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Planning. Presented By: Tracy Johnson, Central CAPT. 1. Key Principles of the SPF. Based on a public health approach Focused on outcomes-based prevention Widens the scope to population-based prevention

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  1. Planning Presented By: Tracy Johnson, Central CAPT 1

  2. Key Principles of the SPF Based on a public health approach Focused on outcomes-based prevention Widens the scope to population-based prevention Follows a strategic planning process that uses epidemiological data throughout the process to drive decision-making 3

  3. SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework Steps Cultural Competence & Sustainability Assessment Evaluation Capacity Implementation Planning 4

  4. Planning Involves: Creating a logic model Developing a comprehensive, logical, and data-driven plan to address: The problem(s) and related risk and protective factors and other underlying conditions Gaps in resources and capacity Further identification of risk and protective factors and other underlying conditions The selection of strategies that will impact the risk and protective factors and other underlying conditions and the problem 5

  5. SPF Logic Model for Reducing High Risk Drinking 18-25 Consequence/ ConsumptionPatterns Risk and Protective Factors Strategies Social norms accepting and/or encouraging underage drinking Media advocacy to increase community concern about underage drinking Young Adult Binge Drinking Social marketing

  6. SPF Logic Model for Reducing High Risk Drinking 18-25 Consequence/ Consumption Patterns Strategies Risk & Protective Factors Low perceived risk of alcohol Media advocacy to increase community concern Social norms accepting and/or encouraging underage drinking Social marketing Young Adult Binge Drinking Enforce underage retail sales law Low enforcement Easy social access Social event monitoring and enforcement Young Adult Drinking and Driving Parental Monitoring/ Family Cohesion Parentaleducation Promotion and pricing Restrictions on alcohol advertising Availability of screening/early intervention Early Intervention

  7. Goals Goals are the long-term measurable changes that you are trying to achieve based on your needs and resources assessment & the state- identified priorities.

  8. Example of a Logic Model - Goals Goal Objectives Strategies Activities Outcomes There is a decrease in underage drinking by 14-18 year olds

  9. Objectives Objectives are the specific, measurable results that you plan to achieve with specific strategies. They serve as the basis by which to evaluate your initiative: A good objective includes Who or what is to change a date by when the change will be accomplished describes how much change you hope to see whether that indicator will increase or decrease who will be affected

  10. Example of a Logic Model - Objectives Goal Objectives Strategies Activities Outcomes Retail Availability By June 2008 a 15% decrease in the number of youth who gain access to alcohol through retail establishments There is a decrease in underage drinking in 14-18 year olds

  11. Additional Sample Objective Retail Availability By June 2008, there will be a 25% increase in number of clerks that check IDs in retail establishments that sell alcohol By June 2008, there will be a 50% increase in retail clerks who know how to identify fake IDs in retail establishments that sell alcohol

  12. Example of a Logic Model - Strategies GoalObjectivesStrategies Activities Outcomes There is a decrease in underage drinking among 14-18 year olds in the community of Lincoln Retail Availability By June 2008 a 15% decrease in the number of youth who gain access to alcohol through retail establishments Merchant Education Compliance Checks Shoulder Taps

  13. Selecting Prevention Strategies Key Questions How will the selected strategies address the risk and protective factors and objectives identified in the assessment process? Are the strategies evidence-based? What other strategies/programs exist in your community to address the identified problem? Can the strategies selected achieve your desired outcomes? 14

  14. Sample Criteria for Selecting Strategies Effectiveness Matching strategy/program requirements with agency capacities Resources Cultural assumptions Target population Organizational climate Community climate Evaluability Future sustainability Source: CSAP’s Northeast CAPT. (2004). Enriching Prevention Using Evidence Based Practices Retrieved July , 2003. 15

  15. Selecting Best Fit Prevention Interventions Identify Types of Strategies Select Specific Programs, Practices & Policies Best Fit Prevention Interventions Ensure Effectiveness Demonstrate Evidence of Effectiveness Demonstrate Practical Fit Demonstrate Conceptual Fit Relevant? Practical? Effective? 16

  16. Activities Activities are the specific steps and actions that are necessary to implement each strategy

  17. Example of a Logic Model - Activities GoalObjectivesStrategies Activities Outcomes There is a decrease in underage drinking among 14-18 year olds in the community of Lincoln Retail Availability By June 2008 a 15% decrease in the number of youth who gain access to alcohol through retail establishments Merchant Education - Determine content of program -Determine incentives -Assess who to train, barriers to training -Outreach to merchants

  18. Short-Term Outcomes What are the measurable changes you expect to see in the identified risk and projective factors (i.e. objectives) Outcomes should contain the following elements: What will change? For Whom? By how much (magnitude of change) By when (what time period) will the change occur?

  19. Example of a Logic Model - Activities GoalObjectivesStrategies Activities Short-term Outcomes There is a decrease in underage drinking among 14-18 year olds in the community of Lincoln Retail Availability By June 2008 a 15% decrease in the number of youth who gain access to alcohol through retail establishments Merchant Education - Determine content of program -Determine incentives -Assess who to train, barriers to training -Outreach to merchants Compliance among merchants will increase by 30% by 2008 as measured compliance rate checks

  20. Long-Term Outcomes Describe the extent of the change (the percentage of increase or decrease) you hope for; Identify the target population or group you want to impact; Specify the behavior, condition, or knowledge you hope to change; and, Include a timeframe in which the change can be expected.

  21. Example of a Logic Model - Activities GoalObjectivesStrategies Activities Short-term Long-term Outcomes Outcomes There is a decrease in underage drinking among 14-18 year olds in the community of Lincoln Retail Availability By June 2008 a 15% decrease in the number of youth who gain access to alcohol through retail establishments Merchant Education -Determine content of program -Determine incentives -Assess who to train, barriers to training -Outreach to merchants Compliance among merchants will increase by 30% by 2008 as measured Compliance rates checks A decrease in 30 day use among youth ages 14-18 as measured by the YRBS

  22. Guiding Principles related to planning • Cultural Competency • Sustainability • Participatory Involvement • Continuous Quality Improvement You are to add the four guiding principles here.

  23. Cultural Competence and Planning Cultural Competence: “A set of behaviors, attitudes and policies that come together in a system, agency, or program or among individuals, enabling them to function effectively in diverse cultural interactions and similarities within, among, and between groups.” Sources: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

  24. Culturally Competent Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Activities, & Evidence Based Approaches • How do we ensure that cultural awareness exists in effective program planning? • How do the decisions made by the planning process directly affect people’s lives? • How would you involve your priority population in their development?

  25. Culturally Competent Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Activities ■ Is the process reflective of the interests of the priority population? ■What are some of the cultural beliefs and attitudes towards prevention and how may they be different in diverse sub-populations? ■Do they account for cultural elements such as language, attitudes, rites of passage, gender roles, values, norms, customs, etc? ■Are there cultural considerations that need to be considered in the adaptation and tailoring of evidence-based approaches?

  26. Elements of sustainability in SPF step 3 Planning • What elements of sustainability are present in step 3 • How do we know if those elements are present (what indicators might be present) >>>What are some guiding questions…

  27. Action areas for SPF step 3 Planning … 1. Structures and Formal Linkages 2. Policies and Procedures 3. Resources 4. Expertise 5. Quality and Accountability 6. Effectiveness (step 3) 7. Reach and Alignment (step 3) 8. Relationships 9. Champions 10. Ownership

  28. Guiding questions • Does the strategy address problems identified through the data-driven process? • Does the strategy match the characteristics of the target population? • What, if anything, needs to be done to increase alignment between the needs of the target population and the strategies implemented to address these needs?

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