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Classification of muscles of the trunk

Classification of muscles of the trunk. Figure 4.1.

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Classification of muscles of the trunk

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  1. Classification of muscles of the trunk

  2. Figure 4.1

  3. Section 2 The Muscles of Trunk. The muscles of backtrapezius, latissimus, levattor scapulae, rhomboid muscles erector spinae (sacrospinelis) thoracolumbar fascia. The muscles of thorax1) The extrinsic muscles pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, serratus anterior 2) The intrinsic muscles intercostales extrerni, intercostales interni . The diaphragm . The muscles of abdomen 3

  4. 4

  5. Muscles of Thorax Page 118, 646

  6. Muscles of Thorax Page 49

  7. Muscles of Thorax

  8. Anterior Surface of Thorax Palpate the following Sternum (3 parts) Jugular notch Sternal Angle (= 2nd rib) Clavicle Costal margin Xiphosternal joint Midclavicular Line Midaxillary Line Page 201

  9. Posterior Surface of Thorax Palpate the following Spinous Process of C7 Scapula (ribs 2-7) Scapular spine Acromion Process Inferior Angle of Spine Inferior Border Page 90

  10. Locating Internal Structures Pleural Cavities Inferior margin = adjacent to T12 in Posterior Midline To Rib 10 at Midaxillary line To Rib 8 at Midclavicular line To Xiphosternal joint medially Lungs posterior border is 2 ribs superior to pleural cavity (rib 8) Heart Deep to xiphisternal angle Page 206

  11. 11

  12. 12

  13. 13

  14. Pectoralis Major Pectoralis Minor

  15. Trapezius In more primitive species used for opening and closing gills - a BRANCHIAL muscle. In humans, used to move scapula and keep head up

  16. Trapezius Origin: Occipital bone, Spines of C7 and T1-12 Insertion: Acromion Spine of scapula Lateral 1/3 of clavicle

  17. Trapezius Innervation: Accessory Nerve (Cranial Nerve XI) Action: Extension of the head Elevation and depression of scapula

  18. Trapezius

  19. Serratus Anterior Origin: First 9 ribs Insertion: Medial edge of scapula’s deep surface

  20. Serratus Anterior Innervation: Long thoracic nerve Action: Rotates scapula Primitively a BODY WALL MUSCLE

  21. Serratus Anterior

  22. Levator Scapulae Origin: Transverse processes of C1-4 Insertion: Medial edge of scapula

  23. Levator Scapulae Innervation: Ventral Rami of C3 and C4 Action: Retracts scapula Depresses glenoid

  24. Rhomdoidius Major Origin: Spines of T2-T5 Insertion: Medial edge of scapula

  25. Rhomdoidius Major Innervation: Dorsal Scapula Action: Retracts scapula Depresses glenoid

  26. Rhomdoidius Minor Origin: Spines of C7 and T1 Insertion: Medial edge of scapula Note: minor is superior (cranial), but SMALLER

  27. Rhomdoidius Minor Innervation: Dorsal Scapula Action: Retracts scapula Depresses glenoid

  28. Levator Scapulae Rhomboid Minor Rhomboid Major

  29. Levator Scapulae Depression Rhom- boids Pecoralis Minor

  30. Elevation Trapezius Serratus Anterior Trapezius

  31. Latissimus Dorsi Origin: Spines of T7-T12 Thoracolumbar fascia Insertion: Humerus: Inertubecular groove And lesser tubecular crest Innervation: Thoracodorsal Nerve

  32. Latissiumus: Extends, adducts and medially rotates humerus Pectoralis: is large, fan-shaped muscle opposing it ventrally

  33. Pectoralis Major: Clavicular Head: Origin: inferior margin of clavicle Insertion: Delto-pectoral crest of HUMERUS Sternal Head: Origin: Ventro-lateral margin of sternum Insertion: Delto-pectoral crest of HUMERUS

  34. Pectoralis Major: Clavicular Head: Origin: inferior margin of clavicle Insertion: Greater tubercular crest of HUMERUS Innervation: Medial and lateral pectoral nerves

  35. Pectoralis Major: Sternal Head: DEPRESSOR, ADDUCTOR of humerus Origin: Ventro-lateral margin of sternum; costal cartilages 1-6 Insertion: Greater tubercular crest of HUMERUS Innervation: Medial and lateral pectoral nerves

  36. Pectoralis MINOR: Deep to Pec. Major Origin:Ribs 3-6. Insertion: Coracoid Process of Scapula Innervation: Function: Stabilization of scapula Positionally important for understanding location of other structures.

  37. Elevators Teres Major Origin: Lower edge of scapula Insertion: Lesser tubercular crest Action: Extends, Adducts & Medially rotates humerus Innervation: Lower scapular

  38. Elevators Subscapularis Origin: Deep surface of scapula Insertion: Lesser tubercle Action: Medially rotates humerus Innervation: Upper and lower scapular

  39. Internal View: Subscapularis

  40. Elevators Teres Minor Origin: Lower edge of scapula Insertion: Greater tubercle Action: Laterally rotates humerus Innervation: Axillary

  41. Teres Minor

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