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Invocation. Prayers said to the Muse for good luck. Troy. Odysseus spends 10 years fighting the Trojan War. He wins the war by using the Wooden Horse Trick. Cicones. Odysseus and his men kill the Cicones and capture some as prisoners. Odysseus wants

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  1. Invocation Prayers said to the Muse for good luck.

  2. Troy Odysseus spends 10 years fighting the Trojan War. He wins the war by using the Wooden Horse Trick.

  3. Cicones Odysseus and his men kill the Cicones and capture some as prisoners. Odysseus wants to leave, but his men want to stay. Overnight the Cicones bring in reinforcements on horseback and Odysseus looses six benches from every ship.

  4. Literary Terms “…Mount Neoion’s wind-blown robe of leaves…” Pg. 1047 line 22 Personification “…with dawn over that terrain like leaves and blades of spring…” Pg. 1048 line 54 Homeric Simile

  5. Lotus Eaters If you eat a lotus you don’t want to leave. Three of Odysseus’ men ate the lotus. They had to capture them and drag them back to the ship

  6. Cyclops Polyphemus (Cyclops, one-eyed monster), ate two of Odysseus’ men every meal, every day. Odysseus stabs the Cyclops eye out. Odysseus ties his men under the sheep to escape.

  7. HUBRIS Hubris is an important term to know in the epic— Definition—Excessive Pride/Arrogance Odysseus shows hubris throughout the entire epic--

  8. “…until a third Dawn came with ringlets shining…” Pg. 1048 Line 79 Personification

  9. “…a cavern yawning above the water…” Pg. 1050 Line 123 Personification

  10. “Next he took his seat and milked his bleating ewes. A practiced job he made of it, giving each ewe her suckling; thickened his milk, then, into curds and whey, sieved out the curds to drip in withy baskets…” Pg. 1052 Lines 188-192 Irony

  11. “…but in one stride he clutched at my companions and caught two in his hands like squirming puppies to beat their brains out, spattering the floor. Then he dismembered them and made his meal gaping and crunching like a mountain lion – everything: innards, flesh, and marrow bones.” Pg. 1053 Lines 233-238 Descriptive Writing

  12. “When the young Dawn with fingertips of rose lit up the world…” Pg. 1053 Ln. 252-253 Personification

  13. “…straight forward they sprinted, lifted it, and rammed it deep in his crater eye, and leaned on it turning it as a shipwright turns a drill in planking…” Pg. 1056 Lines 331-335 Homeric Simile

  14. “So with our brand we bored that great eye socket while blood ran out around the red- hot bar. Eyelid and lash were seared; the pierced ball hissed broiling, and the roots popped.” Pg. 1056 Lines 337- 340 Descriptive Writing

  15. “In a smithy one sees a white-hot axehead or an adze plunged and wrung in a cold tub, screeching steam – the way they make soft iron hale and hard-: just so that eyeball hissed around the spike.” Pg. 1056 Lines 341-344 Homeric Simile

  16. “Nohbdy, Nohbdy’s tricked me, Nohbdy’s ruined me!” Pg. 1057 Line 358 Irony/Pun

  17. “…death sat there huge…” Pg. 1057 Line 372 Personification

  18. “Sweet cousin ram, why lag behind the rest in the night cave?” You never linger……Can you be grieving over your Master’s eye?” Page 1059 Line 399-404 Dramatic Irony

  19. O’Cyclops! Would you have feast on my companions? Puny, am I, in a cave’s hand. How do you like the beating we gave you, you damned cannibal? Eater of guests under your roof! Zeus and the gods have paid you!” Page 1060 Lines 431-435 HUBRIS

  20. Cyclops, if ever a mortal man inquire how you were put to shame and blinded….tell him Odysseus, raider of cities, took your eye; Laertes son, whose home’s on Ithaca!” • Page 1062 Line 457-161 HUBRIS

  21. “Blue girdler of the island” Page 1062 Line 487 Epithet (Poseidon)

  22. “…grant the Odysseus, raider of cities, never see his home: Laertes son, I mean…” Page 1062 Line 484-492 Foreshadowing

  23. Land of Aeoli • King Aeolus (god of wind) gives Odysseus a gift sack that contains all the hurricane winds. His men believe it might be treasure and open the bag while Odysseus is asleep on the ship. The winds throw them off-course causing them to sail aimlessly for seven straight days.

  24. Land of the Laestrygonians (las-tro-go-nians)- These cannibals destroy ALL of Odysseus’ ships except for the one he is sailing on. He and his reduced crew race to escape.

  25. The Land of Aeaea (Witch Circe) At the Land of Aeaea, Witch Circe casts a spell on Odysseus’ men, turning them all into pigs. Hermes gives Odysseus some mole (to protect against the spell) and he goes to save his men. Odysseus spends several years with Circe until she tells him to go to the Land of the Dead to seek information from Tiresias (blind prophet)

  26. Land of the Dead Odysseus must sacrifice his best lamb to bring Tiresias from the dead. While he is making the sacrifice, Odysseus sees many spirits which include: Elpenor-who died in Circe’s hall Anticlea-Odysseus’ mother whom he did not know was dead until now. and finally Tiresias (Prince of Thebes)

  27. Land of the Dead continued Tiresias now offers the prophecies to Odysseus telling him what anguish lies ahead 1) Poseidon will continue to shake you from your track. (punishment for blinding Polyphemus) 2) On Thrinakia, your men will eat the sacred cattle, even though warned. 3) Odysseus will be sole survivor. 4) Odysseus will find trouble at home when he returns to Ithaca 5) Odysseus will kill all of the suitors to reclaim his kingdom—He KILLS ALL Suitors

  28. “eye of Helios….when he climbs the sky of stars….” Page 1064 Line 542-544 Personification

  29. Return to Land of Aeaea Odysseus returns to Circe’s island and she reveals the course he is to take and advice on how to handle danger: 1) Sirens—half bird/half woman (lure sailors to destruction) 2) Scylla-6 headed sea monster 3) Charybdis-violent maelstrom (whirlpool)

  30. The Sirens Odysseus is to listen to the luring music as he is tied down to the ship. His men are to avoid the music by putting beeswax in their ears. No men are lost here.

  31. Scylla and Charybdis Scylla devours one man for each head—therfore taking 6 of his men as they avoid the violent maelstrom, Charybdis.

  32. “the rock bellowing all around…” Page 1074 Lines 805-6 Personification

  33. “Then all at once the wind fell….” Page 1072 Line 702 Personification

  34. “A man surf-casting on a point rock for bass or mackerel, whipping his long rod to drop a sinker and the bait far out, will hook to catch a fish and rip it from the surface to dangle, wriggling through the air” Page 1075-1076 Lines 815-820 Homeric Simile

  35. The Cattle of the Sun God Odysseus and his crew land on Thrinakia and remain for one month. After being there for so long, they are tempted by the cattle and while Odysseus is asleep, they feast on Lord Helios’ cattle. Odysseus awakes and curses Zeus for allowing him to sleep during this disaster.

  36. Land of Thrinakia cont. Lord Helios prays to Zeus to punish Odysseus’ men by death. Odysseus loses the remainder of his men. Zeus strikes down the ship with a thunderbolt-killing them all-except for Odysseus

  37. “Better open your lungs to a big sea once for all than waste to skin and bones on a lonely island” Page 1077 Lines 876-889 Foreshadowing and Dramatic Irony

  38. “…just as Dawn with fingertips of rose touched the windy world…” Page 1076 Lines 833-34 Personification

  39. “…hunger drove them to scour the wild shore…”“Come, we’ll cut the noblest of these cattle…” Pages 1077 Lines 850-853 and Lines 868-875 FORESHADOWING

  40. “The storms continued Page 1077 Line 853 Storms in symbolic of Poseidon’s anger

  41. “There as the whirlpool drank the tide…” Page 1081 Lines 969-970 Personification

  42. “ …knifed the kine and flayed each carcass, cutting thighbones free to wrap in double folds of fat. These offerings…..were laid upon the fire.” Page 1077-78 Lines 885-890 Dramatic Irony

  43. Island of Oygyia (Calypso) Odysseus arrives on the island broken and battered. He remains here for seven years until Zeus sends Hermes to the island for his release. Odysseus is offered a ship that is destroyed by Poseidon, but with the help of Athena arrives safely on the next island.

  44. Island of the (Scheria) Phaecians Odysseus is accepted by King Alcinous and his court. He then tells his story to his people in order to be given a ship to get back to Ithaca.

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