. Which law states the following: each factor (gene) is distributed (assorted) randomly and independently of one another in the formation of gametes (egg or sperm)? • Law of Independent Assortment

  17. A ___________ represents the types of genes that are inherited. • Genotype

  18. How many chromosomes did you inherit from your mom? • 23

  19. How would you write a homozygous recessive genotype (use the 2nd letter of the alphabet ) • bb

  20. A heterozygous genotype can also be called a _____________ • Hybrid

  21. How would you write a heterozygous genotype (use the 2nd letter of the alphabet ) • Bb

  22. Which Law states: each genetic trait is produced by a pair of alleles which separate during reproduction? • Law of Segregation

  23. List the gametes that can be produced from the following genotype: AaBb • AB • Ab • aB • ab

  24. A ______ gene is the gene that shows up most often in a cross; represented by an uppercase letter • Dominant

  25. In guinea pigs, rough coats (R) are dominant to smooth coats. Write the genotype for a homozygous rough coated guinea pig. • RR

  26. In guinea pigs, rough coats (R) are dominant to smooth coats. What are the genotypes for a cross with a smooth coated guinea pig and a homozygous rough coated. • Genotype = 100% Rr

  27. Are fraternal twins or identical twins more closely related? • Identical

  28. In guinea pigs, rough coats (R) are dominant to smooth coats. Write the genotype for a smooth coated guinea pig. • rr

  29. A ________ is a cross that only involves a single trait • Monohybrid cross

  30. List the gametes that can be produced from the following genotype: aaBB • aB

  31. What are two factors that affect who you are? • Genes • Environment

  32. What sex chromosomes are present for a female? • XX

  33. How could a guinea pig breeder determine if a black guinea pig is homozygous dominant or heterozygous? • Test cross- cross the guinea pig with a homozygous recessive guinea pig

  34. ________ is a tool used to solve genetic problems based on probability • Punnett Square

  35. In guinea pigs, rough coats (R) are dominant to smooth coats. What are the phenotypes for a cross with a smooth coated guinea pig and a homozygous rough coated. • Phenotype = 100% Rough coated

  36. A ________ is a cross that involves a two trait • Dihybrid cross

  37. A ______ gene is the gene that shows up less often in a cross; represented by a lowercase letter • Recessive

  38. In guinea pigs, rough coats (R) are dominant to smooth coats. Write the genotype for a heterozygous rough coated guinea pig. • Rr

  39. The ________________________ is based on the genotype. • phenotype

  40. Which parent determines the sex of the child? • Father

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