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Unit3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

Unit3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Warming up. Section A. Do you agree? Or disagree?. Students should not be allowed to take mobile phones to school. Students should be allowed to do homework with friends.

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Unit3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

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  1. Unit3Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

  2. Warming up Section A

  3. Do you agree? Or disagree? • Students should not be allowed to take mobile phones to school.

  4. Studentsshould be allowed to do • homework with friends.

  5. 3. Students should not be allowed to go out at night.

  6. 4. Students should not be allowed to take part-time job.

  7. Listening (1b: P18) (插入声音) T 1.Anna can go to the mall with John. F 2.Anna wants to get her ears pierced. 3.Anna is allowed to choose her own clothes. T

  8. Listening text (插入声音) Woman: So, what are you doing this afternoon, Anna? Girl: I’m going to the mall with John. He just got his driver’s license. Woman: I’m sorry. You can’t go with John. I don’t think sixteen-year- olds should be allowed to drive.

  9. Girl: But I have to go to the mall. Gaby’s getting her ears pierced and I want to watch. Woman: I don’t think sixteen-year- olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. They might be sorry later.

  10. Girl: I agree, but it’s fun to watch. Is it OK if we take the bus? Woman: Well, I guess so. Girl: Great! I want to buy a new blouse at the mall, too. Woman: What kind are you going to buy? Maybe I should go with you.

  11. Girl: Aw, Mom. I’m not a child. I think teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Woman: Well, I just want to be sure you get something nice.

  12. Oral Practice (1c: P18) Sample dialogue 1:

  13. A: I think teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends. B: I agree. They are old enough. They can look after themselves well.

  14. Sample dialogue 2:

  15. A: I don’t think twelve-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. B: I agree. It’s too silly to wear earrings in the school.

  16. Sample dialogue 3:

  17. A: I think students should be allowed to do homework with their friends. B: I disagree. They talk instead of doing homework.

  18. Listening Practice (2a, 2b: P19) It looks cool. Young people need to sleep. He needs to spend time with friends. He needs time to do homework. It doesn’t look clean. 插入声音 4 1 5 2 3

  19. Listening text 插入声音 Molly: Larry is working late again tonight, Kathy. Kathy: I know, Molly. I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to work at night. Young people need to sleep.

  20. Molly: I disagree with you. Teenage boys never get tired. Kathy: Well, maybe. But Larry shouldn’t work every night. Molly: Oh, I agree. He needs time to do homework. Kathy: You know. Molly… he should really cut his hair.

  21. Molly: Oh, I don’t know. Do you think it’s too long? Kathy: Yes, I do. It doesn’t look clean. And I think he should stop wearing that silly earring. Molly: Oh, I disagree. I kind of like it. It looks cool!

  22. Kathy: You know what worries me-- Larry doesn’t seem to have many friends. Molly: Yeah, I know .I think he shouldn’t work on weekends. Kathy: Oh I agree, Molly. He needs to spend time with friends. Molly: Like you and me? Kathy: Maybe.

  23. Explanation 1. sixteen-year-olds十六岁的青少年 它相当于一个名词,等于sixteen – year- old kids. “一个16岁青少年的表达方式” a kid of sixteen a kid of sixteen years old a sixteen-year-old kid

  24. 2. stop doing 停止做某事 He should stop wearing that silly earrings. We two stopped talking. 我们俩个停止了谈话。

  25. 3. 主+seem to do sth. 好像 His temperature seems to be all right. 他的体温好像完全正常。 seem的其他用法: (1) seem+形容词 The question seems quite easy. 那个问题好像很容易。

  26. (2) seem+名词 That seems a good idea. 那好像是个好主意。 (3) It seems + that 从句 It seemed that nobody knew anything about the matter. 看来没有人知道这件事。

  27. Pairwork (2c: P19) Sample dialogue 1: A: Do you think teenagers should be allowed to have mobile phones? B: Yes. It’s convenient for students and their parents to communicate with each other.

  28. Sample dialogue 2: A: Do you think teenagers should be allowed to have mobile phones? B: No, I don’t think so. Perhaps students pay more attention to short messages than to their studies.

  29. Sample dialogue 3: A: Do you think teenagers should be allowed to have a trip by themselves? B: Yes, I do. They may ask some travel agencies to help them.

  30. Grammar focus (P19) Sentence structure: “sb. + should / should not + be allowed to do ...” 1.我认为应该允许16岁的孩子开车。 I think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.

  31. 2. 我不同意,我认为16岁这个年纪太年轻了。 I disagree . I think sixteen is too young. 3.你认为应该允许13岁的孩子们做兼职工作吗? Do you think thirteen-year-olds should be allowed to take part-time jobs ?

  32. 4.安娜可以选择自己的衣服。 Anna is allowed to wear her own clothes. 5.那个年龄的他们不够稳重。 They are not serious enough at that age.

  33. 6. -你家有什么规定吗? -噢,我在周一至周五不能外出。 -What rules do you have at home ? -Well , I’m not allowed to go out on school nights.

  34. Reading (3a: P20) 1. Can Sun Fei go out on school nights? No, she can’t. 2. Can Sun Fei study at a friend’s house? Yes, she can. 3. Who is allowed to go to the movies with friends on Friday? Both Sun Fei and Wu Yu.

  35. 4. Does Sun Fei have to be home by 10:00 p.m? Yes, she does. 5. What isn’t Wu Yu allowed to do? She isn’t allowed to get her ears pierced.

  36. Explanation 1. So do we So do we为倒装句, 其结构是So + be 动词/助动词/情态动词+主语, 在时态上应和上一句保持一致。应翻译为“我们也是这样”, 用英文解释是: We have a lot of rules at my house, too.

  37. 2. on school nights , on Friday nights , on Saturday afternoons. 我们在说某个具体的,特定的早晨、下午、晚上时应用on.

  38. Pairwork (3b: P20) Sample dialogue 1: A: What rules do you have at home? B: Well, I’m not allowed to go out on school nights. How about you? A: I’m not allowed to go out on school nights, either. But I can study at a friend’s house.

  39. Sample dialogue 2: A: I have a lot of rules at my house. B: So do I. Can you go to the movies with friends on Friday nights? A: Yes. But I have to be home by 10:00 pm. B: Me, too.

  40. Sample dialogue 3: A: Do you have lots of rules at home? B: Yes, of course. Only on Saturday afternoon can I go shopping with my friends. A: That’s nice.

  41. B: And I can choose my own clothes, but I can’t get my ears pierced. And what about you? A: I’m not so lucky as you.

  42. Section B

  43. 1a Do you ever get to school late? Do you ever study with friends? Do you ever finish test early? Do you ever worry that you’ll fail a test? How often do you do these things? S S N A

  44. Pairwork (1b: P21) Sample dialogue 1: A: Do you ever get to class late? B: Yes, I sometimes get to class late. Sample dialogue 2: A: Do you ever worry that you’ll fail a test?

  45. B: Yes, I always worry about that. Sample dialogue 3: A: Do you ever forget to do your homework? B: Oh, no. I never forget to do my homework.

  46. Listening (2a, 2b: P21) 插入声音 1. Peter is going to… 2. He isn’t allowed to… 3. Peter wasn’t allowed to… 4. He could… 5. He should be allowed to… c e a b d

  47. Listening text (插入声音) Man: What’s the matter, Peter? Boy: I think I’m going to fail a math test, Dad. Man: You are? Why? Boy: Well, I missed the bus and I had to walk to school. Man: So?

  48. Boy: I’m not allowed to get to class late, and there was a big test today. Man: And you weren’t allowed to take the test? Boy: That’s right. But I know I could pass that test. Man: Well, Peter, the school has to have rules, you know.

  49. Boy: I know. But I should be allowed to take the test later. It’s not fair. Man: I agree. Maybe you could talk to the teacher after school. Boy: Yeah. Maybe if I explain what happened, she’ll understand.

  50. Reading (3a: P22) 1. What do the students in this article think about the school uniforms? The students think the uniforms are ugly. 2. What kind of clothes do they usually wear?

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