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Chapter 3: Planning Network Protocols and Compatibility

Chapter 3: Planning Network Protocols and Compatibility. Learning Objectives. Explain basic network concepts, including network terms, types of networks, and network cards Explain the NDIS and ODI network driver specifications

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Chapter 3: Planning Network Protocols and Compatibility

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  1. Chapter 3: Planning Network Protocols and Compatibility

  2. Learning Objectives • Explain basic network concepts, including network terms, types of networks, and network cards • Explain the NDIS and ODI network driver specifications • Explain the communications protocols used in Windows 2000 Server, including TCP/IP, NWLink, NetBEUI, DLC, and AppleTalk

  3. Learning Objectives (continued) • Plan network binding order, change the binding order, and bind and unbind protocols • Plan how to implement protocols on different types of networks

  4. Protocol • A protocol consists of guidelines for: • How data is formatted into discrete units called packets and frames • How packets and frames are transmitted across one or more networks • How packets and frames are interpreted at the receiving end

  5. Packets and Frames • Packets and frames are units of data transmitted from one networked computer or device to another. • Although packets and frames are often used to have the same meaning, there is a difference. Packets operate at a higher communication layer and contain routing information.

  6. General Sections in Packets and Frames • Header • Data • Trailer or footer

  7. Packet and Frame Format Figure 3-1 Basic packet and frame format

  8. Network Design • The basic design of a network is its topology • Topology: The physical layout of the cable and the logical path followed by network packets and frames sent on the cable

  9. Local Area Network • Local area network (LAN): Joins computers, printers, and other computer equipment within a limited service area and generally employs only one topology

  10. Example of a LAN Figure 3-2 A LAN in a building

  11. Metropolitan Area Network • Metropolitan area network (MAN): A network that links multiple LANs within a large city or metropolitan area

  12. Example of a MAN University chemistry building Research hospital Pharmaceutical company MAN connecting buildings in a city

  13. Enterprise Network • Enterprise Network: A network that often reaches throughout a large area, such as a college campus, a city, or across several states. A distinguishing factor of an enterprise network is that it brings together an array of network resources such as many kinds of servers, mainframes, printers, network devices, intranets, and the Internet

  14. Typical Resources in an Enterprise Network Figure 3-3 Resources in an enterprise network

  15. Wide Area Network • Wide Area Network (WAN): A far-reaching system of networks that can extend across state lines and across continents

  16. Example of a WAN WAN across a continent

  17. Network Interface Card Communication Medium Options • Coaxial cable (thick and thinnet) • Twisted-pair (shielded and unshielded) • Fiber-optic • Wireless (infrared, radio wave, microwave, satellite)

  18. Connecting a Medium to a NIC Figure 3-4 Connecting cable to a NIC

  19. Device Address • Each NIC has a physical or device address that is burned into a PROM on the card • Media access control (MAC) address is another way of describing the device address

  20. Ethernet and Token Ring • Ethernet: A network transport system that uses a carrier sensing and collision detection method to regulate data transmissions • Token ring: A network transport method that uses a token, which is passed from node to node, to coordinate data transmissions

  21. NDIS • Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS): A set of standards developed by Microsoft and 3COM for network drivers that enables communication between a NIC and a protocol, and that enables the use of multiple protocols on the same network

  22. NDIS Architecture Figure 3-5 Binding a protocol to a NIC

  23. ODI • Open Datalink Interface (ODI) driver: A driver that is used by Novell NetWare networks to transport multiple protocols on the same network

  24. Microsoft-Supported Communication Protocols

  25. Microsoft-Supported Protocols (continued)

  26. TCP/IP • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) portion performs extensive error checking to ensure that data is delivered successfully • Internet Protocol (IP) portion consists of rules for packaging data and ensuring that it reaches the correct destination address

  27. Dotted Decimal Notation • Dotted Decimal Notation: An addressing technique that uses four octets, such as 100000110.11011110.1100101.00000101, converted to decimal (e.g.,, to differentiate individual servers, workstations, and other network devices.

  28. Unicasting and Multicasting • In a unicast, a transmission is sent to each client that requests a file or application, such as a multimedia presentation • In a multicast, a transmission is sent to all requesting clients as a group (reducing the total network traffic)

  29. Unicasting and Multicasting Compared Figure 3-6 Unicasting compared to multicasting

  30. Subnet Mask • Subnet mask: A designated portion of an IP address (the TCP/IP Properties) that is used to indicate the class of addressing on a network and to divide a network into subnetworks as a way to control traffic and enforce security

  31. Configuring the IP Address and Subnet Mask in Windows 2000 Figure 3-7 IP address and subnet mask setup

  32. Static and Dynamic Addressing • Dynamic addressing: Involves automatically assigning an IP address to a network host • Static addressing: Involves manually assigning an IP address to a network host

  33. TCP/IP Advantages • Well-suited for medium and large networks • Designed for routing; has high degree of reliability • Used worldwide for directly connecting to the Internet and by Web servers • Enables lower TCO on Microsoft networks

  34. TCP/IP Advantages • Compatible with standard tools for analyzing network performance • Parallel ability to use DHCP and WINS through a Windows 2000 server • Ability for diverse networks and operating systems to communicate • Compatible with Microsoft Windows Sockets

  35. TCP/IP Disadvantages • More difficult to set up and maintain than other protocols • Somewhat slower than IPX/SPX and NetBEUI on networks with light to medium traffic

  36. Routing via TCP/IP Figure 3-8 Router forwarding packets to a designated network

  37. Planning Tip • For medium and large sized networks, plan to use TCP/IP because it enables you to manage and secure network traffic through creating subnets

  38. Protocols and Applications in the TCP/IP Suite

  39. Protocols and Applications in the TCP/IP Suite (continued)

  40. Protocols and Applications in the TCP/IP Suite (continued)

  41. Protocols and Applications in the TCP/IP Suite (continued)

  42. Protocols and Applications in the TCP/IP Suite (continued)

  43. IPX/SPX • IPX: A protocol developed by Novell for use with its NetWare server operating system (particularly for NetWare versions before version 5) • SPX: A Novell connection-oriented protocol used for network transport when there is a particular need for data reliability

  44. NWLink • A network protocol that simulates the IPX/SPX protocol for Microsoft Windows 95, 98, NT, and 2000 communications with Novell NetWare file servers and compatible devices

  45. Client Service for NetWare (CSNW) Components • Client Service for NetWare • NWLink IPX/SPX • NWLink NetBIOS

  46. CSNW Installed in Windows 2000 Figure 3-9 Windows 2000 with CSNW components installed

  47. Configuring NWLink • Configure three elements: • Frame type • Network number • Internal network number

  48. When to Configure the Internal Network Number • When the NetWare server that is accessed uses two or more frame types • When the Windows 2000 host has two or more NICs and NWLink is bound to more than one of the NICs • When an application uses NetWare’s Service Advertising Protocol (SAP)

  49. When to Use NWLink • To enable a computer running Windows 2000 to access a NetWare server (pre-version 5) • To set up Windows 2000 as a gateway to a NetWare server • To enable NetWare clients to access a Windows 2000 server

  50. Planning Tip • If you upgrade NetWare servers to version 5.x or higher, convert from IPX/SPX to TCP/IP for better network communication options and better compatibility with Windows 2000 servers

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